"I made it myself, for you. But you can rest assured that the material is very good. " Rowan explained that he was afraid that Aimeng would not like this. I'm sorry. "It's a gift of apology. Before, my attitude to you has not been very good. Yuxin that time matter, also was wrong to blame you, but actually owes you a formal apology. So, I took some time to make this chain for you. I hope you can accept it and accept my apology. This chain is not valuable, but it is my wish. Akona, I always treat him as my brother, and instinctively hope that he can get the best and have the best woman to match her. I didn't know about you before, so I mistook you at the beginning and rejected you. But these days, you surprise me and admire me. Thank you for my dad. I know about the Mo family. Your credit is also the greatest. Also, my father and ah Ke can recover as before, I also thank you. In a word, I was a villain before. I hope you will accept my apology and let us have a new start, OK? "

She looked at her sincerely, and her lower lip was slightly bitten, revealing some of her nervousness and embarrassment. Aizi is afraid that she will say something about her, so I'm afraid that it's not about accepting it.

Luo Fusen's daughter, the natural pride of the general existence, since childhood where has been such a thing, it is estimated that there is no apology.

It's not easy for her to lower her head. Not to mention, I said it from the bottom of my heart. But none of these will be the reason for her to accept this gift. Because, she does not need other people's favor at all. In her own world, she is the queen.

But this is Rowan, the daughter of Robinson and Mo Yanke's cousin. For the sake of her husband and uncle, she accepted the offer.

Reaching out, she graciously and unpretentiously took over the gift.

"The past is past, so don't talk about it any more. Anyway, it's not a big deal. I haven't paid attention to it for a long time. I like it very much, but it bothers you. Also specially for me to create such a beautiful necklace

As Rowan said, this is a new beginning. If true, nature can friendship forever, her dream is not a villain, must entangle this kind of thing, make everyone unhappy. She is not such a person. Since people have come to apologize, what else can't be done.

Time will tell.

Hearing Aimeng's words like this, Rowan laughed and showed relaxed joy. She went to pull a chair, sat down on one side, chatted with Aimeng, and said some old stories about Mo Yanke. If we want to enhance friendship, we naturally need to start with things that both sides are familiar with and interested in. Then this cousin, ako, is a good choice.

However, Rowan didn't talk much about it, because he was thinking that dinner would be ready soon. Sure enough, not long after they went downstairs, they had dinner.

This meal is very happy, basically everyone is happy.

Finally, after Mo Yanke's family left, Luo Wen entered his father's study alone.

"Dad -" she put out her tongue. "Mengmeng accepted my apology. It's a thing of the past. "

And then Robson snorted. "It's long overdue. Now, look at the stupid things you did. How could such a nice little girl do such a thing? If she was really cruel, Ke would not like it. Fortunately, you just said something unpleasant in your mouth and didn't really take any action. Otherwise, I would not like it See how you're going to solve it. "

Luo Wen went to the back of Luo Fu Sen, very skilfully helped him to rub up the shoulder, not according to the ground coquettish way. "Dad, I was not flustered at that time. I was worried about you. Besides, Yuxin was kidnapped. I was very worried. You were not there at that time."

And so he shook his head. He said with a smile, "I don't know about your girl's character. When it's hot, you really don't know who you are. So don't make excuses for yourself. Sometimes you are stubborn. Once you have a position for others, it's hard to change it. You, you need to change this problem more in the future. You still need to listen to other people's opinions on major issues. However, it doesn't mean that you should listen to others completely. Sometimes you need to think about the priorities of this problem. "

At that time, after xiaoyuxin was found, the one in my heart was also the one.

But as a father, after he came out this time, he knew this kind of thing, so he had to train impolitely. It is precisely because of the reprimand of Rowan and the wake-up of her reprimand that Rowan takes pains to apologize.

Rowan "mm-hmm" a few times, no refutation. Her father's words were valued by her from childhood to adulthood.

When he saw this, he said nothing more.

My daughter is a little good, that is, she can correct her mistakes. Another point is that she will treat the person who is approved by her wholeheartedly. With today's start, he doesn't have to worry about the future. Because Aimeng is basically the kind that you treat me well and I will treat you better. My daughter doesn't need to do much. She just needs to communicate with Aimeng.Mo Yanke has the same meaning.

Luo Wen presents gifts to show his kindness and apologies. Naturally, AI Meng can't hide it from her husband. After listening, Mo Yanke said.

"When you associate with her, you can do as you please. You are my wife. You don't have to please others, let alone hurt yourself. With me, if you don't want to contact more, you don't need to contact. If you want to contact, you need to contact. Anyway, there's nothing else

Because he's strong enough to protect his women, that's more than enough.

Aimeng lazily leans his head on his thigh, and his little mouth tilts up slightly to show a smile. Slightly holding the hand to play with the necklace, but it is Luo Wen sent.

Mo Yanke turned over the document in his hand and continued to look at it. On the other hand, he played with her hair every time. The corner of the eye is still shining, but she is always covered in it. It's a protective gesture.

This is silent love.

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