It was obvious that provocation and malice could be heard.

The policeman sitting on one side was more and more expressionless, his head was more and more low, but he had a conclusion in his heart. It seems that there is one between Mo yannuan and AI Meng. Then, the credibility of the information she provides will have to be slightly reduced.

At that end, officer Fang and Mo Yanke both came back after their private chat, and Mo yannuan quickly shut up. Officer Fang took his leave and left.

Because just by Mo yannuan's words, there is no way to convict Aimeng. Because there is no way to convict Aimeng, how to convict him.

Only Mo Yanke and his wife and Mo yannuan are left in this room.

As soon as officer Fang left, Mo yannuan didn't have to pretend anything, and his face immediately pulled down. Because she has lost some weight recently, her cheekbones protrude high, which makes her look a little mean.

"Not yet." It's a rush.

Mo Yanke did not look at her, but half squinted and sat there.

Aimeng still doesn't speak. Looking at the men in her family, she had her own ideas. He didn't tell her what to do.

Mo yannuan was annoyed when he saw this posture. As soon as Mo Yanke sat there, his imposing and invisible prestige came up. He looked like the master of the family. She wanted to rush, but she thought of his identity. This is his home after all. She can't make it. What's more, he is also the president of Mo's company. He can't get rid of such things.

But what does he mean by sitting here now? He has finished all his words. Why is he still sitting there.

I can't guess, and Mo Yanke's cold makes her feel uncomfortable. She doesn't want to stay here to see Mo Yanke's face, so Mo Yanke turns away.

"Don't go. Sit down. Let's talk. Since we're here, we haven't finished yet, have we?" Mo Yanke opened his mouth. It was an order. He spoke in a low voice and did not refuse. As if this is his home, not Mo Yan's warm.

He didn't like this half sister since childhood. In his opinion, this will only bully his sister. It's useless and doesn't need any sympathy at all. Such a woman is not her own sister and doesn't mean anything. No one in Mo family is good, that is, her so-called father, if not her own There is still his blood on his body. He may only feel that such a person is a stranger.

Mo yannuan suddenly frowned, stopped and thought, then straightened up and left. She intends to use this kind of arrogance to lose Mo Yanke's face.

"Sit down, or you will regret it. You may not sit down, but you'd better know for yourself."

Simple words, that is an order, let Mo Yan warm is fear and angry. She has learned Mo Yanke's methods. She hated the illegitimate child, but she was also afraid of him. Therefore, she can ridicule Aimeng, but she has no courage to sneer in front of Mo Yanke. Maybe when she was a child, she had the courage, but now it's impossible. Now, Mo Yanke, who was bullied by others when she was a child, has grown up, and she no longer dare to be unscrupulous.

"You threaten me." She brushed the ground and turned around, staring at Mo Yanke. "Mo Yanke, I'm your sister at least. You talk to me like this."

But Mo Yanke didn't speak or look at her. Just the cold expression, and the dark light under the half drooping eyelids, enough to make people afraid. As if the most terrible thing is still hidden behind.

"What do you want?" Mo Yan asked. I can't help squinting. It's hard to hold him in my eyes.

But Mo Yanke still didn't return.

This does not give Mo Yan warm face. Mo yannuan, after all, is also a young lady. She is proud and has a temperament. Why should she stay because of Mo Yanke's words. So I was upset.

A rebellious emotion rose in her heart, and she turned away again.

But this time Mo Yanke didn't speak.

Mo Yanke didn't feel any sight fell on her. What she could think of was mo Yanke, sitting there, speechless.

She went out of her way to make great efforts at her feet. Her high-heeled shoes were "dada" on the ground, which made the movement of walking a lot bigger. She hopes to let Mo Yanke speak again in this way, but it is obvious that the "dada" sound just makes her more impetuous. She went far away, but Mo Yanke still didn't speak.

She had no bottom in her heart, and she was really afraid of Mo Yanke. After a slight distortion, she bit her teeth and reluctantly walked back to the sofa.

AIMUN's eyes swept over.

Mo yannuan immediately felt resentful, and at the same time, he felt embarrassed and annoyed. He felt that he was told a joke by AI Meng. Her face turned red uncontrollably. At the same time, she glared at Aimeng. Unexpectedly, Mo Yanke's cold eyes shot right away. At that moment, like two ice knives in her heart, her chest immediately shrank, and she could not help opening her mouth slightly, almost gasping.She tried to calm herself, but she dropped her eyes in defeat. Only by hiding in this way can she suppress her fear and not fall behind.

But, after all, she was affected and began to fidget. Time, slowly become difficult, but she because of her pride, never ask Mo Yanke.

Fortunately, Mo Yuanhan came back at this time.

Mo yannuan felt relieved and saw hope. She stood up,

"Dad, you're back!"

At the same time, he squeezed out a smile. It's as if after a child has done something wrong, he wants to ask for his parents' forgiveness.

However, this attitude did not make Mo Yuanhan feel comfortable, but made him more disgusted. There must be something wrong.

This daughter just doesn't worry at all.

Mo Yanke had already made a lot of trouble about his son before. A son had been sent to South Africa, and his life and death were unknown. Moreover, the reason why he came back in a hurry now was that he was called back by his little son, Mo Yanke. He also knew a little about some policemen coming to the door, and then Mo Yanke came to cooperate with him to take notes. If it was just a small matter, Mo Yanke would not call him, because the gap between them was getting deeper and deeper last time.

This daughter will die if she doesn't toss!

Mo Yuanhan directly stares Mo Yan warm one eye, simply crossed her again. Mo Yan warm suddenly Leng Leng, do not understand how this is. Then she looked at her father and went directly to Mo Yanke, and her heart beat a drum.

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