No one would think that she was hitting Mo Yuanhan in the face. No one can pick out the slightest mistake. Because, Mo Yuanhan this kindness, she accepted, took over the wooden box, and also said, she likes this sandalwood wooden box, as for the necklace, to those who are predestined. Then it means no chance.

However, the world can leave this box, and will send out the feelings of expensive jade, a few people can have. No one can do that.

This is Aimeng. It won't be blindfolded easily by precious things!

What's more, her push is wonderful. Not to Miss Mo Yuanhan's face, but also let people know that she does not fully bear Mo Yuanhan's friendship. There are some things that can not be forgotten if you want to forget. There are some things that will not be easily forgotten, because in the end, things happen too much. There are some things that there is no way.

Such a woman is really brilliant.

In the eyes of several people's admiration, a happy look appeared again. It is in one side sitting of Luo Fu Sen, also face peeped out light smile, then slightly nodded.

Of course, Mo Yanke was looking at her little woman. Now she has handled this matter so well. Although her face is always cold and indifferent, her eyes are very bright.

When he saw Mo Yuanhan's behavior like this before, he was a little surprised. He just looked at how his little woman dealt with it. He didn't want this woman to accept this kind of thing, because he didn't want to have anything to do with this kind of father. However, there are some things, which are really bad. Mo Yuanhan has to choose It's a good time to choose. If you choose so many people, if you don't accept the dream, then others will say that she is hypocritical. But if you accept it, what will it be like after accepting it? If you accept it, then it's the same as what happened after it. It's a subtle change.

But the dream is a dream in the end, this little woman sometimes smart, it is really hard to imagine. He took the sandalwood box and returned the necklace, which he didn't expect at that time.

Mo Yuanhan is also a big man. Seeing that the gift he really wanted to give was returned, his excitement and pride turned into smoke immediately, and his face was unable to hang up for a time. However, his heart calmed down to AI Meng's smiling face. Several thoughts flashed by quickly, and he immediately laughed and naturally took over the bead chain.

"Well, since you say so, then I'm not reluctant."

Then he stuffed the valuable pearl chain into his trouser pocket and didn't cherish it at all, as if its real value had been left behind when he passed by Aimeng's hand.

At the end of this scene, many people have a high look at Aimeng. Many people ask themselves, if there is such a treasure in front of them, can they not be moved at all, because it is an emerald necklace, which is very valuable, and the value is not casual.

They met themselves. I'm afraid I can't.

So after that, everyone's attitude towards Aimeng was even more enthusiastic. This huge family gathering, because of the beautiful hand of Emmanuel, the atmosphere is more harmonious.

Later, it was proposed that Mo Yanke and AI Meng should come back to live. After all, this Mo family is their real home. It's hard to say if they don't come back to live with the people. Wouldn't it be more convenient for them to live in the family and deal with things.

This is a crisis, but Mo said that he would be a good way to step down. At that time, it's good to choose the right person to take over the position.

As soon as the words came out, everyone's excited heart became cold, and some of them even had panic on their faces.

Daren Qing, a position admired by everyone and coveted by many people, is still worthless in Mo Yanke's eyes. You had a mind to drive him out of that position, but how can you know that people are not rare at all.

But this time, we sincerely let him sit in this position, and it would be better if he could stay for a long time. After all, his ability is obvious to all. The people around him, even a woman, can handle such things. If they are so familiar with each other, the people behind him must be powerful. But now Mo Yanke says that he is only a pawn now, and he will give it back to others at that time.

So some people's eyes turned to Aimeng, hoping to start from her. But Aimeng's attitude is as desperate as Mo Yanke's. It turns out that people don't care about this position at all. Also, look at the way she just returned the necklace casually, you can see that people are not a person who pays attention to property at all. And look at her earlier series of performance, we know that she is not a care about fame and fortune.

Those who once clamored to drive Aimeng out, not to let her take charge of the affairs of the family, not to let her manage the Mo family, and said that she was a wolf with ambition and wanted to plot for the Mo family privately were immediately ashamed. They are really a villain, thoroughly "to villain's heart degree gentleman's belly". They're just noble. People don't care about these things at all. For her, fame and wealth are nothing.What a shame.

Some people simply face down, or quietly back to the outer layer.

The atmosphere is a little cold and stiff.

It's not that one family doesn't go into one family. The couple regard fame and wealth as dirt. They don't know how to persuade them. What's more, Mo Yanke is not a person who can be persuaded. It's hard to see Aimeng, because I can see from her performance during this period that she is a soft and tough person. When she has a decision in her heart, it's hard to make her change.

But how can they let people go? If this person leaves easily, it is estimated that they have lost the chance to find them again next time.

When the anger became more and more dull, Aimeng said with a smile, "today, we are not celebrating my uncle's return. How come everyone is dead."

As soon as Aimeng said this, everyone understood it immediately.

More clever, he immediately provoked another topic and exposed it.

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