When I came back from my business trip, I heard that there was a shooting case in the hospital at that time, but at that time, after all, he wasn't there, so I heard about everything.

But now Mr. Mo called him up in a hurry. Something must have happened. As soon as he went in, he saw a little girl lying on the bed in the rest room. She said that the little girl was not wrong at all, and her face was a little bit baby fat. It seemed that she was still young. Just, pale little face, a little red, as a doctor always has more acute insight than ordinary people. So some things can be seen at a glance.

The little girl's skin injury seems to be a little more, exposed in the air wrist here, there is this deep bruise. It's something like a rope.

Look at his boss's face again, there is a serious and nervous look on his resolute face. He was nervous about the little girl in the bed. This cognition seemed to amuse him.

"Mr. Mo, what's the matter?"

"Here you are. Come and see how she is hurt."

"Well, good."

Aimeng may be mentally stimulated. As long as Mo Yanke leaves beyond her sight, she will be afraid of the whole person shrinking together, and then tears will flow all the time.

"Go away, don't touch me, don't touch me." Then as soon as people touch her, she will be very emotional.

Wang Jie shrugs helplessly. The little girl is probably stimulated by something in her heart. She is still wearing men's clothes, and then her clothes are dirty. It's not hard to figure out what she has just experienced. Medically speaking, this kind of reaction is a kind of external stimulation to the brain.

And the face of familiar people will not, as long as it is strange, there will be extreme behavior.

Mo Yanke sat by the bed, gently hugged Aimeng into her arms, then patted her shoulder and said gently, "good, it's OK. Let Dr. Wang see how you hurt. You see you are bleeding here. You need to take some medicine later. It's OK. It won't hurt, good."

Wang Jie immediately felt that his jaw was about to fall out. What's the situation? Is this Mo Yanke he knew? In his impression, Mo Yanke was a cold-blooded man. When he met him in the United States, it was because he was seriously injured. Did he save him? At that time, he was seriously injured.

He lost too much blood. It took him a long time to save his life. You know, in that part of the United States, there is a lot of anti-terrorism. It's no problem to use some force casually as long as you don't get caught. But he didn't know why Mo Yanke was so badly injured at that time.

The wound can almost kill him. If it wasn't for his strong sense of survival, he might have died long ago. Such a man is destined to be king and do something. In the next two years, he almost watched Mo Yan Keqiang grow up.

Then he still gave up everything he had in the United States, including his green card and his own clinic, and came directly here to become the president of Chonghe. But he is only the president on the surface. The real boss of Chonghe hospital is mo Yanke. Of course, few people know about it, only Shen Luo and Fang Yucheng.

After that, Mo Ke had to deal with the wound in his arms, even though he had no way to deal with it.

"You go out first. I'll take care of the other wounds. You can leave the disinfectant and ointment, and I'll give her medicine myself."

"Well, I'll go out first. These potions and disinfectants are put here first. If they are not enough, you can call and I'll bring them. "

When Wang Jie closes the door and goes out, he can even hear Mo Yanke's gentle comfort inside. "Well behaved, it's OK. You let go first. I'll give you medicine first. You are injured. There are many bruises and wounds on your body. If you don't deal with them, it will be very ugly if you leave scars later."

On hearing this, AI Meng suddenly cried more fiercely, whether even he didn't want her.

She opened her eyes as red as a rabbit, sobbing: "I'm not clean, don't you want me."

Tears, like rain! The expression of despair, as if to be separated from the whole world, and then a little bit into their own world.

Mo Yanke seemed to be shocked. It turned out that she was afraid because of this. Because of this, she was afraid that he would not want her.

Suddenly, he hugged the little woman and leaned on her chest. "Don't think about it. It's not a big deal. I'm not that kind of cautious person, and it doesn't happen. Don't worry, I won't let go of those two people. Now you don't want to think about anything, put on some medicine, change your clothes, have a good sleep, and wake up with nothing. "

But when she heard the words, she cried even more, but the sobbing sound was just like the flood water, which could not be stopped.

I don't know why, as soon as I heard Mo Yanke say this, I felt more and more aggrieved. The more he said that, the harder it was for her."Silly girl, don't cry. It's not good-looking. It's even worse when you cry. You see, your eyes are red, like a rabbit. It's really ugly." Mo Yanke tried to make his voice a little relaxed, because he knew that what Aimeng needed at the moment was not comfort, but to forget it as soon as possible.

But after all, the time is too short to erase this bad memory all at once, so he can only use this kind of relaxed topic to transfer her mood, just hope that she can not be like this. Such a child of her, looking good distressed. The head in the heart seems to be pulling hard.

AI Meng raised his head from his arms, then looked at Mo Yanke with dim tears, and suddenly said a nonsense, "is it really ugly?"

"Well, yes, it's really ugly. Come and wipe off your tears, or go first and wipe your body. There's a lot of dust on your body. I'll ask someone to send you a suit later."

"Well, good." This time, Aimeng compromised and didn't say anything. She was so dirty that she wanted to rub off a layer of skin with a brush. She felt so dirty. As soon as you close your eyes, you can think of what happened just now. If Mo Yanke didn't arrive in time, if she was really sullied, she would rather die.

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