She is a soft hearted woman.

I can't help sighing in my heart. A person is locked up in this kind of ghost place. It's estimated that if it's her, she really can't live.

After all, who can bear being locked up in such a place with bad conditions? When she came here, she looked around and found that the conditions were really bad. Under the place where they are standing now is the cliff, and under the cliff is a vast ocean.

Even standing so far away, you can hear the roaring sound of the sea breeze, with a piercing cold. It seems to blow on people's face, which is a kind of pain cut by a knife.

She has been in this place for more than two months and more than 60 days, which is a little long after all.

She sighed from her heart, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The police took the opportunity to ask the fence to throw the gun, and they immediately sent someone down to save her. However, the fence only let Mo Yanke go down and said that he wanted to see him with his own eyes, as if he was afraid that the police were fooling her with technical means.

She had a gun in her hand and the police hesitated. But Li Luo is still that attitude. She doesn't believe anything. She only believes Mo Yanke. She wants to see Mo Yanke alive. When she saw it, she must have thrown it away. She swore, with her life. That crazy serious attitude moved the police slightly, but they need to consider Mo Yanke's safety and the attitude of the parties.

If the parties refuse to go on, they have no choice. After all, they can't force people to go down. That's impossible. So the decision to go down depends on Mo Yanke's attitude.

In fact, at that time, Mo Yanke was also hesitating. He looked back at his little wife standing in the wind, a little bit disordered hair, but still so beautiful.

It seems that I'm telling him with my eyes that I'd better go down. If he doesn't go down, maybe there's no way to solve the problem properly. There's no way to procrastinate like this.

Aimeng just looked at it, and felt a little worried, because her heart suddenly felt very uneasy, not how, always felt that something would happen, but did not know what would happen, because she really could not think of it. But the fear is still there.

"I'll go down." Mo Yanke is not afraid. It's impossible to kill him. She's just insecure. She's just scared.

Since this woman can name people all the way and ask them to go down and say that other people will go down without a sense of security, it means that this woman still believes in him in her heart, so there should be nothing wrong with him. Besides, he also has skills, so there are so many people on it, I don't think there will be any accident. Besides, if he doesn't go down, this matter will not be better solved, but the two sides are more deadlocked.

He has seen that the attitude of the American police is already a little impatient, and then the expression on his face is also a little tired. After all, it is a stalemate for so long.

He looked at the fence on the screen, skinny, almost like an African refugee. She is too thin, thin to some miserable, thin to a person's heart to tight, and then a lot of pain.

Just because she was thin, her face shrunk into a small palm, and then her eyes protruded out, which made her look very big. It seems to be a little scary, that eyes, flash in the camera, tell is innocent, is afraid, is confused.

She was like a lost sheep who accidentally fell into a trap. She broke through the encirclement everywhere and used up her strength. In the end, the rest seemed to have only a little spiritual support.

I feel like I haven't eaten for months.

Such she, he can't look down, also can't refuse.

On his way here, the police also revealed that Li Luo was still taking drugs, but he was forced to take drugs. She was brutally injected and then addicted to drugs. She is not only imprisoned here, suffering from food and cold, but also suffering from the pain of drug addiction, which is like pulling people's tendons out of their bodies.

It's really hard.

A normal person is so alive to be tossed into today's situation, no one can look down on it.

He's sorry for this woman. Whether it was then or now, there are still some debts.

He was drowned in great guilt and decided to go on without hesitation. This poor woman, now the only trust, only he. He has to save her, let her detoxify, let her live a normal life, and then be rich for the rest of her life!

"She has a gun in her hand, which --" the police expressed concern.

Aimeng is also worried. Although Li Luo seems to love Mo Yanke deeply and can't hurt her, she still estimates Li Luo with malice. Because she didn't want her man to be surprised.

Mo Yanke doesn't want to wear bulletproof clothes. He thinks it's a kind of harm to the poor fence. She believed in him with all her heart, but he approached her with a defensive attitude, which would hurt her.

AI Meng is so anxious that Xiao Zhang makes a sound and calls Mo Yanke over. He pulls him aside and persuades him in a low voice."Oh, Ke, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid. Just think it's to make me feel at ease. Would you put on your bulletproof jacket? I'm just afraid, afraid in case, you can't have an accident, otherwise, I will be crazy. I know that you have apologies for her, and even feel that the reason why she is like this today is because of you, because of you, people in s country will treat her like this, just because she is your ex girlfriend's identity, but don't forget that what can happen in such a long time is true There are too many things. We can't do anything about them. So you can let me put on the bulletproof vest at ease. I know you have to go down, so don't worry me. I won't embarrass you. Don't go down. "

It was as if she saw the cold barrel lift and the bullet hit him. Just thinking about it, she could shiver all over and chill in her heart. But this is only her imagination, but the more this kind of imagination, the more fear in my heart.

"I know you are very powerful. You may not pay attention to the bullet, but, my husband, I'm afraid, I'm really afraid --"

her eyes burst into tears.

She is not familiar with the place of life. Most of the people standing around are foreigners. Although they are police, they still make her feel insecure. The night was dark and the cold wind was blowing. She just felt a little shaken in her heart.

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