Calm face, he stood there. The atmosphere is embarrassing. No one moved, either staring at a certain point in the void, or looking down at the data with an affectation, or showing a direct and dignified distraction. And Aimeng, just looking at Mo Yuanhan. He did not move, she did not move, to see who can do who.

However, it is obvious that Mo Yuanhan came with a request, and he was the first to lose his temper. He told himself that he did it because he was looking at the face of his son, whose life and death are still uncertain, so let Aimeng.

"I want to talk to Aimeng alone. Please go out first!"

Well, at last a man bowed his head.

"Let's go out first. If you have something to talk about." Before Mo left, he patted Mo Yuanhan on the shoulder. There is an unspeakable meaning in this move.

Mo Yuanhan raised his eyebrows.

AI Meng first said, "if you have something to say, don't delay our time. As you know, our time is precious and can't stand your delay."

Mo Yuanhan's face was ugly again. After a long time, he was weak, so he could only "hum" to show his dissatisfaction. Looking at these people's eyes, it was really that some of them were not happy.

He sat down on the sofa, upright as a clock, exuding a kind of upper atmosphere. But he could not hope to overpower Aimeng with his own prestige. Aimeng just sat there at random, indifferent expression, you can't touch, only perception. You can't suppress her, on the contrary, you need to make every effort to catch her!

Mo Yuanhan's mood changed again and again, and his look changed again and again. Finally, he asked deeply.

"Why did you exclude me? I'm a member of the Mo family. I'm also Mo Yanke's father. I used to be the president of Mo family. There's something I can't know."

"With your intelligence. You shouldn't have asked that question! "


Mo Yuanhan felt the joy strangely. He is very clear about his ability, so many years, there are all kinds of praise, just don't know why, these two words from the woman's mouth in front of him, is a kind of unspeakable pleasant to hear, and, can let people's heart fly!

He almost couldn't help laughing, but after all, he restrained himself, and then tried to tighten his face a little bit, so as not to reveal his mood.

A little calm mood, he looked at the opposite Aimeng, incidentally income, sitting next to her little guy, in the heart and Aimeng would have a good mind, suddenly pale.

What is he doing? Even if he is not satisfied with the woman sitting in front of him, it is an indisputable fact that she is his daughter-in-law.

The son's whereabouts are unknown now, and the possibility of survival is very poor. It's rare for her to be a weak woman. If she doesn't abandon the family at this time, she will come back to help. Why does he have to suppress this woman.

So think, Mo Yuanhan this in the heart is not good, also don't want to play what psychological tactics.

"You can use me. I want to join you." He said directly, affirming his own value. "I know you're guarding me because of what I did to you at the beginning, and also because of warmth, right? But don't worry, I can tell the difference between private affairs and business affairs. After all, I've been in the position of home owner for so many years. If I want to keep both public and private, it's not my turn to sit in this position for so many years. It's the first important thing to focus on big things. And no matter what you're going to do, if you don't have my support, it's going to be very difficult for you to do it. You have to understand that this is a family business, so the relationship is complicated. The people here also depend on their qualifications. You are young and have a short time in this family. Even if you have extraordinary skills, you can't suppress the family immediately. It took Mo Yanke almost a year to settle the family. You need me to love dreams, so let me in. "

Aimeng was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed, "so, you come here to offer yourself and ask to join. You are from my recommendation today. You think you have great ability. If I want to have a smooth life in this family, you have to join me. You have to support me. Am I right?" Love dream coolly asked, did not show the slightest joy, naturally, did not be scared by Mo Yuanhan's words.

Mo Yuanhan's whole life is open to AI Meng, so he just goes back. "If you think so, it is! AIMUN, our goals are the same, so I will do my best. "

He showed determination and loyalty.

But some things have to be said in the beginning.

"You join, but you are only a member of the team, and this team, at present, is my leader, I need your absolute obedience."

What a big tone.

Mo Yuanhan was shocked. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Aimeng. AI Meng is still so a facial expression, indifferently looking at him, he did not agree, then asked him to leave. Anyway, for her, that is dispensable, that is, without Mo Yuanhan, she still did well this time. So she doesn't care, not at all.Mo Yuanhan looked, looked, and suddenly laughed.

"Good." He responded forcefully. "Uncle Mo and those of the Mo family value you so much. Then, let me have a good look at your skills."

A family, why talk about two families! Mo Yanke. When something happened, he really opened his eyes and saw it clearly!

But Aimeng didn't look excited at all, just said her three principles to him again.

Mo Yuanhan realized that the little girl's light appearance had been testing him quietly. When she proposed absolute obedience, if he could not let go of his arrogance and turned away, he might never have the chance to join the team again.

This girl is not afraid to force him away?!

But in fact, he was totally wrong!

For Mo Yuanhan, Aimeng is not worried at all. This person's heart is too arrogant. After all, she used to be a person in such a high position. Now she has done this on purpose. She wants Mo Yuanhan to see that some things, not his generation, have changed a lot.

The more arrogant people are, the more people who have been sitting in a noble position for a long time, and the more they can't tolerate others' neglect of themselves.

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