Without the protection of Robinson, Mo Yanke can become bigger and stronger. He feels like a fierce tiger and no one dares to provoke him. However, the big tree of Robson fell down, and Mo Yanke, who was short of protection, regained his true colors. He had the title of king of the mountains, but he was just a tiger cub. He had no explosive power or attack power at all.

More media comments are even more unbearable, saying that Mo Yanke's strength is only based on Robinson. In other words, anyone with such strong backing will become the second Mo Yanke. Will become a myth, that is to say, the previous reports about how powerful he is are all empty.

Mo Yanke is vulnerable at all. No wonder he has been under house arrest. Mo Yanke has no reaction up to now. I'm afraid it's not that he has no reaction, but that he can't.

Because it can't do any practical action at all.

In the end, even if I went up to this position, there was no reaction at all.

Now Mo Yanke is the real Mo Yanke.

Mo Yanke, without the protection of a big tree, is the most real one.

Perhaps this is the end of Mo Yanke's myth.

Such reports are very unfavorable to Mo's, which is a blow to the market's investment confidence in Mo's. Mo's performance, has entered a state of loss. I don't know which internal staff spread the multiple economic data reports of Morse on the Internet, which cooled the hearts of many investors who are still struggling to maintain confidence in Morse.

What's the matter.

That's almost the deficit of Manjianghong. It's really frightening. Even the stock has fallen a lot.

In order to get rid of being dragged to death by Mo's ship, on and off, some units cooperating with Mo's company and its subsidiaries have indicated that they want to terminate their contracts with mo.

The situation is very bad for Morse.

The so-called beauty is a disaster. It's really like this.

Several media even said that Mo Yanke chose to talk with his wife at this time, and even heard that he wanted to divorce by agreement, which was very unwise and stupid. I don't know how, is mo Yanke's brain so funny that he made such a decision.

has on the upgrade of his wife, at least, now his business will be awesome, and AI dream has a certain simplicity in stock market. The stock market of Chung ho hospital has been able to recover in such a short time. That is because the circle of friends that is in charge of the hospital is strong enough to support it.

Originally, if Mo Yanke didn't do such stupid behavior, he would be able to stabilize the majority of shareholders, and would not let Mo's assets suddenly shrink so much because of his failure in the stock market.

Even, because Mo Yanke insists on going his own way and wants to be with the woman who can't see any ability, that woman is nothing. At the beginning of the dinner party, he already knew that she was a woman who couldn't get on the stage.

At this time, all the people chose to stand on the side of Aimeng rather than Mo Yanke. What's more, many Ren, including Mo Yanke's friends and brothers, unexpectedly made a statement at the same time to express their support for Aimeng. That means that if Mo Yanke really wants to do it, then we can be rude to you.

But even so, Mo Yanke still goes his own way. It's not even easy to avoid suspicion.

People outside are saying that this woman, this beauty, is really going to hurt Mo Yanke.

This man, who was born and divorced, can be regarded as Xu Niang. By some means, he charmed Mo Yanke and made him abandon his wife, which aroused the disgust of many people. It's not the identity of an ex girlfriend, it's not the first love, it's necessary to make it like this; it's all the past years. What feelings can stand the test of so much time, ten years ah, have broken up, this decade's feelings, what can be.

Businessmen have no sense of responsibility for their families. How much sense of responsibility can they have for business? Who can do business with you safely.

Therefore, some media said that, in the end, the charm of mature women is too strong, can fascinate people. Mo Yanke is also a hero who is sad about the beauty pass. When he loses the chain at the critical moment, he only uses his lower body to think, but his upper brain is not enough. Therefore, he foolishly reforms the company, and he foolishly goes his own way on the premise that he knows that the reform is not going to work.

As for Aimeng, they all have a pity attitude. They all think that this little woman is too miserable to be bullied this time, but they still don't say anything.

Just a person is silent over there, but he doesn't say anything. From what happened to now, Aimeng hasn't made any statement from the beginning to the end.

In the end, I was angry, so my heart may be more sad, so at the same time, everyone stood beside this woman, thinking, is not young, will be bullied.All the people are bullying these people.

In a word, gossip magazine reports that Mo Yanke is going to become a fatuous king because of the falling fence, destroying Mo's family and losing his country. It seems that no matter how wise a man is, he will always be defeated by a woman.

It seems that the collapse of Mo's building is just around the corner. Everyone is preparing to watch the joke.

A lot of people are rubbing their hands and waiting to attack as soon as they fall down. To divide.

When most people are not good-looking to Mo, there is one person who is deeply worried.

Liu Shen felt that he did not understand. Is he old, some can't understand these things.

At a very early age, he had dealt with Mo Yanke and had a profound insight into Mo Yanke's deep arrogance. He knows a little about his methods. However, only one or two of them were enough to let him know the strength of this man. Therefore, in dealing with Mo Yanke, he has been careful and prepared for so many years.

Mo's is under siege now, and its performance is bound to be affected. The downfall of Lawson will also bring a big blow to Mo's family. These are all in his expectation. But Mo Yanke is still Mo Yanke, but when he does it, he feels elusive.

He didn't believe some of the newspaper reports.

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