Shen Luo finished eating, and sincerely praised a below, in a hurry to go. He has the mission in the body, also has this heart, snatches that mysterious person, returns to the master's command. Mo Yanke looked at him like this and stopped and gave him a hint.

"Go and find Yu Cheng. He knows a lot of people and should be able to help you. I'm too busy to take care of these things

"Yucheng, yes."

Shen Luo was surprised. He knows a wide range of people. After all, he used to be a gangster. He should know more about some things than he does.

"All right, I'll go to him now!"

Shen Luo must have left happily.

When he got to Fang Yucheng's place, he said the situation. Fang Yucheng squinted and didn't speak for a long time. Shen Luo didn't worry and sat there waiting for him to think. In fact, there is a faint expectation in his heart. Look at him, there should be someone in his heart.

"What did Ko tell you when you came over?"

Shen Luo honestly recites Mo Yanke's original words and looks at him expectantly with bright eyes. Also think, today is the right way, Yu Cheng this guy, must know something.

"Do you think of it, or do you know something?"

After thinking about it again, Fang Yucheng directly sent a word -


Shen Luo's eyes widened, and he was not happy.

"Why am I stupid?"

Looking at Fang Yucheng, eyes with condemnation!

"You don't admit that you are stupid." Fang Yucheng stabbed him politely. "Fu'er, come here!"

This is to tell him the man!

Shen Luo's eyes brightened immediately, and he put his ears close to him with a smile.

He confided two words, and then Shen Luo was stunned, lost his voice and said: "how can it be, it can't be,"

SHEN Luo didn't even think about Mo Yanke, but aimed at the grudge between the Liu family and Mo Yanke. Mo Yanke would help the Liu family. Not to mention, Mo Yanke didn't go out all night last night. Liu Lele's death, he also intervened for the first time, just did not like looking for the mysterious man as the heart. However, Mo Yanke did not go out all night.

So how could it be him? He really didn't even think about him, because he thought that if something happened to the Liu family, Ke should be the happiest one, and he would never perform like this, so he was really surprised. There is a kind of people who don't believe in it.

"I said you were stupid, but I still don't admit that you still can't think of the trick. If you can't turn around and say you're stupid, you're right. " That's really a cold hum. It's a little disdainful.

Shen Luona followed Mo Yanke all the time. It's not too much to say that he obeyed his orders. Therefore, he could not understand the delicate state of mind of being both enemies and friends. But Fang Yucheng is not.

Fang Yucheng's idea has always been different.

This matter, put on others, is almost unexpected Mo Yanke. When he thought about it for a moment, he could be sure that it was him. In particular, he sent Shen Luo to find him, and he was so sure that he should help.

"I'm too busy to take care of these things."

The last sentence is actually a hint.

I'm busy.

What are you busy with? Naturally, you are busy saving people!

It's better to say that he can't take care of these than ignore them. Otherwise, such a thing will surely be admitted.

"It's good for you to understand. Don't let it out. Ah, Ke is good to you, clearly can't say, also roundabout to tell you. But you are so stupid that you still don't know the trick. Some of these things are so obvious that you don't know. You don't think it's a little bit inappropriate. "

Say this, Fang Yucheng this in the heart have a little sour mood. I really don't want to admit it. He is a little jealous.

Shen Luo is clever. He didn't expect it before. He was just blinded by a leaf. Fang Yucheng said so, he thought again, he was smooth, and immediately he was silly, and he replied impolitely.

"Well, I see."

"Don't worry about silly music. I'll tell you. Remember it. You just know it. Don't say it. It can't be said outside. This matter concerns too much. You'd better understand it yourself and your old man. You'd better refuse it, because it's impossible. "

Shen Luo's face immediately changed, and he couldn't be serious any more. "Well, I understand."

He is definitely not a person who can't make a clear decision on a big issue!

He has kept so many secrets. This one is not bad.

However, Shen Luo was even more excited when he thought that he was his best brother. When he was excited, he couldn't sit still.

After returning home, the old man asked, Shen Luo could only shake his head and said that he would continue to work hard to check. Although the old man is anxious to bring such a talent under his command, it's not hard to let him do his best for his favorite grandson. Everyone thinks that it's still more mysterious for people to find out. Since we can't find it, everyone has a chance, right."Just a little, don't fall into the hands of those bad people." Master Shen whispered.

"I see. I'll try my best."

Although he is an old man of his own family, how important this matter is, so he still needs to keep his mouth, because this matter involves too much in the end, because in case he is taken out, he is afraid that he will have life trouble at that time.

It may really lead to death. There is no final conclusion about many things. Especially at that time, the woman died again. Up to now, there is no real investigation.

At that time, because of the relationship between ah Ke and that woman, it will certainly be that. It is estimated that some people will be involved at that time, so it should also be troublesome. Therefore, this matter can never be said.

If it's said that Ke has caused trouble, then he's also to blame.

A lot of things, he is very happy about that.

It's very passive.

It's just that when I think of this, yes, Ke, it's really that, ah, it's really sudden, ah, Ke is really amazing, it's five people, it's amazing.

Up to now, I'm still a little excited. I'm really excited. But I thought, no wonder Meng Meng would laugh at that time. It turns out that they all know, but he didn't know. It's really bad to be blindfolded, but Ke is really good at pretending.

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