Today, the fence is on fire. Seeing this, it's even worse.

"Look at these people. What kind of things do they do? They are still your subordinates. Now they are all like this. Look, they still put you in their eyes. Aimeng is so deceiving that he has gone too far. "

This naturally ignited Mo Yanke's anger. Looking at the man outside the window, he looked very dangerous.

"Get out of the way, it's none of your business. This is my home. I'll go in as soon as I say. Don't you listen to me? "

The man shrunk his shoulders and said bitterly. "Boss, now it's my sister-in-law who gives us the salary. If we receive money, we can only do our duty. We really can't let it in. If we neglect today, I will be punished. When my sister-in-law blames me, what shall we do? "

Mo Yanke opened the car door, extended his long leg and kicked it.

"Get out of the way. I'm the master of this family. Don't forget, don't be so presumptuous."

The man was kicked back and fell to the ground, but he could only cover his stomach in pain and stand up and said with a low brow.

, "boss, sister in law said that the house was registered under her name, so she has the final say, even if you can't be like this, and your sister-in-law said, if you insist on this, sister in law said," you don't even have to come in. " You can go out, too. You don't have to be here. This is what my sister-in-law said, so we can only follow what she said. "

Mo Yan was so angry that his fists began to bang.

"Ai Meng is so arrogant, Mo Yanke. If you let her go again, be careful that she doesn't pay any attention to you. What's the matter with you like this?" he said

Licked the lip that licked to begin to have haemorrhage sign again, the hedge falls ache of wrinkly eyebrow, but still endure pain to continue to say Ah, Ke, do you know that Aimeng won't put you in her eyes when you look like this? She does things like this. It's really that. At that time, you really don't have the right to speak about everything. "

"It's really deceiving. Are you sure you won't get out of the way?"

"Boss, it's really not that we don't want to get out of the way, and we can't help it. Don't embarrass us. We can't afford it when something happens. We are helpless when something like this happens."

Mo Yan and Ke Tieqing's face turned blue. It seems that he is about to burst out. It seems that he is just a tight string. If he is not careful, he will be on the verge of breaking out.

"Ah, Ke, how can you Let her Climb to your Head up. She's too much, too much. How can she not put you in her eyes like that? She can't let me in, but you are the master of that family. Why don't you go in? How can she be like that? "

This seems to have completely angered Mo Yanke. He ordered the man on duty at once.

"You, call AIMUN and ask her to come out and see me!"

His tone was filled with deep disgust and even a murmur of exasperation.

"It's really against her. I really feel that I'm really great without suffering. Now even I won't let me in. What do I want to do?"

The fence fell and immediately fell. That's great. We'll be able to clean up Aimeng soon. Besides, it's right in front of this house. At that time, she will let Aimeng lose face and become infamous. It's acting. She's very good at it. She can do that in front of Mo Yanke, so can she.

The duty officer back, but immediately poured cold water on her head.

"My sister-in-law has gone out, but she hasn't come back yet."

"What. She's out. She hasn't come back yet. It's impossible. " The fence fell and screamed first. The feeling of instant failure of hope was like falling from high altitude to the bottom of the earth. The feeling was so uncomfortable that she could drive her crazy.

"She's out."

She was so excited that she forgot her red and swollen face and her cracked mouth. Unexpectedly, she went out at such a good opportunity. It's hard to let Mo Yanke's anger appear, but she actually went out. She was really angry. How can I get out.

She let out a hissing air conditioner. Because of emotional excitement, let the injury on his face more severe, more pain.

Mo Yanke comforted immediately. "All right, don't get excited."

She covered her face and couldn't say what she had suffered. She began to scold Aimeng's ancestors for 18 generations. This woman must have been afraid to hide. She was afraid that Mo Yanke would come back to find her, so she hid first. It must be like this.

Mo Yan and Ke daili asked her what she didn't finish.

"Why hasn't she come back. I've been out for so long and haven't come back. "

The person on duty said he didn't know. How could they know. It's impossible for them to know such a thing. It's the boss's business. They are just people who stay here. How can they know so much? So it's in vain to ask them."She has never come back since she left the house."

"Yes, never came back."

"Where can she go?" Mo Yanke murmured and asked. "Driving for her, isn't it Xiao Zhang?" Because if we calculate the time, it's almost the same. It's a little time since he just stayed at the fence. If it's Xiao Zhang, then his technology should have arrived long ago.

"Yes." The duty officer answered.

Mo Yanke, with a gloomy face, took out his cell phone and dialed. After the phone was connected, he asked angrily.

"Where are you now, AIMUN?"

After listening for a while, he became angry and scolded directly.

"Smelly woman."

Again. "When will she be back?"

Don't know what to say on the other end of the phone, Mo Yanke angrily scolded "rubbish", and hung up the phone. It looks like I'm mad at the moment. This man should be angry, and soon die, it seems that this thing really irritated this man, she was a burst of joy, wish this kind of thing happened more and more serious.

Li Luo immediately looked over curiously, eagerly pulled Mo Yanke's sleeve, endured the pain, and asked with a twisted face.

"What's the matter?"

Mo Yanke looks angry.

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