She is not alone in this world. There are also many people, who are also concerned about Mo Yanke, who are also suffering from this kind of sadness. She will be locked up, so toward Hell, also can only let the people concerned, more heartache.

"If you have something to say, don't say anything sorry."

Although, almost desperate, but always keep accumulating hope for themselves. As long as I always hope that there will be a miracle, God should not be so cruel, not really like that, but now the only hope is the same.

The people in the room, this heart followed sour astringent. The little woman in front of her, in the end strong, in the end is Mo Yan Ke selected woman, in the end has immeasurable strength, they were originally to comfort her, but in the end, she realized, but in turn comforted them!

Despite the difficulties, Aimeng still had a meal. Not much, but no more. For many people, this has been a great blessing. They were really relieved that she could survive so quickly.

Aimeng also wants to understand that no matter how she lives and dies, she can't fall down. No matter how sad and desperate she is, she will try her best to live. No news is good news. She will wait here with the greatest expectation.

So, as soon as she got better, she asked to go to the edge of the cliff.

"It's too late. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Maybe we can find it tonight." Kang Xiaole comforted her gently.

AIMUN shook his head. "I'm just sitting around and waiting, so I'll wait there. I feel better to be closer to him. "

Kang Xiaole couldn't beat her, so she finally discussed with them and agreed.

After dinner, Aimeng got up and went to see Xiao Zhang. He is in hospital with some serious injuries. Because it's a small town, the hospital is not far from the ground, and it will arrive soon.

Xiao Zhang saw that AI Meng was a little excited, and his eyes brightened, but soon became dim again, so he apologized.

"I'm sorry I didn't get him back for you."

"I should say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that at that time. I was too emotional at that time. Fortunately, you are OK now. " Aimeng said softly, her tone is very light, just like her mood at the moment - she can't be happy at all, and she can't show her sadness to let everyone see, which makes everyone sad and worried. Therefore, she can only restrain her emotions and make everything light.

"At that time, I It's reckless. It's dangerous for you to jump down like that. I'm confused, I almost hurt you. I'm sorry. If something happens to you, how can I explain it to your family? "

"Don't say that. It's my duty to jump!"

Aimeng is grateful to him and his subordinates. At that time, if Xiao Zhang jumped down and accidentally bumped into the reef, she could not even think about it. Who, regardless of his own life, can jump as soon as he thinks about it.

This man, with his loyalty and courage, with his bravery, is enough to let people admire, if there is a chance, we must let Mo Yanke treat him well.

"You're good. I'll wait until I'm well. "

"I don't really have anything to do with it." Xiao Zhang said in a loud voice. "I want to leave the hospital, but Shen and Luo are not allowed to leave the hospital. They say they want me to have a good rest."

"You're good to keep. You're not allowed to go anywhere."

"I'm fine. I don't believe it." Xiao Zhang is anxious to come back, not only to find Mo Yanke, but also to abide by his promise to Mo Yanke, take good care of AI Meng, so he doesn't want to stay in the hospital at all.

He simply raised his arm, raised his leg, and demonstrated what he called "OK", but he was immediately pressed gently by Aimeng.

"I want you to be in the hospital earlier. When you are ready, there are still many things for you to do. Don't worry

Xiao Zhang was stunned. Then I didn't speak, just looked at it so quietly.

"It's going to be a long time. Take care of yourself first!"

Aimeng said this with some deep meaning. Xiao Zhang understood some, but he didn't seem to fully understand. However, he didn't move any more. Instead, he tried to recover as soon as possible and then go back. After all, now that my boss is gone, there must be a lot of things to deal with.

In a flash of time, it was the next morning. It was nearly 36 hours since Mo Yanke disappeared, but no one was found. AI Meng slowly, with twice the speed of ordinary people, to solve the breakfast. She still doesn't eat much, but it's reassuring. At least can eat, then is a good thing, unlike yesterday when still need to hang nutrition needle down, can eat, then represents is a good thing.

After breakfast, Aimeng insisted on going there to have a look. It rained a little in the morning and went to the cliff. The cliff was windy and rainy, so they didn't get off and just sat in the car, waiting to see the search and rescue team busy.

The rainy weather worsened the search and rescue process. Rain will make the vision blurred and the sea more dangerous. Moreover, it will make the people of search and rescue agitated and disgusted with this kind of mechanical search and rescue."Don't be rude to these people. When I see lunch or dinner, I will provide them with good food and drink, and then give them extra subsidies. If their bodies can't bear it, then they must not be forced to support them. At that time, they should be allowed to come down as soon as possible, or they should be replaced, so that there will be no casualties. "

Aimeng looked at the plane shuttling in the rain and said faintly.

Wang Lin answered. "Yes, I'll arrange it!"

If you want others to do their best, you have to show some corresponding expression on your own side.

At noon, the rain began to grow. Kang Xiaole sat in the car with him, while Wang Lin sat in the co driver's seat in Jinghao's car. All the people are silent, because they don't know what to say. At this time, everyone's mind is the same, just hope to find the man as soon as possible.

Even if it's dead, we need to see his body.

Husband, I'm waiting for you, waiting for you, waiting for you, you must come back safely, you can't abandon me like this, otherwise I will not let you go in my next life as a ghost, you know, if you are afraid, let us find it quickly. I know that you will not easily let yourself die, because you have not finished what you promised me.

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