"The fence is dead." Because Mengmeng didn't know that the fence was not real, but Liu Lele, so he didn't say it at the beginning.

He'll probably explain it. It's more urgent.

"I'll go over to her now, and I'll leave it to you. You should have a good rest first. If you have just gone to sleep, you may still want to sleep. You should have a sleep first. "

Aimeng was worried when he heard that the police came to the door.

"I'll go with you."

She no longer wanted to see her man carried away by the police behind his back.

"It's nothing. I'll go and have a look. It's just that I have a good relationship with her from the outside. That house has been transferred to her name. In fact, it has little to do with me. I'll see. Nothing can happen. Don't worry. Take care of yourself. You went to bed so late last night, you need to sleep a little more, or you will have dark circles when you get up tomorrow. "

"But I want to go with you." She took him by the arm and looked at him. "I'm worried about you. I can't sit down. I'm going with you."

"No. What's the relationship between us now? You forget, at this time, you go with me. Our previous plays are useless. Moreover, we don't know who killed us. At this time, we can only be more careful. You can't beat the grass to scare the snake. "

Aimeng is very upset, but she knows what Mo Yanke said is very reasonable. As long as you think about it carefully, it's really like this, because the situation is really wrong. The relationship between her and Mo Yanke is concealed in the outside world. They all think that their marriage is going to break up. If they appear together now, it will lead to other people's ideas.

And after all, in the eyes of the outside world, that fence is mo Yanke's little lover. Now that he has an accident and he's out of business, they will surely be allowed to gossip. If they have been acting for so long and she has been wronged for so long, everything will be empty.

"What a nuisance." She patted the bed irritably.

He immediately hugged her and coaxed her.

"Well behaved, don't be angry. She's dead. Basically, our acting days are coming to an end. At that time, in the eyes of others, I will have to bow my head to you for the sake of interests and make up with you. Even the s country will have to think so. Now, I just don't know the attitude of s country. I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm afraid of their tricks. It's a big organization with a large number of talented people. If there's any bad idea, it's enough for me to drink a pot. Even if I have such an identity here to escort, but now my uncle hasn't come out safely, and the ghost over there hasn't really been found out, but the fence is down and dead, so things will be more troublesome. When it's over, I'll tell you something bigger. " Of course, the bigger thing is that Li Luo is not Li Luo, but Liu Lele.

At the beginning of this matter, in fact, slightly mentioned, but said not a lot.

No matter how powerful a person is, how can he compete with such a huge organization. What's more, it's a powerful country that is famous all over the world.

AI Meng heard this, immediately in the heart of a Lin, put the attitude.

"Then I won't go with you, but remember to call me more. I'll be worried. You must be more careful when you go there. Well, you take more people. If something should happen, then -- "

she bit her lip, her face was a little white, but she was firm. "In case of trouble in s country, if it's not convenient for you to contact your superior, just call me. I can also help you."

He looked distressed.

"Don't think about it. It must be all right. Now the police have decided that it was a suicide, so it should have nothing to do with me, and I have the evidence of my alibi. "

He kisses her again. "In fact, I have an intuition that it's a good thing to die at this time."

She didn't know if he was comforting her. This man is a little bad, is what dangerous things, he is a person to carry, first to solve their own, and then tell her. But on this point, she couldn't beat him. He's too macho. It's still his fault that he loves her so much.

After thinking about it, she still laughed.

"That must be a good thing." She said with a smile, obeying the man.

It's said that language is powerful, so she'll follow. In fact, she really felt that the sudden death of the fence was too cheap for her. As for her, how many things she has done and how much she has been angry with her. However, these are nothing compared with the safety of their own men. If she can make her man safe after such a death, she will be happy.

"You go, you don't have to worry about me. I can do it alone. Take your mobile phone with you. Remember to keep in touch at any time. "

He got out of bed and dressed. She couldn't sit any longer, so she jumped out of the bed, followed him to the dressing room, helped him choose the shirt, the color matching tie, and tied the tie for him.

He looked at her, who said nothing, but showed concern and attachment everywhere. He felt a little soft in his heart. Then he pressed her on the wardrobe and gave her a deep kiss, which made her legs weak. She didn't fall down because he put his arm around her waist. He let her go and held her up.Her face flushed.

He put her on the bed and pressed her tall body down.

He gave her a peck at her little mouth and murmured.

"Don't send me. Go on sleeping. I'll call you when I get there. If you are like this, I don't want to go any more, but this time it seems very difficult. After all, I had a close relationship with him before, so I have to go

However, Mo Yanke didn't know that before he passed, someone had suppressed the incident and directly concluded that it was suicide. Of course, this is for Mo Yanke. Because if you decide to commit suicide, there will be a lot less trouble.

"But I can't sleep." She bit her lip and looked at him steadily.

"If you can't sleep, lie down and keep your spirit, or you won't be able to get up tomorrow. It's almost dawn now. If you don't sleep, your eyes will be full of dark circles tomorrow, and then you will be ugly, ugly. "

"Che, do you dislike me?" The woman is smiling coyly.

He touched her little face and coaxed her. "Well behaved, lie down well, I'll try to come back early to accompany you."

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