Recently, when AI Meng arrived at night, she hid from Mo Yanke. She thought that she would go to the study and go back to the net for a while, but when she walked all the way, she couldn't bear the loneliness of one person, and even more, she couldn't bear the imagination of staying alone in the study for a while, so she quickly quickened her pace, took the notebook and quickly returned Come back.

She still can't leave him, thinking about him. A little further away from him, for a long time, she would panic and start to be afraid. After all, these days, she is so close to him that she is about to become his follower. Now that she is like this again, the man will probably laugh at her.

But since the last incident, she has been lacking in security. She always feels that whether the man will disappear in the blink of an eye. Always scared, worried.

But Mo Yanke just raised his hand, summoned her and motioned her to go. That three-dimensional and clear handsome face, lines are very soft, deep eyes, suffused with soft light. It seems that this is a normal thing.

He's welcoming her, or maybe he knows everything.

As soon as she felt sweet, she ran and jumped over. Mo Yanke just wanted to stand up and walk over to hold him.

"Oh, don't move." Aimeng quickly stopped him and whispered. "You have injuries. Don't stand up. I'll come by myself."

"It's not so fragile. It's been a week since the injury happened." He didn't care. Besides, the youth is the capital, and the injury should be getting better soon.

She still stopped me. "No, I know if it's OK. You don't want to be like this. If you don't obey me, I'll punish you. Wang Jie said that the recovery of your injury is almost the same. The recovery of the injury on your chest is too bad. Up to now, there's no improvement. I guess it's too long for you to soak in the sea at the beginning. That's why it's like this, so you should pay attention to it. Listen to Wang Jie's words, and you can't have any negligence. Besides, the medicine must be taken every day. When you were on the island, you ate too much raw food, which would make your stomach indigestion

"Small sample, do you think your husband is not good, vulnerable." And he scoffed.

"What's the matter? I don't want you to hurry up." She laughed softly. "Besides, I'm thinking about your health. Don't think it's wrong."

But he didn't listen to her at all. He stood up and hugged her in his arms. She pursed.

"It's all for you. You don't understand people's heart at all. I don't think you can get better earlier. I'll worry about you like this. You don't know how my heart looked when I saw you shot down. I feel I can't wait to jump down with you too."

He just chuckled. "If I didn't understand your heart, I would never have come back. So, my wife, in this life, only I can understand you best. You can't say I don't understand you. "

She was still mumbling. "If you really understand, it won't be like that. How dangerous it was just now. What if it happened to the wound?"

He was silent for two seconds and said instead.

"In fact, I wanted to hold you. At that time, I was alone in that kind of environment. I just wanted to hold you again if I had a chance."

Then, sure enough, Aimeng's nose turned red all of a sudden, because he seldom saw such a sensitive side of a man. There was something bad in his heart. Then he changed his posture and sat in his arms, trying not to suppress his wound.

Finally, I just sat for a while. Mo Yanke goes to get the medicine, and AI Meng runs to the bathroom to get the water. This is what they are used to doing before going to bed.

After AI Meng came out of the bathroom, Mo Yanke had already taken himself off, leaving only a pair of underwear. Aimeng was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to see his bulging place. His eyes touched his wheat skin, and he was also a little shy. Then his face was a little hot.

Maybe it's because he hasn't been touched for many days, and maybe it's because, after such a long period of time, he finally came back and felt a little new.

In a word, her mood is a little delicate.

However, this does not prevent her from wiping his body and changing his dressing every day.

Water that is neither cold nor hot is just right.

At this time, his eyes color is always very deep, once on, will let her have a kind of will be absorbed by the eyes, so, she always touch his eyes, and then smile, continue to lower the head, carefully wipe, at the same time carefully avoid the injured place.

She didn't know that whenever he looked at her like this, he felt an impulse to rub her into his bones. So beautiful, so peaceful.

"Wife." He cried hoarsely.

"Well?" She answered faintly, bent down and wiped his belly.

He reached out, grabbed her hair and played with it.

"It's all coming off." She complained in a soft voice, stretched out her scallion fingers, and put the hair he pulled out behind her ears again. In this way, she showed her perfect face. He shifted the target and gently rubbed her face with his slightly thick fingers. It's really hard to see that gentle look. It's estimated that people outside think Mo Yanke is cold and heartless, but they don't know that he is also gentle, just so gentle that he is just facing Aimeng.By the man so come, her face suddenly red, "don't move, immediately wipe good."

His fingers made her face itchy. It's not uncomfortable. On the contrary, it's really comfortable, but it makes her feel uncomfortable. I don't know what to do. Since the man came back, he has made a lot of small moves. He likes to touch her here and there for a while.

Of course, she can't dislike it, but she has to restrain this man's brutality. Otherwise, according to his present body, he can't afford any strenuous exercise at all, but this man is such a person, so she should keep a proper distance. Far away from this man. So as not to implicate the innocent.

So, every time she just whispered in such a soft way, with an attitude that she was not determined at all.

Naturally, he did not go to the heart, and still looked at her deeply. This is not only the tyranny that can not be refused, but also the infatuation that can not be extricated. It is estimated that this kind of fun is only between them.

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