Now his wife has been taken away. In the hands of the kidnappers, his whereabouts are unknown, and even his life and death are unknown. He can't care any more.

All his glory, all his persistence, are not worth his wife's life. He could do anything to save her. Including being like a hostile suitor of your own. He can do anything like this as long as Mo Yanke agrees to save people.

It's no big deal. Just ask. It's no big deal!

The cold voice without any emotion came from the mobile phone.

"With your friendship, I shouldn't go. You say, what's the reason for me to save your wife? Don't forget who was behind the funny means. You and I have a hostile relationship. You shouldn't look at me uncomfortable."

Liu Shen suddenly felt a pain in his heart and almost spewed out a mouthful of blood. Do you really want to be so deceiving!

Staring at the mobile phone, he couldn't say a word for a long time, but his eyes were a little fierce. He is not staring at the mobile phone, but through the mobile phone, staring at the arrogant man, as if trying to kill a person with his eyes.

Mo Yanke, in the end, he was a bit too deceiving. Now he is pleading with him so much that he still has such an arrogant attitude.

Calling the name angrily and bitterly, Liu Shen clenched his fist.

But Mo Yanke has a later remark: "Liu Shen, think about it carefully and answer my last question. Do you want me to go?"

Do you want me to go.

It seems that whether he wants to come or not has to be approved by Liu Shen. Of course, he would like him to come. What nonsense is he asking.

Can people like Mo Yanke ask nonsense. Specially remind the "think hard", can say no deep meaning.

Do you want me to go. But don't look at just a few words, these two words have deep meaning.

Liu Shen chewed this sentence, but in the end he was helpless. After all, this man has made himself anxious.

He understood what Mo Yanke meant. Mo Yanke didn't have to use it. He even rejected it contemptuously from the beginning because of the hatred between the two families. But in the end, he gave himself the choice. Mo Yanke will come, but when he comes, he will owe him. Mo Yanke is reminding himself that this kindness, at a higher level, can completely repay the original hatred between the two families. Do you want to accept it or not. If he accepts, he will come. If he doesn't accept it, he won't come.

This kind of choice forced to make a decision is really Mo Yanke's style. This is mo Yanke. In his mind, Mo Yanke is not at a loss. He can't do anything to make himself at a loss, because that's definitely not his character. He is good at seizing any favorable opportunity. It's just like him that makes people feel that he is so difficult to deal with!

But he can't answer these words. How can he answer these words? How can he answer these words? Some things don't matter if he says one or two words.

However, Mo Yanke's words have been shelved. If he does not agree to these things today, he will not come, because now the decision is in his hands.

As long as he says a word, Mo Yanke will be able to respond immediately. Such a thing seems too simple. As long as he says, come on, his wife will be saved. But what about the deep resentment between the Liu family and the Mo family? He still wants to suppress Mo Yanke and the mo family.

Should all these things be written off, but Mo Yanke meant that.

Too egotistical.

But Liu Shen agreed.

Eyebrows heavily jump, also in the heart should be. Because there is no alternative, because there is no way, there is no way for things to develop like this.

He knows that Mo Yanke is definitely not a living man. He is more shrewd than himself..

At this moment, their mood is too complicated.

AI Meng told Liu Yan that Mo Yanke assured her that he would never touch their family. These days, as AI Meng said, Mo Yanke has fought back, but he has never touched the Liu family. This man's commitment to keep, let them shame. Now, after completely finding out that he didn't like the Liu family, he came here. His mind, which is comparable to that of "a prime minister can pull a boat in his belly", has to be admired. And although that sentence has deep meaning, at least the decision is in his hands, he is active, not passive.

Liu Shen's eyes flashed, and his expression was momentary. But soon, he straightened his face, straightened his body, and his eyes became sharp again. Next, there is a tough battle to fight, he needs absolute concentration.

Under the constant instructions of the kidnappers, he almost walked around half of city B. After three hours of driving, normal people should feel tired, although his body is strong, but also inevitably have a trace of fatigue.

But as soon as the car arrived at the designated destination, the kidnapper quickly called to ask him to get off, he immediately sat up like a cheetah, his eyes lit up instantly, and he recovered."Where's my wife?" Liu Shen asked.

"Get out of the car and walk a hundred meters. I'll show you your wife, but during this period, you don't want to act rashly."

"Let me see my wife first, or I won't get out of the car."

"What are you talking about? If you want to get out of the car, you don't want your wife to live. If you don't cooperate, your wife will die immediately. "

Because Liu Shen has always been too obedient, so the kidnappers are naturally bossed up. But at this final juncture, Liu Shen will never be so good. He will let them play around. After half a turn, he now thinks that his wife should be locked up here.

His nature is a wolf. He can be very fierce and sharp. He was patient just now, just for the overall situation.

"It's a rule in the industry to pay money and people at the same time. So, take my wife out and let me see her first. I paid so much money, before accepting people, I have to make sure my wife is OK. Also, after I got out of the car, we started to walk at the same time. We went to the middle and met each other. We paid money and paid people. Don't cheat me, otherwise, you can't escape. Anyway, I don't plan to go out alive today, so I'll fight with you. I'm just an old man. If I die, I'll die. There's nothing rare and painful about it. "

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