This kind of support made Liu's mother even more ashamed and almost shameless. You know, Mo Yanke saved him and his husband that night, so strictly speaking, it's their Liu family that owes Mo Yanke. They don't have this feeling at all. Let Aimeng help them. However, she treated her with such respect, care and love.

"Mengmeng, I don't know whether I should say it or not. I know that even if I say it, it will make you a little embarrassed."

Liu's mother seized AI Meng's hand and looked at the delicate and beautiful face. Without saying anything, she burst into tears.

Aimeng stretched out another hand and gently patted Liu's hot and humid hand to comfort her.

"Auntie, don't cry. You first tell me what's going on. Let's think of a way to deal with the matter. What do you think? I know what you're here for today. It's not a big thing. We can solve it by thinking of a way. Don't be so pessimistic. Things haven't reached the absolute level yet. "

Liu's mother is a businessman. As a once powerful woman, she naturally understands what Aimeng said is right. So, she wiped tears hard, even if she was ashamed again, she let out her face and told the story.

However, Liu Shen was deeply involved with the Wang family before, although Liu Shen began to stop after he was saved by Mo Yanke. However, in order not to scare the snake, his range of action is not very large. Wang's reaction was also quick, so he put down some things. Now, the Wangs are being detained and begin to bite like mad dogs. They find someone to threaten the Lius. If they don't help the Wangs, the broken jar of the Wangs will be completely broken and the Lius won't feel better.

This is a threat, a naked threat. I want to use this way to threaten the Liu family to redeem them. If they don't redeem, then they will pull the Liu family down together even if they go to hell.

With their mouths on them, they can say that if they grasp some small things, they will be able to kill Liu Shen and even have a certain impact on Liu Yan. They pointed out Ming Road, let Liu family to find Aimeng, let Aimeng method to give Wang family a way to live, otherwise, they really give up.

Liu Shen is a little proud and will not come to seek Aimeng. After all, it is a high status, after all, really want him to pull down the face to seek Aimeng, such a thing is really some can't do.

"If it's a big deal, I'm going home. Don't worry about the Wang family! "

His son Liu Yan has the same attitude. "The body is not afraid of the shadow. Is it difficult for the Wang family to be so powerful. It's true that the dead can't survive. "

But Liu mu can't, can't watch such a thing happen. One is her husband and the other is her son. At this time, she doesn't want to see anything happen to them.

Even if her f shares are easy to say, he is only in his 50s this year. He retired so early and was idle at home. He is almost useless.

Moreover, her husband knows that he has that ambition. He is suitable to stay in that position and will do a very good job. Let him down from that position. Even though a man says that, he is bound to be depressed. After a long time, he is afraid that he will suffer from some illness.

Moreover, he is smooth on the official road, and has been praised for climbing the peak many times. It is said that when I am old, I will return home in fine clothes. I hope that when I am old, I can retire in the wind and scenery.

What's more, people in such a high position let others down all of a sudden. I guess I can't stand it for a while. But if we don't solve the problem this time, we will be dismissed. It's a disgrace. She can't stand her husband's most beautiful life, but he is so miserable when he is old.

She really couldn't see it and couldn't bear it.

Again, her son. Liu Yan is now her only hope. It can't be said that she is looking forward to her son's success in the future.

But this world but mother's, which don't want their son good. If something really happened, how could it be as easy as my son said, just do things honestly. Although she is not in the position of officialdom, she has a lot of contacts in such a family.

His father had such a thing, other people will naturally taboo, more exclusion of him. Moreover, at that time, even if he is excellent, he will lose a lot of opportunities, and even live a life of being criticized.

Before, his father stayed in that position, and there was the Wang family behind, so naturally no one dared to put pressure on him with power. But now that the Wang family has collapsed and his father has stepped down, people who want to clean him up may jump out. Even if he is lucky not to be broken down, he will be tripped or excluded in that circle in the future. The final result, she thought, must also be thankless, and ultimately depressed.

This is the end of the son is not willing to see, that is to give his son a dead end.

When a mother, how can you see such a situation."Mengmeng, I know it's rude for me to come to you today, but I really can't help it." Intermittently to explain things to the end of Liu's mother, re pull Aimeng's hand, crying.

AI Meng twisted her eyebrows and thought about it. She patted Liu Mu's hand again.

"Auntie, please don't cry. I will do my best to deal with this. It's not so easy for the Wangs to talk nonsense. At this point, I think we can stop him. Of course, if the Wang family can not get involved with uncle and brother Liu, that is the best. In this way, wipe your tears first, wait for me here, I'll go and discuss with ah Ke. It's a bit big. I have to talk to him and see what he can do. After all, I'm also a lady. I don't know much about some of these things. You wait here for a moment

Naturally, liumu was grateful and nodded.

Aimeng asked her to do it well and went upstairs. Just ten steps out, I was stopped by Liu's mother.


"Well?" She turned in disbelief.

"If you can't, just do your best, but don't force yourself. If Mo Yanke doesn't agree, forget it. Don't destroy the relationship between your husband and wife just because of us. It's not easy for you two to experience so much and have today's situation. "

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