"Ha ha, I'm so happy that Mengmeng cares about me. Besides, I'm waiting for you to come to my arms. I'm in an empty window now, and I can't find a woman who loves me at all."

Mo Yanke immediately interrupted with a cold voice. "It's me."

Jinghao choked and couldn't speak. Embarrassment is an instant reaction. Then he slowed down for a few seconds before he regained his solemnity and asked Mo Yanke.

"How are you recently? How is your health? How do you feel about your survival? Do you think life is so beautiful?"

The conversation between the two lovers is naturally dull. As soon as the conversation of "OK, OK, how are you doing, OK" is over, they feel bored and end the conversation.

"Don't answer his phone in the future. This man is too glib. He is old enough to find a woman to settle down. I'm still thinking about you. It's a shame. "

The man admonished her and gave her back her cell phone, with a touch of jealousy in his tone.

AI Meng steals a joy in the heart, hugs the man's arm, small ground scatters Jiao. "He saved me. How can he be regarded as nonexistent. What's more, Jing Hao is just like that. He talks nonsense, but he doesn't do anything messy. Don't worry about it. He's just a bit hard to beat, but it's actually very good. Besides, look, he really helped you a lot after you fell into the sea this time. "

Mo Yanke snorted. "He just looks at you bullying, just like saving people. Do you really want to repay your kindness all your life?"

AIMUN shook his head.

"Well, don't talk about him. You clearly know that in my heart, he can't compare with you, and I only value you. So, you can rest assured. Even ten Jinghao are useless. You are the only man in my life. You are mo Yanke. "

She blushed a little and looked at his beautiful eyes. Although she was a little shy, she was more bold to show her love.

Mo Yanke felt comfortable.

"In short, less contact with him. I don't like this man very much. Although you are not interested in him, he is interested in you."

He pulled her into his arms, then held out his big palm, and pressed her head on her chest. When she couldn't see his expression, he simply admitted.

"Your husband can't stand this. He'll be jealous. You'll have less contact with this man in the future."

Aimeng was stunned suddenly. What is the man talking about now? Is he jealous? Wow, I'm scared to death. This man, however, will never say anything like this. It's really blindfolded, at least she's scared.

How can he be so straightforward!

She struggled to see what he was looking like. But he is too good, is to press her, do not let her look up. So she raised her hand and beat him on the waist.

It's too much. Let her see what happened. Her jealous expression, but let him see it all!

Even if you beat him, there's no way to compare strength with men. It's basically futile. Finally, she gave up, put her arms around the man's waist, squinted and leaned on the man. Mo Yanke thought deeply whether he wanted to use some extraordinary means to find a woman to harm Jinghao, and then tie him to death, so that he would not disturb his women all the time.

Of course, this thought is still hidden in his heart for the time being. If it is said, I'm really afraid that his wife will laugh at him and say that he is so evil in his heart.

But as soon as this idea came out, I wanted to practice it quickly.

The next day, two people finally spare a little time, so Mo Yanke took her to the doctor who was responsible for him that day. The doctor looked at the wound on his chest and expressed great affirmation.

"I've recovered very well. I don't need to rest any more, but I'd better try not to do strenuous exercise. Also, try to rest as much as possible, and it would be better if we could keep it for a few more days. You are still young, and your body is relatively strong, and your recovery is relatively fast. As like as two peas, it will be the same as before.

Ah, Meng was more happy than Mo Yanke, and said several thanks to the doctor. The doctor couldn't bear such a thank you. He said you're welcome. You know, the one in front of you is the real boss behind the scenes.

Recently, Wang Jie went out to attend the seminar, so he told this doctor about some things. This doctor was responsible for all the wounds on Mo Yanke's body.

Before leaving, President Wang also told Wan Qian to explain that this person is not easy to offend. He is the boss behind the scenes, so he should serve well and never neglect him.

AI Meng lowered his head with a smile and buttoned Mo Yanke's shirt one by one with a pearl like fingertip. Looking at Mo Yanke with a virtuous appearance like a little daughter-in-law, he felt warm. After pulling her out of the doctor's office, he pressed her on the blue and white walls, and his tall body leaned over, trapping her in his arms.Picking eyebrows, he laughed and whispered.

"Wife, do you hear me? I'm fine. After you go back, wash yourself and wait in your bed. "

With that, he felt her face like a flower who used to play tricks on little girls in ancient times. The powder is tender. It's really comfortable. This little girl's skin is getting smoother and smoother.

Her face burned, and she looked shyly on both sides for fear that someone would notice. After all, this is a hospital. It's impossible to say that there will be other people coming in and out, such as doctors and nurses. This man is too messy to say anything. What's more, how can he think about this in his mind? It's too much for him.

She gave a dry cough. "The doctor said, you can't do strenuous exercise yet. Didn't you hear that just now. If you don't hear me, I'll take you in and listen to the doctor

He just snorted. "As far as the bed is concerned, it can't be called strenuous exercise. Don't push it for me. You can't escape today. Go back and wash it clean for me and wait on me."

Her face, the more red, because the man's voice that suddenly dumb down, already with that. Especially that pair of deep black eyes, more like to swallow her.

It's really funny to find this man funny. It's really cute. It's really funny to say that.

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