Even though Liu Shen knows all this, he still doesn't act rashly. Although it's not clear who the caller is, some things may already be known.

But the man didn't understand the reason, but he understood that the man was Jing Hao. Now he changed his identity and held an Italian passport. All his life was forged perfectly. Except for his face and name, everything else had changed. He knows that he is Jing Hao, but what's the use of this.

He can't make any action at all. Even if the face and the name of someone else haven't changed, how can you move? The identity behind someone else is so loud that it can't be moved at all.

What's more, now he is the favorite of the upper class.

His past is not good, but now, what he does in China is legal and legitimate. What's the reason for him to report this man? Moreover, the power of this man is still very strong. He can take root in the place where there are many gangs in Italy and become the leader of a region. This shows that this man's ability is extraordinary.

It's impossible to underestimate, and even to do so even after breaking away from such an organization. It can be seen that this man's ability is powerful in the end.

As soon as Jinghao came back, he was afraid that this man would come back for revenge. However, this man has not come to provoke him, the performance is very regular. This should prove some thoughts in his mind. At the beginning, he united with the people of the police station to carry his nest. Maybe it's not that he is capable enough, but that everything is controlled by a powerful person behind his back.

There is a mysterious force operating quietly. He wanted to investigate carefully, but at that time Liu Jiazheng and Mo Jiazheng had a bad relationship, so he couldn't focus on it.

Jinghao, if he wants to let go of the past, he will never provoke him. After all, now that he has changed his status, what happened in those years has ended there. Therefore, he is not afraid of gossip at all.

Moreover, although the person who died in the hospital in those years was a relative of their Liu family, he was only a relative. Because of such things, he was angry and angry. After all, things have been going on for so many years. When everything is peaceful, if you still insist on doing something, you are looking for your own death The road.

He's not stupid.

Now with the Mo family is the key time, can't make a little bit of any mistakes.

Compared with the assassination of a relative, the collapse of the Liu family was more serious. This kind of priorities, he was more careful.

He didn't want to set up more enemies. There was no need. It's an eventful time.

With Jinghao's current power, he has to be afraid of whether he is connected with any terrorist organization. He needs to think about the safety of his family.

So, Jinghao, he doesn't want to offend or can't offend. No one knows how that man got up and what happened in the past five years. The Liu family has some skills, but it's not strong enough to compete with that kind of organization.

As if we didn't know each other, as if we didn't know the existence of this person at all.

But after being hung up, the fence was completely covered.

What's going on? It's not right. Why, things are different from what she imagined. She once again felt as depressed as yesterday morning, that is, she excitedly ran to teach Aimeng, but fell empty, just ran for nothing. On Liu Shen's side, she was so excited to get to this point and made this call, but the reply she received was empty and pitiful.

What the old guy was thinking.

Two shot, but were mercilessly flapped, let her whole person anxious to fierce. She couldn't help scratching her hair. In a bad mood, she really wanted to take a gun and kill Jinghao, and then AI Meng. And damn Liu Shen, what is that? She's old and still pretending there. She stayed up for a few hours and called him. He was so indifferent and indifferent to her. He didn't appreciate her for providing him with information. At last, he hung up on her. It's amazing that the local government looks down on people.

It's damned. Everybody's damned. All can die.

Once again, the fence fell into hysterical rage. She didn't sleep all night, so she was in a bad mental state and her brain was about to explode. Now, she didn't get what she wanted, and she was more manic like a madman, hopping around the room, opening her teeth and paws. She was so angry that she wanted to catch Aimeng now, beat him hard, then use Aimeng as bait, and then bully Jinghao Yes, it's only imaginary. It can't be real at all.

So she can only be angry to smash off the pillow on one side, and then throw it to the ground.

What she didn't know was that her crazy scene completely fell into the remote monitor, and then was sent to Liu Shen's computer as a fresh breakfast.Liu Shen has been sending people to stare at this woman and all the people around Mo Yanke these days, hoping to get some clues from her contacts with Mo Yanke, so as to solve his confusion.

Mo Yanke sent people to watch him, but he didn't dare to be too close. Mo Yan Ke's villa, too predictable, high-end equipment, not to mention the people inside, vigilance is too strong, close, was found to be a trouble. The people he had sent out before had been found out. He wasted a lot of energy and ran away in a hurry without causing any trouble. So now, his people can only stare at him from afar, but basically, there is no harvest.

Because the distance is too far, on the contrary, we can't see it, and we have no harvest at all.

Mo Yanke's work and rest are regular, and the fence is also very regular. He basically doesn't do anything at night, so there's nothing to pay attention to. Therefore, he thought that today, as in the past, there was no fresh material.

But apparently, the surprise came.

Last night, there was an accident in the villa where the fence was. It seemed that some people came in. Then, there were more people around the villa. Those people are all caused by Mo Yanke. They should be responsible for the safety of the villa. As for the intruder, it is most likely Jing Hao.

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