The other side snorted. "Money means sincerity. Take the money we need and get out of the car. Don't say anything to us or talk nonsense. We are not rare. "

Liu Shen immediately took the phone and took the money bag from the back seat. The black money bag is very big. It is full of two big bags. Carry the bag on your back. The height of the bag can cover more than half of the back of your head. It's also self-protection. After all, under such circumstances, he must also learn to defend himself. Even with Mo Yanke's protection, there is no way to imagine too many things happening today.

In the case of wearing a bulletproof hat, coupled with such a black bag, at least the safety of the face can be greatly provided. Because the most vulnerable part of a person is actually the position of his head, so as long as it is well protected, there should be nothing else. In addition, his body is actually wearing a bulletproof vest, because it is winter and he has more clothes, so he can't see how to wear a bulletproof vest.

He has a close relationship with the Ministry of public security, so he knows how to use these two shields to improve his safety when he gets off the bus.

As agreed, he opened the car door and then took a natural step. Don't worry about what will happen at this time, because the gangsters who really plan for their lives will never value their legs so shortsightedly.

They should know more about this important position than he does.

The chest, the heart, and the big head are what the other person might be interested in.

Liu Shen tensed his muscles, raised his explosive power to the highest level, bowed his waist, finally leaned out of the car with his head, and got out of the car.

At this time, in the dark, it seems that a wind.

The sniper on the hill was staring at Liu Shen who was about to come out of the car. Suddenly, he felt a little heat on his forehead, and then fell down in the blank.

Only the sniper rifle was left, lying there alone.

That pair of slightly open eyes, reflecting the black of the sniper rifle, as if confused in the end is what happened, but it seems that there is no time to confuse. Because there's no time to think, it's already fallen. This action is too fast. Because there's no time to react, I can't think of it at all.

This kind of silent silencing gun, which is the most advanced, can be so silent, there is no sound on such a fall.

The man in the grass has already posed, straightened his gun and aimed at Liu Shen. Then, after the same heat, he fell down. The grass rustled gently, as if the wind were blowing by. Before the sniper gun fell, it was about to make an absolutely unnatural dull sound, which would probably destroy the silent nature. Mo Yanke turned quickly, his vigorous body was like a wound up robot, turning, just as accurate as the previous turn, accurate to zero.

At the same time, the body is tilted up and the gun is raised at the same angle.

The third bullet shot out without any delay. There was a slight fluctuation of air flow, but it quickly disappeared into the wind. Like, nothing happened.

But it did happen.

Maybe it's because the wind is hidden in the dark night, so that everything happens without sound and can't be detected at all.

Those who fall down will not understand how they died and how they were killed. That's because Mo Yanke didn't give them the chance to struggle and resist.

This man's hand is quite fierce, fast and accurate.

In such a time, it's a game of life. Whoever moves faster will die first. Otherwise, if there is a little hesitation, the person who dies will be himself. He won't give the other party such a chance.

The sniper gun fell to the ground. The man holding the gun against Liu Shen's wife had his head blown. Then, a firecracker like thing, with gorgeous sparks, flew to the man hiding behind the bricks in a parabolic state. The crackling sound was a little sharp, even over the dull of the sniper gun falling to the ground. At the same time, it divided the attention of the man hiding behind. When he instinctively looked up, the dust floated on his face and into his eyes.

Pain, severe pain, eyes can't open for a moment. I was forced to tears.

His hand holding the gun trembled spasmodically. Instinctively, he wanted to reach out to block the damned dust, and then the other hand wanted to wipe his eyes. Then, the red dot disappeared on Liu Shen's wife's face. And then, I don't know what kind of things are used to make things like firecrackers burst open, and there was a billow of smoke.

Just then, Liu Shen moved.

Running towards his wife.

"Get down." It's Liu Shen's sharp drink, aiming at the white woman with a shaking face

but no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than a shadow. See that shadow from the weeds after the rush out, immediately with incredible speed, running past. That speed, is not like a person will have the speed, some like ghosts, and can be called "flying" two words.That person seems to be showing the special effects of the movie. It's so fast that people's eyes can't see it.

I don't know how he did it. After such a rush, when he was about one meter away from the brick pile, the whole person jumped like a spring.

However, four people were solved, and there was another one. He quickly moved his body, and then when the man in the car was ready to start the car to leave, he went up one by one, and his dagger went down like this. After taking the dagger away, he didn't look at the man who was soft as a pool of mud. The man squinted and rushed to the hill quickly, flying Jumping body shape, still like a fierce panther.

At the same time, he reached for his waist and quickly pulled out the pistol inserted in his waist. Without looking at his back, he shot back, but it was shot out.

Without a bunch of red light, the whole environment is a little dark and light. He turned his wrist and fired forward.

So, after a quick look at the environment inside the car and making sure there was no other danger, Mo Yanke shook his head and went back. Just as he turned his head, he heard a sharp woman's roar.

"I've got a time bomb on me. Let's go. Stay away from me."

Trouble, he frowned. Cold vision, quickly toward the other side. I swept over.

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