"It doesn't matter. I know what I said just now may be hard for you to digest. But it doesn't matter. I can give you time to think about it. After all, it has a big relationship. Anyway, you know, as long as I marry you, I can't live with Aimeng. I wanted to see you last night, But she quarrels with me and smashes me with things. There's no way to live this life. But I'm also worried about my uncle. I hope he can come out early. My uncle is my closest relative, so I don't want anything to happen to him. "

Mo Yanke finished, and then just sat like this, looking not in a hurry, sitting there slowly waiting.

After a long time, the fence seems to understand, opened the mouth.

"Ah, Ko, you have to believe in US and me. I can't do anything against you." She tried to persuade. Because what he said just now is really a bit risky, although some words are very useful to her. Just those words, I will marry you. If there is any deception in this matter, he will even ask a lawyer to notarize this kind of thing. If there is any, he will even transfer all the property under his name to her name, For her, it was a very attractive thing.

But for their organization, it's not like this. For their organization, as long as they see the result, they don't care about the process. The final result is that they have to ask Mo Yanke to join the organization before they can take action. Therefore, this kind of thing is quite tangled.

After thinking for a while, he continued to say to Mo Yanke, "ah Ke, I know that you are worried about it. You think the accusation of treason is too big. But you can rest assured that such a thing will only be kept secret forever, and no information will be disclosed. So I hope you don't have any worries. I understand what you just said, but I still hope you can believe me. "

But Mo Yanke shook his head and grasped her hand. "Li Luo, you have to think about me and our future. I've thought about this plan for many times, and I think it's very beneficial and feasible for both sides. Please communicate with the people above you. As long as this plan is reached, then not everything is easy to deal with. "

In fact, she was very excited about what Mo Yanke said just now, because Mo Yanke proposed to get married. She got married as soon as she rescued her uncle, which made her short of breath for a moment, and then her brain was a little dizzy. Mo Yanke said these words, she thought so long, in fact, more around this point. This temptation is really too big for her. Moreover, Mo Yanke is sincere enough. If she breaks the contract, she will give her all her property. Even if there is no mo Yanke, she will become a rich person and live a life of absolute superior. Not everyone can get such a thing.

She's, really, really, really.

But Mo Yanke said again. "This is my biggest concession. Let me join you now. It's impossible. I'm a businessman. I won't gamble my life on the uncertain future. Even if it's a gamble, I have to see what the gamble looks like and what the final result looks like. If I win, I'll do whatever it takes. But if I make such a decision, I won't get any benefits or even lose my life Then I will never do such a thing. As I said just now, if you agree, we will sign a contract as soon as possible to rescue my uncle. If you don't agree, let me know the result in one day. I'll try to rescue my uncle in another way. I think, with all my property and most of the Mo family's financial resources, although I can't let my uncle come out as he is, I'm sure he won't be short of arms and legs. My uncle's contribution to this country is all there. Even if they do absolutely, it's impossible for them to say that they will kill him. There will certainly be no such thing. "

This statement is absolutely powerful, which also shows that Mo Yanke's mind has been determined at the moment. If you want to say anything, it is futile. Therefore, after showing that his heart is always with Mo Yanke and that he will do his best to help him and fight for him, Li Luo said that he will contact his superior as soon as possible.

When Mo Yanke got this kind of information, he knew that this woman had been surrounded by his words. If this woman could go and talk to her superiors, it would be successful in all probability. Just like last time, she would try her best to do everything. So when he realized this, he immediately went away, indicating that he would go to work for mo , leaving space for this woman. Give her time to think about these things.

It's better to have a good result, and it's also better for this woman to be able to understand. Don't be silly to do some bad things. Otherwise, his endurance is limited, and it can't be that all things are like this..

As soon as Mo Yanke left, he was in a hurry and immediately contacted his superior. Because this matter is still of great importance. It is mo Yanke who has slowed down his attitude. It is also a matter of moderation.

As a result of the final contact, state s agreed to Mo Yanke's proposal. However, the lawyers employed in the agreement were appointed by state s. They appointed a lawyer who was very authoritative in China, and unilaterally wrote the content of the agreement, which was changed by Mo Yanke. After looking at it, Mo Yanke made a small part of the amendment, and then passed the agreement back. After reading it, I confirmed that there was no more objection from both sides, so I signed the contract. One is mo Yanke and the other is Li Luo. If Mo Yanke has something, then the biggest beneficiary is Li Luo. It's right to look like this.It seems that it is a very proud thing. It seems that there is no flaw in this matter, and both sides can benefit from it.

But in fact, only Mo Yanke himself knew that he would never make himself suffer. He is not someone else, but Mo Yanke, so he is the only one who counts other people's share, and no one else counts him. But since this matter is so smooth, it also saves a lot of things.

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