Even if you don't know Aimeng, even if you don't know the emotional process between that man and Aimeng, you can't ignore the importance of that man to her! We have to find him, and we have to work hard to find her for this woman.

Search and rescue personnel basically did not stop, even eat, but also just a few bread a bottle of water a few casually solve. Large domestic forces, such as Wang Lin, have arrived. Almost as soon as we got the news, we came by plane in a hurry. The fastest plane, also so one, we are willing to work together, find a relationship, try every means to get on this flight, to catch up. Among them is Jing Hao,

having seen Mo Yanke jump from the rooftop on that day, Aimeng faints and loses his breath, we should understand that if Mo Yanke is not found, Aimeng will not be able to support him. No one can predict what she will do. Therefore, Wang Lin and others, coincidentally, contacted Xiaolu directly. They knew that Xiaolu followed him at that time. Xiaozhang had been sent to the local hospital for treatment because he went down to save people. They told him that he had to stay by Aimeng's side all the time and keep an eye on her.

Now AIMUN can't break down.

When Jinghao arrives, Aimeng can't support it, but she is still standing there.

At that place in my heart, when I think of him, I feel painful and cold all over. Just think about him a little bit Whether he won't come back or not, she felt that it was so frightening that her head was so tight that she was going to go crazy, and the whole world seemed to be dying.

Ah, Ke, where are you? Come back quickly. How can you just leave your wife? How can you? How can you.

Didn't you say that you would make it up to me for the rest of your life? Why do you want to be like this.

You can't be so hateful, you know what you mean to me, why don't you come back, how can you willing to make me sad, how can you willing to make me crazy.

How can you be so selfish, just fall down and don't float up? What do you want me to do? I will be afraid without you. Now all people are covetous because of your accident. If you don't come back, what should Mo family do? What should Mo family do? There are uncles. Don't you always hope uncles can come out? What should we do now, Uncle did not come out, but you are not.

Mo Yanke, how can you be so cowardly? Just a few bullets will defeat you.

You said to accompany me for a lifetime, how can you just lose to those little boys?

Mo Yanke, how can you make your wife so sad? How can you? How can you.

Don't you forget what you said at the beginning? Didn't you say that you wanted to be with me for a lifetime? We didn't have children. We agreed that when this kind of thing is over, we want a child. Don't you still owe me a child? When you were so cruel, we didn't have a child. Why are you doing this.

How to do, why don't you answer, we said a good life, where, a life, we said a good, we said a good.

We said yes, we said yes, you can't break your promise. We said yes, we said yes

Tears, slowly trickle down, gradually deep, gradually turbid, with a bit of blood!

Shocking red ah, it is because long time with eyes open, did not sleep, so it became this way.

Some people don't dare to look, turn their face, or lower their head, because they can't help, so they become very guilty.

Others are anxious, pitiful and painful, and wish they could bear the crime for her!

"Mo Yanke"

quietly walks into Jinghao, who has bent down, and suddenly shouts with a slightly surprised tone.

As if, he came back.

Aimeng was as surprised as he was. He suddenly raised his head, raised his neck, widened his eyes, and looked for it eagerly.


A hand knife quickly split, AI Meng just a dull hum, fell down, soft body taut face, angry stare, full of hostility to scream.

"What are you doing. How do you give her to me

"She can't cry any more. It's going to bleed. If it goes on like this, his eyes will be destroyed." Jing Hao sighed. His eyes showed sadness, but he didn't feel ashamed for his behavior.

He squatted down and helped up Aimeng who had been knocked unconscious.

"Mo Yanke, ah Ke."

Aimeng suddenly opened his eyes and screamed. Overhead, the light of the incandescent light, suddenly shot into her eyes, so that her eyes instantly tingle, can not help but squint. The smell of disinfectant from the tip of the nose is transmitted to one's nose.

"Mengmeng, how are you. If there's anything wrong, I'll call the doctor right away. "

Like this, Aimeng has appeared countless times in her sleep. Although she fainted, she often had convulsions. Then she raised her hand, desperately trying to catch something. She hissed Mo Yanke's name in her mouth, and then cried. Red tears flowed line by line. Jing Hao asked the doctor to give her a tranquilizer, and then she really calmed down.It's impossible to feed her. She refuses to feed her anything, so she can only give her glucose.

She looks like this. It's really worrying.

If it's going on like this, it won't last long. If it's not for her obsession, she thinks that Mo Yanke is not dead, so she can go on like this. Once she gets any bad news, it's estimated that it will not work all of a sudden.

so it's really worrying. During this period, hospitals come and go a lot People, when we come to see, it's just Aimeng lying there quietly.

Just one night time, all of a sudden a lot of weak, pale face, as if to thin down a circle.

But now Mo Yanke has not been found, almost a day. Twenty four hours, this is a great challenge to the nerves of all people. If it were not for their strong energy and strong demands, the search and rescue operation would probably have ended. Because in that case, the 24-hour nonstop search and rescue, but did not even find a shadow, basically can be concluded that the person is not saved.

When people fall into the sea, it is always difficult to find the body. What's more, Mo Yanke didn't bring any communication tools with him. His only mobile phone was found lying in the mud under the sea. And his people, still no trace.

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