Only a stupid person would be stupid to think that the computer was lost, then all this would be destroyed. Mo Yanke would be so stupid that all these things were hidden in such a computer.

No way.

Her behavior, can only let everyone's heart straight to sink, can only let everyone more disappointed.

How can her weak strength compare with Xiao Zhang's skill? After all, they have been trained. He just stepped back a few steps, and then quickly flashed to one side. Mo yannuan threw himself into the air and bumped forward. Finally, because he was too crazy and had too strong momentum, he fell to the ground. That head almost touched the ground, buttocks slightly pursed posture, can be said to be in the ugly. Especially on this occasion.

Wearing a skirt, because the action is too violent, you can even see the black underwear inside.

This woman is really coquettish. She still wears black. It's true. In such an occasion, making such a thing is really a joke.

And this kind of occasion, as the first lady of the Mo family, is really disgraceful.

Mo Yanke glances at Mo Yuanhan mercilessly..

"Help her to one side and sit down. Don't be too shameful."

Mo Yuanhan's face was black and frightening, almost as black as ink. He thought that after Fang Chong's incident last time, Mo yannuan should have learned a lesson. But now, what's the matter with this woman? It's so funny. He thought that Mo yannuan had no place to toss, but he didn't think that she was so bold and wanted to kill.

He saw that she was crazy to do such a thing. What's more, how could Mo Yanke's life be easily won? What did she think and how could she make such a stupid decision.

When she got up, he strode toward Mo yannuan. When she got up, he twisted her hands impolitely and cut them back. Then he tugged her hard and went to one side.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Mo yannuan screamed crazily, which was like losing all the evil spirits. Her eyes were wide open. Her eyes were staring at the computer in Xiao Zhang's hand. She struggled to jump forward again. She still wanted to seize the computer.

"Shut up and stop, you woman."

Mo Yuanhan drank fiercely, holding her wrists with one hand more, while crossing her body with the other hand, he squeezed her shoulder hard. That strength, pricked her nerves, let her finally some recovery sober. I know what's going on.

She felt the eyes of the people again, disgusted, surprised, surprised. All of them are negative, all of them are questioning her, even more disgusting.

No, it can't be like this, it can't be so passive, it can't be so chaotic.

No, she needs to calm down. Calm down. She is the first lady of the Mo family. No one else has such glory. How can we be flustered, how can we let others see her jokes, how can we let others grasp her weakness.

What's the hurry? The video hasn't been broadcast yet. Things haven't come to the worst. I just turned on the computer, so I can't panic. I can't panic. What she needs now is to think carefully, give the strongest counterattack according to the content given by Mo Yanke, and take herself out as far as possible.

Don't panic.

She kept on talking, but she couldn't completely calm down.

She can't mobilize all her energy to think about the strategy against the enemy, because now she is alone. This scene is too frightening. So many elders of Mo family look at her and look at her as if she is very terrible.

It's like she can't control her shaking and her brain is blank now and then. She tried hard to think, eyes wide open to think, but the mind, but it is nothing, nothing to imagine, a brain of chaos, can not think of anything.

Xiao Zhang opened the video. All the scandals Mo yannuan has done are shown in front of everyone.

She contacts with the killer, verifies his ability, and asks him to test his gun. She talks about the price with the killer and makes a contract secretly. Then she negotiates the price of Mo Yanke and Aimeng, and even negotiates the price there. Finally, she makes a deal at the price of 13 million yuan.

All this is faithfully recorded by the camera.

Mo Yan is warm and cold. He knows that he is going to die.

In order not to scare the snake, but also to kill Mo Yanke and Aimeng in one fell swoop, so she asked for the killer, must be high standard, so, she went to personally test the killer's skill. But she still has some vigilance. She won't show her face to the killer. After all, she doesn't have a perfect grasp of each other.

She wore makeup and a pair of black sunglasses. Wearing a mask, no one can say for sure that she is mo yannuan.

But in the end, she entered the stage of spending money to kill people. She and the killer talked about everything. She returned to the car and got the money. After paying the advance payment, the killer suddenly lifted her black veil, took off her sunglasses and blocked her mouth.She was so scared that she thought the killer was going to kill her and took her money. Mouth can not speak, she can only desperately use gestures to tell the killer, she has someone outside, he dares to move her, her people will not let him go.

Although she negotiates and deals with the killer alone, she also brings people here. They just stay downstairs and don't know what she's doing here, but they rush up when they can't get the phone call from her every other minute, even if they can't give the secret order.

At the beginning, she agreed with the killer. The killer should know. Moreover, the building is surrounded. If he does something to her, he will not be able to fly.

Think to come, this killer shouldn't be stupid, is also she want to fork in, that killer just want to see her face, confirm her identity. When the makeup on her face was easily erased by the killer, he squinted at her for a while and then let her go.

He went on to explain that he determined her identity so as not to lose the remaining money after he took a big risk to kill someone. If that's the case, he'll make her look good. Moreover, the killer also threatened her that if she did not arrive at the designated place to give him the money within an hour after he completed the task, then he would come to kill her later.

The best thing to do is not to do it for them.

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