Because of the leg injury, and now and Aimeng standing for a long time, the foot wound is more and more painful, so, a light smell of blood, it dispersed. Although Mo Yanke's two thighs have been treated, there are still signs of bleeding.

Aimeng's nose is also very sensitive, so he sniffs out the smell and looks at Mo Yanke with red eyes.

"What's the matter? It smells of blood."

AIMUN immediately changed her face.

"It's OK." Mo Yanke smiles at Ai Meng. "A little injury, it's OK."

Shen Luo couldn't help interrupting. "Where is the little wound. Ah, Ke, let's go to the hospital as soon as possible and make up for the operation. At that time, we'll have another good cry. You can't miss this time. If there's something left in the wound, it's just not easy. We have to deal with this wound as soon as possible. Some of your wounds are festering and can't wait any longer. " Although I can't bear to disturb their sweet moment, I can't help it. After all, the wound on Ke's body is too serious.

Mo Yanke glared at him again. He really didn't open any pot. Sure enough, as soon as he said he was going to have an operation, Aimeng's tears fell suddenly.

He managed to coax him out.

Mo Yanke secretly scolded Shen Luo in his heart, although he knew that the brother was completely for his sake. After all, the wound on his body was really the same. If we don't deal with it well, maybe the recovery will not be so good.

But he also wanted to fork in, although the tears of Aimeng were fierce, he was strong all of a sudden.

"I said, it's impossible to have nothing. Let's go to the hospital and go to the hospital immediately. You said that you are really a big man. You know you are injured and you are still spending time with me here. Do you mean to worry me?"

She raised her hand and wiped her eyes with her clean arm. She came and held him.

"Let's go to the hospital. When you're ready, we'll have another good cry. It's more important to go to the hospital now."

Naturally, he couldn't say her, let alone disobey her, so he obediently let her hold him.

Light, hit in the face of these two people, the same is wet face, but reflected a dazzling light.

The man in the family finally came back. This heart also followed to put down a lot.

A pair of eyes, embedded in the face, is particularly bright.

Mo Yanke looked at this kind of wife, canthus, can't help but wet. But soon, the wet feeling was suppressed by him.

He is mo Yanke, he came back, not to cry, but to protect, protect the baby woman.

After that, Mo Yanke was quickly sent to Chonghe hospital for treatment. Chonghe hospital is now a national chain hospital, which generally has chain hospitals in important cities all over the country. So what they went to was not the headquarters, but the nearest hospital nearby.

The doctors were all prepared in advance. As soon as Mo Yanke arrived, they took action. Aimeng put on aseptic clothes, followed by the operating room.

Looking at Mo Yanke's clothes being taken off, bandages being untied, a sharp pain, shot Aimeng. She snapped her lips, stopped the exclamation, and fixed her eyes on his chest. There were two tiny hollow holes in her heart.

Hearing him answer the doctor's question in a low voice, she said how to open her chest and dig out the bullet. The pain in her heart became deeper and deeper. Why such pain, to appear in his body, she would rather appear in his body. What he did wrong, he had to bear it.

This kind of dangerous self operation in the whale's mouth sounds incredible, but it's also frightening. In case, he accidentally fell into the belly of the whale, in case, he didn't handle it well, he stabbed his heart hard, it was dark at that time, and he couldn't see anything. If there is a slight deviation when that starts, then all of these are likely to endanger their lives.

She was waiting for him in pain, but what he experienced was really painful. Ordinary people, is to be careful that the finger was cut, make a little hurt out, can call the pain for a long time. It's a powerful man, whose arm has been cut and has to change color slightly. But there are a few people, can have the courage to take a knife to dig their chest, or in this case. How many people, in the case of anesthetics, are afraid to do an operation, but he, even anesthesia can not, so raw to take a knife to his chest to poke open.

How much will it take.

And how painful it is. She was even unimaginable. I can't imagine what it was like at that time. I can't imagine how dangerous he was at that time, because it's really hard to imagine that he operated on himself in the belly of a whale. Did the man fall into the belly of the whale when he fell.

At that time, when he fell down, she saw the expression on his face, but how happened to fall into the belly of the whale. Fortunately, this man is smart enough. Even if he falls in, he knows how to use his intelligence to survive in the belly of the whale and avoid being eaten. It's digested.What a dangerous situation it is to be eaten into the belly of a whale. I can't even imagine such a thing. Only this man can survive. If it is someone else, he should have died long ago.

The doctor who operated on him couldn't help but wonder and looked at him with admiration. But she didn't feel glorious at all. She didn't want such glory, and she didn't want it all her life. Take their own man's pain in exchange for glory and admiration, what can be rare.

I can't help kneading a sweat for myself. When I see that kind of shocking wound, I really want to feel the pain on my body. This man has taken too much.

When she saw that the man's trousers were taken off and the bandage was untied, she finally took the man's big hand and covered her eyes. Tears, bit by bit to his big palm to wet. I can't control it any more.

The old and new wounds on the thigh were obviously punctured by a knife. In some places, they were all punctured and purulent. Maybe because of the urgency of time, the external living conditions are too poor, and there is nothing to bandage the wound, so the wound has not scabbed yet.

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