He wanted comfort, but he didn't know how to say it. Because of the injury exposed in front of her eyes, it's not that he said it's OK, it's good, it's really OK, it's really good. That may only make her more and more sad.

Because the things in front of you are very clear. It is also very clear where the injury is.

Therefore, he wants to avoid. He can be powerful enough to deal with anything, that is, this dangerous bullet that can kill him. He can escape in such a dangerous environment. However, as long as he is against her, all his defenses will be destroyed.

In this life, there is only such a woman who can make him at a loss and make him at a loss more easily.

In my memory, the meat that was cut from my chest, even dug out the meat helplessly, sewed the wound together like a needle, and even cut off the rotten meat in the wound. In the first few nights, I bit my teeth and endured the pain of stabbing my leg. It seems that up to now, as long as I see her smile, everything is worth it Everything is beautiful.

"A dream." He gave a hoarse cry.

"Well, I'm here. I've been there all the time. I'll be with you." She came over with a smile, her warm hand touching his face.

He thinks that this is actually happiness, isn't it? Simple happiness.

"Wife, it's good to have you by my side."

His hand, holding her little hand, warm touch, filled his hand, also filled his whole heart.

It's really warm.

This time, it should be true. It's true, it's living, it's not fake, it's very light, but it's also her. She has a unique flavor, which other people don't have.

Looking at her, eyes filled with a she, he slowly bit by bit to close his eyes.

This time, you don't have to force yourself to open your eyes, let alone force yourself not to close your eyes.


Yes, it has been in my heart for thousands of times and has become a call of inertia, but this time, I got a positive answer, so clear, in his ear.

"Well, here I am. I'm here. You cooperate with the doctor. And then get a good treatment. "

It's not in his ear.

He laughed and closed his eyes completely.

I'm at ease.

Because of her.

This is also the first time in half a month that he has been able to sleep so relaxed. I'm really relieved.

He was too tired to be relaxed for a moment after he hit the sea. On the isolated island, he often suffers from the test of food shortage, one meal without another, which aggravates his fatigue.

When the whale is digested, it should be alert. Fortunately, when the whale came out of its belly, it ended up on this island.

Along the way, ten hours of air travel, as well as the previous toss for fresh water and food on the isolated island, he did not squint for nearly a day.

Shen Luo is right. Aimeng is really his good medicine. She stays by his side, which is better than any medicine. He went to sleep, not because of the anesthetic, but because of peace of mind.

He slept so deeply that he didn't wake him up even when he was pushed out of the operating room. It's just that his big hand is always holding her little hand. He has her in his hand! So, enough peace of mind.

When he got to the VIP room, he frowned slightly when he was carried to bed, but she said to him in a soft voice, "sleep, I'm here, I'll always be with you, you can rest assured." His brow relaxed and he went to sleep peacefully. She kicked off her shoes, climbed into the bed, nestled beside him, supported herself with one hand, and looked at him like this.

Heart is very satisfied, with the general sweet wipe honey. Looking at him, she didn't feel bored. She couldn't see enough. Sometimes, when she looks at it, she can laugh, and then she can't help but come over and kiss him.

This way, Fang Yucheng and others were amused. The original sadness was immediately diluted.

Mo Yuanhan's original heavy heart, also because see this, see Mo Yanke is OK, suddenly feel relaxed a lot. At the beginning, if the son was treated well, if he was not sent to the United States, then everything would not be like this. His heart was in a trance for a while, and he immediately laughed bitterly. What was the beginning.

It's too late. But if we meet early, he doesn't know whether it will be the end. If it was like that at the beginning, then everything is good now.

Mo Yanzhe, the eldest son, is a bit disappointing, but it's a heavy blow for him to go like this. It's a common principle in this world. No matter how useless or irritating the children are, the parents who have white hair and send them black hair can't stand it.What's more, it's a miracle to be sent to a place where birds don't shit and survive. What's more, it's not expected to come back.

Overnight, he lost most of his head. Because, in despair, he thought that both his sons had gone. In the end, Mo Yanke's return ignited his hope, but his heart was really calm. Maybe - some of his heart was still at peace. Maybe, everything in the past was really like that. Let him go of the past.

It took me most of my life. Looking back, I found that those things that lingered in the flowers, crisscrossed the shopping malls, and chased the opponents had gone away and become memories. Now this day, you can cherish it. Those important people, can protect it, as long as it is alive, is a good thing.

So, although the heart still with because of the eldest son left and fall of the wound. But at least it's not what it used to be.

Looking at the man lying on the bed, I found that this is a kind of stable happiness, simple.

As soon as the news of Mo Yanke's not dead was spread, many people came here, because this is an opportunity to make friends with the Mo family. The Mo family has the strength to deal with their own crisis without seeking outsiders, so now outsiders want to get close to the Mo family, but they have no chance at all.

They don't expect the Mo family to support them, but at least they don't become enemies of the Mo family, and finally they can maintain a harmonious relationship, have opportunities and do business with each other.

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