"Why." She asked in a cold voice. "The relationship between Mo Yanke and Aimeng was ruined by Mo Yanke himself. He found a small three son, everyone knows the trouble, now no one is allowed to say a little bit? I'm just stating a fact. How can I make a dream? It's Mo Yanke who really pits her, isn't it? Everyone knows that they are about to get divorced. If it wasn't for the fake fence's sudden death, maybe soon, the marriage would be divorced. What's more, is mo Yanke a competent President? You see what he did after he came up, which really saved our Mo family. I only saw that our Mo family became worse and worse after he came up. Such a person is not worthy to be the president of Morse, and you should not listen to him and want to punish me. "

Speaking of this, Mo Yan's warm confidence was enough. She raised her chin slightly and looked at Mo Yanke haughtily. It seems that there is an impulse to fight today.

"I don't understand why you brought him back and thought that he was the hope of the Mo family. I think he just wanted to end our Mo family. What hope or not? It's a disaster. Look at what Mo family looks like now. The uncles and uncles of the older generation have been taken down. What will those young people who go up now Well, at that time, Mo doesn't know how long it will last. "

"Shut up." Mo Yuanhan interrupted her.

Mo yannuan insists on going on. "If you want me to say, at the beginning, such a thing should not have happened. Why do you want to find him back? Look, what's the situation now."

Mo Yuanhan suddenly leans forward, grabs an ashtray and smashes it toward Mo yannuan. Mo Yan warm suddenly startled, low called a, quickly dodged. The ashtray hit the ground all of a sudden, "pa" sound, smashed into pieces. Fragments of the edges and corners, flashing sharp light, looking at quite shocking.

She could not help trembling, a face, green and white. He was scolded by Mo Yuanhan before he got angry.

"You don't talk, no one thinks you're dumb! Give me some more nonsense. I'll make you look good. Do you think your stay at home is too comfortable? Do you have to do something for me? If so, from today on, I'll cut off your financial source. You can do whatever you want. I won't care about you any more. If you're making such a fool of yourself, you'd better understand. "

The man is old and hot tempered. In addition, Mo Yuanhan has had a rather bad year, so his temper is getting better and better. What he said just now can be said and done.

Since Mo yannuan was invited back to be the president of Mo's company, what he did on the surface is really like what Mo yannuan said. It's not a good thing to look at, but if you don't get involved in this game, you don't know the depth of it. Mo Yanke didn't tell him in detail how the game would go in the end, but with his years of experience, he could also see the hidden mystery.

This mystery, Luo Fushen should know, Mo Shu probably also knows, there are some people can also know some. But he is clearly Mo Yanke's Lao Tzu. Why Mo Yanke doesn't say anything to him? It's up to him to use his own brain to guess. It's not because he's a Lao Tzu that has chilled his heart. It's because he doesn't trust him.

But now, there are two people at home, one left, and another. They are so confused that Mo Yanke can confidently tell him everything, just to make things like today.

it's not surprising that Mo Yanke doesn't trust, it's just that this family can't.

"Shut up."

He glared at Mo Yan again, and Mo Yuanhan sat down.

"Shut her up until the end of the Mo family." The unquestionable and absolutely cold command came from Mo Yanke. "Her mouth is too big, and her brain is confused, which will lead to bad things. Now Mo's family is in the spotlight, so she can't make any mistakes."

Mo Yanke's eyes became more and more fierce.

"Nobody cares about me." She defied with pride. "What kind of people are you. Why should I listen to you? I tell you, it's impossible. "

The flames were burning in her eyes, and she wanted to scratch Mo Yanke to death. This is a bitch.

Mo Yanke's eyes shot at her suddenly. That sharp, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable throat, which reminds her of the scene when she was pinched by Mo Yanke. The past is vivid, and her face faintly hurt.

That memory is too painful, too humiliating. When Mo Yanke made it, it was really that.

She was arrogant at that time, but she was really afraid of Mo Yanke. This man can do anything.

She was a little timid, and as she lowered her eyes from his dangerous gaze, she murmured.

"Well, if the police come to the door again, I won't talk about Aimeng. Is that ok?"

Is this her concession?


Mo Yanke's eyes, no temperature.

Mo yannuan gasped and looked at Mo Yanke incredulously. "I tell you, this thing is not over. If you don't do that, you know the consequences.""Mo Yanke, don't push an inch. I've already made a concession. Aren't you satisfied. I have said that, I will not say things like that again, aren't you satisfied,

Mo Yanke smiles, still without temperature, but with the smile of death.

Mo Yan frowned. "Mo Yanke, don't do that!"

But Mo Yanke didn't pay any attention. He still looked at Mo yannuan, sarcastic and warning.

"Why don't you learn so well? Do you forget and get better so soon about Mo Yanzhe? I really doubt whether you have a brain."

Mo Yan's face changed and his body trembled slightly.

The corners of the man's mouth turn up again, but they are evil like Satan. "I'm not like you. If you do something bad to me or my wife, you know the end. I will not let you go. No matter what your status is, whether you are the first lady of the Mo family or whatever, I will not show mercy to you." Tone is light, but it is a fatal threat, it is naked, absolutely a cruel blow.

"I accept the closed, until the end of this thing" difficult to highlight these five words, she looks pale like a ghost. She can't let herself lose her life because of this. Mo Yanke is a devil. He will definitely do what he says. So she can't challenge him to such a limit.

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