Why, to torture their husband and wife so much, why, God is not fair at all, they just get better, why is it like this? Why is God like this.

She is really hard, really hard, between them with no false fence of mustard, the relationship is slightly better, but this came to a real fence, why suddenly so ruthless want to take his life.

"Ah - ah -"

shrieked, and finally his throat became hoarse.

Her fingers, they're stuck in the ground. The whole man bent down like an angel with broken wings. His back was arched high as if he were about to be broken.

That fragile, stinging eyes, is those who look on, feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Lu clenched her lips and pulled her up. At the same time, she pulled her hands up.

But her fingers were bleeding, as if her heart was bleeding.

Xiao Lu's pupils shrank sharply.

"Madam, you - give me support, the boss still depends on you, you are now like this, the boss does not want to see, you do not like this, you give me a good cheer up."

He pinched her wrist and hurt her.

"You give me support, the boss still depends on you!"

He roared again, dark eyes, deeply looked at her. The strength on the hand, more and more big, with can definitely touch the weight of her nerve.

This pain, let AI dream hit exciting spirit, but also let her awake.

"You give me support, the boss still depends on you, you are going to collapse, who will organize such things." Xiao Lu roared again, loud voice, but this strength is very good, it can wake her up!

The craziness in her eyes slowly subsided. What Xiao Lu said just now really had an effect.

She took a deep breath and raised her head.

"Who can go down and save people? I'll pay him as much as I can."

Suddenly she was no longer weak, and suddenly she became strong.

Xiao Lu is right. She wants to hold on. She wants to save Mo Yanke. Roaring and screaming are just a waste of time and useless. The most urgent task now is not to cry, but to organize people quickly to find Mo Yanke.

"I will give money, 5 million, who can go down and save people!"

Firm eyes, swept around a circle of people. That taut up the small face, let a person feel her sacred, and dignity. She completed the transformation, from just weak, suddenly became very strong.

At this moment, no one will question her promise!

"Five million people. I'll get them right away." With enough English to make all the people present can hear clearly, she bit the words and spoke slowly. Her bright eyes attracted all the people's eyes and made people involuntarily obsessed with her.

"Even if no one is saved, I will reward 100000, and then I will make full compensation for all possible injuries. Who can go down. "

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men, who will not be jealous in front of money, that is not.

Someone came forward.

"Thank you." These two words said very loud, she simply bowed directly to the two people..

Xiao Lu quickly grabbed her and loved her.

"Don't do that!" He whispered in her ear that no one could afford such a kowtow. No one is qualified for that.

"No, I thank them. As long as I can save Mo Yanke, then I will do anything, including exchanging my life."

Who can save her man, can bear her such gratitude!

In order to save him, she can give up everything!

Hot tears, shuasha to fall, from beginning to end, did not stop, even though her eyes from helpless weakness to persistent firm!

She couldn't control the tears!

Two people with the aid of rope, and down the cliff. Aimeng looked at the figure of the two people gradually to the whereabouts, and stood up.

"I'll talk to the police over there."

I don't know who led the team this time, but now there is no other way. I just wait. I want to organize everything here as soon as possible, and then I hope that the people in city a can send people down quickly. Because it's their own people who have an accident now, so they must unite. Otherwise, the police in the United States, they will not It's really new, because the people who fall down now have nothing to do with them. They are only here because of their responsibility.

Aimeng goes to captain Fang and discusses. "Captain Fang, please help me to think about it, but there are other rescue measures, such as asking for a yacht or a plane. Can we mobilize them now?"

When she forced herself to calm down and scolded herself for not being weak, she was forced up by an invisible force. She needed to think, think calmly, and then consider all the ways she might think of. Time dragged on for a long time, Mo Yanke has been very dangerous, but don't mention that word to her, she firmly believes that Mo Yanke must be well. She's going to do everything she can to save him. No matter how much you pay, no matter how much you sacrifice, even if you die, you have to see the body.The team leader immediately asked the translator to contact the commander in chief of the United States, and the two talked. Regardless of being rude, Aimeng also joined in. But the United States has shown that it can do nothing. They are just a small town. They have no ability to mobilize yachts at such a midnight moment. As for airplanes, they can't even think about it. That's absolutely impossible.

In the face of Aimeng, the U.S. side regretfully expressed their powerlessness, that is, even the translator was deeply sorry for Aimeng. I think it's a big sin not to help her. Because, they can't carry that tear flow unceasing face.

Aimeng didn't know that her voice was strong and calm, but her tears never stopped. The tears, the eyes, said her heart sad!

"Not at all?" She asked dryly. Sad tears, wrapped in a thick prayer.

But this is in Germany. What can Mo Yanke be. They don't know such a person. Who knows who he is.

AI Meng sadly closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she reached into her trouser pocket and touched her mobile phone!

The bloody hand glides over the white and porcelain like mobile phone. AI Meng dials Wang Lin to show the situation.

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