AIMUN looked at him, distant and cold.

Mo Yuanhan didn't like it either. With a sigh in his heart, he said softly. "Hard work!"

But to Aimeng.

But Aimeng did not return, but when Xiaolv came, she opened her arms and hugged her tightly. Little green a see AI dream came out, this heart hurt, this good person, how a trip out of the country, thin like this, how can such a terrible thing happen to her.

When I saw Aimeng for the first time in Paris, she didn't look like this. But now why did she become like this? I don't know her any more. She was already thin. Now she is getting thinner and thinner. What is it like to be thin.

Fate, too cruel to her, originally thought that sister Aimeng could find her own happiness, but why God is always so joking, always all the bad things come to her, she is just a big sister one year older than herself, when she was in Paris, she took care of her very much.

If she had not followed her back to China, she would not have known Fang Yucheng. If she had not known Fang Yucheng, she would not have everything now.

But looking at sister Aimeng's misfortune, I really wish I didn't want to be happy.

But all she can say is comfort.

"Just come back, just come back..."

At the moment when Mo Yanke's accident happened, she wanted to follow her, but Fang Yucheng wanted her to stay in China anyway. In addition, she was filming with a female star, so she couldn't leave at all. At the same time, she knew that she couldn't help. Aimeng said that there were enough people on her side, so she didn't have to come again, so she just left He stayed at home, at the same time, he paid close attention to all kinds of news related to Mo Yanke and was ready to deliver it to Aimeng at any time. She's a small force, and that's all she can do.

However, she's so thin. She's so thin. I feel like a bone when I hold her!

Small green let go of AI Meng, looking at her, suddenly couldn't help but shed tears.

Ah, she just loves for her. What are these things!

"Look at you, why are you crying? After Yu Cheng saw you, he thought I was bullying you." Aimeng teases faintly.

Small green also feel embarrassed, also some shame, AI dream didn't cry, she cried first.

"Look at me. I'm so happy to see you're OK." With a dry smile, she quickly wiped away her tears, and then hugged Aimeng.

"Welcome back, dreamy!"

AI Meng's eyes flashed a touch of gloom and thought of Mo Yanke. Just slightly blinked an eye after, that gloomy then disappeared. He hugged her back again.

A man standing on one side can only be jealous. In their capacity, it's not appropriate to hold Aimeng. At this time, they can't help but feel that it's really good to be a woman, and they can just cuddle like this.

When Edmund let go of little green. I couldn't help but sigh.

The airport is an open place, not suitable for conversation. After all, it's a very sensitive period now. In addition, there are reporters on one side, who always want to break through. The bodyguards rush to interview Aimeng. Therefore, Aimeng doesn't talk to these people much, so she directly leads the army away.

The disappearance of Mo Yanke is a hot topic in China. Although the media got the news, the US side has given up the search and rescue, but still hopes to dig out useful information from the returned people, so there are still a lot of media at the airport.

However, Mo Yanke's brothers are always cautious, especially in Mo Yanke's absence. It's their duty to protect AI Meng, so at the beginning, the bodyguards were in place ahead of time.

Finally, the media of every family can only watch the huge bodyguard team protect the huge pick-up team, get on the car one by one and leave.

The huge lineup made the media smack a little. Although they didn't interview anything, with these photos, they could barely go back to hand over.

At last, they went to Mo Yanke's villa. We carefully considered the words and tried to comfort Aimeng. This one's heart is very valuable. Aimeng also didn't make them worry too much. Although the number of people was reduced a lot, she still let them know that she is very good now, and she will fight next!

That is to say, she has spirit!

Since she wants to fight for the Mo family, those present, such as Fang Yucheng and Jing Hao, immediately say that they can help him, but AI Meng refuses for the time being.

"I don't think it's necessary at present. When it's necessary, I'll definitely open this mouth!"

Fang Yucheng asked about her specific plan, thinking that she would try to help her, but Aimeng said that this is an internal matter of the Mo family, which is very important, so she can't tell him, please forgive me.

There is no excuse for this. Aimeng can speak so clearly and in front of so many people, which makes everyone, including Fang Yucheng, feel comfortable.I didn't treat them as outsiders, so I went straight and straight, back and forth decisively and naturally.

Well, they won't inquire about the Mo family, but they have their own opinions. And watch first, if the time is right, then they will do it!

Aimeng, they are bound to help, no matter for the brother whose life and death are still unknown, or for others.

Most of them are elites in the business world. Qi Qi's stay in Mo's home naturally aroused speculation. Uncle Mo went to the United States and personally brought back Aimeng, which has long been spread. More and more people think that uncle Mo is a fool. At such a critical moment of the Mo family, he didn't stay in the Mo family. Instead, he went all the way to pick up a woman and didn't know what he thought.

In their opinion, it is difficult for a woman to be elegant. Besides, what skills can a woman use? Is it difficult to make the present Mo family turn upside down. So no one thinks that this kind of thing is good, and even thinks that this kind of thing is ridiculous.

Aimeng had an excellent performance in the market, and she did make some achievements in the stock market. However, those were all made by her when she helped Chonghe hospital. I can't rule out that Mo Yanke was behind her at that time. After all, who is mo Yanke? He has been in business for so many years.

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