Who is mo Yanke? He has experienced many ups and downs since he grew up, and he really has many ways to make money. The industry under his name is almost all over the world, including all kinds of industries. Therefore, Jinghao's point is something he has played and expected.

"We are friends, but we are also in business. What's more, we also take what we need from each other. We all have profits. I don't think it's bad. "

He just said this, no longer said, shaking the glass, tasting red wine, waiting for Jinghao's reply. If Jing Hao can't see through this, then it's not Jing Hao. You can be proud, but be proud of people and things. Too much pride will only hurt others and yourself.

If true, Jinghao soon responded and came back neatly.

"OK, I'll come to you then. My winery has just been built. I just need a channel to make my name known."

In business, there are always ups and downs. It's convenient for you today, and it's convenient for me tomorrow. There are no eternal friends and enemies in this world, only eternal interests, which are businessmen.

Business is business. That's an eternal thing.

It's just business. There are no other ideas.

Now that Jing Hao has understood, what Mo Yanke is going to say next is better.

"Don't be polite to me when you need my factory and approval. Anyway, if you think you can use mine, just let me know."

Although Jing Hao has a firm foothold in Milan, he is willing to return to China. Due to the infrequent time, it is not so easy for him to get a firm foothold. In particular, this place needs to deal with many powerful people.

Jing Hao felt a little flattered. He felt that there was something wrong with Mo Yanke today. Instead of stepping on him, he stretched out his hand again and again. This man, can't be what big stimulation!

His eyes, to AI dream body slip, some doubt is AI dream and what he said. But what AI Meng shows is pure joy, not knowing the inside story at all, and even echoing Mo Yanke's words. He looked, not as he had guessed.

But I don't understand why, and Jinghao's way is almost the same, so he declined first.

"I'll see you when I need to!"

Mo Yanke nodded. Anyway, he put down his attitude first. What happens to Jinghao depends on his side!

Jing Hao left first because he had doubts in his heart, and because the conversation was almost over. Looking back, let's go down and check what Mo Yanke has done today. It's a little strange. I don't believe what he said. I feel that such words should not be said from Mo Yanke's mouth.

How could he have thought that Mo Yanke wanted to pit him. Mo Yanke thought, I'll give you some advantages first. When you look back, you'll find that I've made a fool of you, and you won't be upset too much, while your own women won't be too upset with him.

The person he thought of was the female successor of Milan's hundred year old distillery. That woman with strong personality, ordinary men can't control her, and she can't look up to her at all. However, with Jinghao's ability and that kind of rebellious attitude, she can certainly look up to her. Moreover, with her means, maybe she can really win Jinghao, so as to avoid Jinghao's mistakes To harass his woman.

If we can successfully solve the biggest potential rival of Jinghao, he will be much more comfortable in the future. As for another figure, Liu Yan, it is estimated that after this period of time, there will not be any big action, because although the current Liu family is still the same as before, it has been imperceptibly influenced by the potential rights. Although it is a commercial marriage, it seems that the woman, gentle and lovely, does not look carefully, but also has some kind of dream shadow.

The thing is, Liu's mother got a basket of crabs from others, and she took most of the crabs herself.

Since Mo Yanke saved the Liu family's life, Luo Fushen has saved Liu Shen. The hatred between the Liu family and the Mo family has been put down. Liu's mother has come to AI Meng more often. She always says that it would be nice to have a daughter like Meng Meng.

No, as soon as she got the crabs, she didn't want to, so she sent most of the baskets to Aimeng. With Mo Yanke's wealth, there is no lack of this stuff, but Liu's mother and Mo's family are not for this. It's a matter of heart to send it here.

Because of love, so have good things, always want to share, always want to give their favorite people.

AI Meng is happy to see the crabs crawling vigorously.

"Auntie, what Ke likes to eat."

"Then wait a minute and eat more. If you like it, I'll send it next time. Ha ha, I have a friend who is making seafood. It's convenient to make this product. I'm sure it's all plump! "

Aimeng did not refuse, because the two families were supposed to be relatives.

"Thank you, auntie."

It's just that there are so many crabs that only two of them can't eat so much.

"Auntie, do you want to do this? You call brother Liu and uncle over and let's sit down and eat crabs together. I don't think the two families get together. Just take this opportunity to manage the relationship between the two families, especially Mo Yanke and Liu Yan."Liu's mother was very moved when she heard this. Although his family no longer mentioned revenge, he didn't communicate with Aimeng all the time. It's an opportunity to let him come here.

This is a good opportunity!

Liu's mother runs her own company. As a strong woman, she has her own strength, so she's making a decision now.

"OK, I'll call them right away and ask them to come over!"

After all, this is Liu Shen's first invitation. AI Meng is not sure about it, so she stands up immediately.

"OK, I'll go to the kitchen to see if the ingredients are enough. If not, I'll have to buy some more!"

Taking this opportunity, she went to the kitchen and left the living room to Mrs. Liu, which was convenient for her to call. I don't know what Liu's mother and Liu Shen said. In short, Liu's mother went to the kitchen and called Aimeng.

"It's agreed that they'll come as soon as they go to work. However, Liu Yan will bring a guest here. You don't know. I've been very happy recently. Finally, a girl has taken a fancy to him."

"Yes, brother Liu is in love. It's a good thing. Brother Liu is not too young. It's time to get married and have children."

"Yes, the boy is finally enlightened, and he finally knows that he's out of business."

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