Fang Yucheng left, the door of the villa is closed, but Aimeng sat on the sofa, the whole person is not in the state.

Maybe it's really something she didn't expect. Fang Yucheng will come to her. She admits that it's reasonable for him to say these words. If it wasn't for her, maybe Mo Yanke would never look back and worry so much. If it wasn't for her, no one would use her to threaten him. She is just a person who doesn't have much weight, but now someone has threatened Mo Yanke with her. Even she was surprised at such a thing.

Leave, how to leave, in what way to leave, if you leave directly, Mo Yanke will come to her, but if you don't leave secretly, she can't escape from his palm.

The whole person curled up on the sofa, taut a face, looking at the sun outside a little bit fierce, she has been sitting for a long time. But she still couldn't figure out how to leave. I have imagined all kinds of possibilities in my mind, but I still thought that I was rejected one by one in the end.

Maybe fate never arranged them together, maybe the previous things were just a wrong beginning.

Back a few months ago, if she didn't go to a bar that night, and didn't meet Mo Yanke, the story would not be written like this. The worst result is that she is still poor, can't afford to read a university, and works hard every day. But that kind of life is at least real, but now it seems real But it's not.

He took the newspaper and looked at the reports above. It was impossible to say that he was not sad, but it was really her fault. If it wasn't for her, Mo Yanke would not have been like this.

It's only one day away from the school's New Year party. Originally, she wanted to go with Mo Yanke, but now, it's impossible.

She didn't know how Jinghao knew about her phone. When the phone rang, she was a little frightened. Looking at the strange number above, she answered it uneasily.

"Aimeng, how about it? Have you thought about it? What I said yesterday still counts. When I am a woman, I will help Mo Yanke. "

Her hand trembled, almost unable to hold the mobile phone, forced herself to calm down, "OK, I promise you. But you have to promise me a few conditions

Jinghao slightly frowned on the other end of the phone, "OK, you say. What I can do, I will do it. "

"Accompany me to the school's New Year party tomorrow evening, and I will inform Mo Yanke. I hope you can play a play with me. I can be your woman, but I hope you don't touch me first. I'm afraid I'll repel you and I'll feel sick. "

"OK, no problem. I promise you that I will pick you up at your villa tomorrow."

It seems that an agreement has been reached and the phone has been hung up. However, Aimeng feels that her hand is shaking and her heart seems empty. How can things come to such a state? Why does she have to use such a way? But she can't leave like that. If it's just like that, Mo Yanke will never let her go. He once said that if it's his person, don't try to say goodbye I'm with a lot of men.

That man hates being betrayed most. If it is true, it will be doomed. Is she digging a big hole for herself and waiting for her to jump in. You don't even have to think about the ending.

In the evening, Mo Yanke came back tired and saw Aimeng sitting on the sofa, silly.

He went to sit down, hugged her in his arms and said, "what's the matter? What's on his mind."

He read today's newspaper, but he didn't know whether he should be angry or how. He only told himself that he needed to calm down. In fact, he was very busy today, but he still left those jobs and went home.

If you want to say something in the newspaper, she should be able to explain it.

Aimeng is silly for a while, just reaction comes over, "you come back, I go to cook first."

Today, she has been a fool here all day. Suddenly, she gets up and feels dizzy. Some of them are unstable.

Mo Yanke took the opportunity to pull her to sit down, "you have a rest, today I'll cook for you."

"Ah, can you cook?" Aimeng exclaimed, because he knew before that Mo Yanke couldn't cook, otherwise the kitchen in the villa couldn't be so empty.

"Don't worry. Sit down and I'll cook for you."

It's just two bowls of noodles, but Mo Yanke has been busy for more than half an hour. After busy, the appearance of noodles is still a little miserable.

Aimeng can still feel the taste in her mouth. Some poached eggs are scorched and bited into her mouth. There is no taste. Maybe there is no salt. It should not be cooked. Once she bites in, the yolk can still flow out. Even though it doesn't taste good.

But she ate it all. Just eating and eating, she shed tears. Is this the first and last time that she has eaten what he made? Maybe after tomorrow night, she will not be able to enter the villa, or eat in the same place as now.

Mo Yanke, who was sitting opposite, was hard to swallow what he had made. He saw that Aimeng was eating it with tears in her eyes. Suddenly, he was a little angry and took her bowl. "Don't eat it. It's so bad. What's good to eat."His mood has been trying to restrain, but there is still no way. Today, the news in the newspaper is very popular. Morse's stock is being swallowed up by people.

"It's delicious. I'm tired. Let me finish her." Aimeng wants to continue to take it, but Mo Yanke takes it directly to the kitchen and pours it into the garbage can.

Then he came over, took up Aimeng's hand and went upstairs. While walking, he asked, "have you read today's newspaper?"

"I saw it."

"Don't you want to explain?" In fact, he knows that most of the things in the newspaper are scribbled, but what he cares about is whether Aimeng also thinks that he is a rich man, so he is with him. He's obsessed with this. He doesn't care about anything else.

Aimeng was stunned, but suddenly laughed, regardless of the corner of the eye is still streaming tears, said with a smile, "explain, explain what, the fact is like this, you are really a gold and handsome man."

Mo Yanke suddenly let go of Aimeng's body and watched her fall to the ground. He went into the study. And then the door closed so loud. deafen the ear with its roar.

Aimeng suddenly laughed, forced any pain, stood up, covered the stomach pain to the bedroom. And then as soon as I sit down, I sweat all over. This kind of pain seems to kill people, but she held back, Mo Yanke should be angry. Angry or so, so that she can leave the peace of mind.

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