Liu Shen took Maotai, personally filled the cup for Mo Yan Ke man, and then filled it for himself.

"It's been a long time, and I didn't thank you seriously. Thank you for helping the Liu family so much. Here's to you. "

Everyone who knows the inside story knows what Liu Shen means by being busy. Mo Yanke didn't refuse either. He slightly raised his glass to Liu Shen and drank it down. Then he served Liu Shenman with wine, and he served himself with wine.

"My family, Mengmeng, used to be taken care of by your family. Here, I say thank you and respect you."

The words are not clear, but they can be fully understood by people who are familiar with the inside story.

Liu Shen's eyes were a little red, and his hand was a little trembling, and he held the glass. After stabilizing, he firmly held the small wine cup full of wine. Without spilling a drop of wine, he touched Mo Yanke and drank it in one gulp.

Drink this glass of wine, the past, that is completely put down!

On the wine table, there was a moment of silence. Everyone stopped eating crabs and looked at the two men.

Although Liu's mother also had a moment of sadness, it was gone all of a sudden. It didn't last long.

"Come on, come on, eat crabs, eat crabs. Today, I'm here to eat crabs. You two, don't thank me. I don't know. Besides, it's not a waste to put so many crabs away. "

Aimeng said immediately. "Yes, eat crabs, eat crabs."

Then he picked up a crab, peeled its shell and put it in Mo Yanke's bowl. This man likes to eat seafood, so this crab is also a favorite.

Mo Yanke picked out the delicious crab roe and sent it to Aimeng's bowl. Aimeng silent smile, carrying crab roe with chopsticks dipped in seasoning, small mouthful to eat.

Liu's mother makes a strange way. "It's a show of love."

With a smile, Liu's mother began to eat happily. Just don't know what she thought of, she suddenly put half of the crab roe in her bowl into Liu Shen's bowl.

"Well, I'll show you my love, too."

Liu Shen was stunned and looked at the crab roe in his bowl. He was silent for two seconds, then he ate it quietly, and the food was clean. Noticing this scene, Liu's mother steals music, while Aimeng laughs in her heart.

Roughly by the tip, Xiaowen also quietly put a portion of crab roe into Liu Yan's bowl. Liu Yan Leng Leng, eyes slightly to He Wen there glanced at a glance, saw her face drooping, ear tip of a touch of pink. With her temperament, she seldom blushes. Liu Yan looked at it. After his eyes flashed, he lowered his head and ate the crab roe quietly.

Xiaowen corner of the eye Yu Guang looking at, some joy, the face is more red.

Liu's mother inadvertently saw this scene, and she was stealing music again. The young couple are developing peacefully towards the side she expected. Although there is no strong and stormy waves, although the little girl's family is not a rich family, but their family after so many disturbances, it still feel this kind of flat light good.

Sitting next to Liu's mother, AI Meng felt it. She followed her eyes and looked at it. With a little understanding and a little smile, she bowed her head to take care of the big crab.

Her index finger, white and delicate, peeled the shell of the big crab, but it was quite dexterous. With the help of tools, she quickly peeled the crab meat completely from the crab claws. After finishing the whole one, she put it in front of Mo Yanke and whispered softly.

"Don't patronize drinking, eat more crab meat."

She winked at Mo Yanke in a coquettish way.

Mo Yanke smiles and takes it with special enjoyment!

AI Meng's mouth raised a gentle smile, and Mo Yanke said, "Meng Meng, don't patronize others, you can eat yourself." This is loving her and leaning towards her.

She gave a sweet "MMM" and began to eat slowly.

The men began to talk about the topic again, probably because they had already said what they couldn't talk about before, so there was nothing to worry about. So this time, when the men started talking about the topic, they opened it up completely.

Liu's mother looked at the men's smile, looked at Aimeng and Xiaowen, and said in a low voice.

"Look, it's a job all day long. My boss is here. I haven't seen what I said."

This is Liu Shen.

Xiaowen followed suit. "No! But ah, I like to hear them say that. It's very interesting. After listening to it, I have to sigh every time that there are all kinds of strange things in the world

The things that Liu's father and son can talk about are not ordinary things. They must have something special, full of suspense or interesting.

Aimeng is very happy. "People say that reality is more mysterious than fiction, but that's not what they say."

The three women listen to it. When they catch up with it, they talk about it by themselves. If it's interesting, they talk together. Finally, a large basket of crabs was completely wiped out, and everyone felt satisfied.The women chuckled and took away the table, while the men were still talking. Looking back, after everyone rinsed and cleaned their hands, Liu's mother was still sitting there chatting with everyone, while Aimeng and Xiaowen went into the room to cut fruit.

When the fruit is washed and peeled, Xiaowen makes a sound.

"Dream, you are a dream."

"Well. You are Xiaowen. I forgot to ask your name at night. " Aimeng's smile was slightly biased,

"I envy your feelings."

"You will, too. Liu Yan is a good man and deserves to be cherished."

Aimeng thought about it and said. "Everyone has his own marriage. It doesn't matter whether he arrives early or late, but it should be just right. It just happens at that time. Liu Yan, I'm just like a big brother. I sincerely hope he will be well. You two can have a future because you are a good woman and he is a good man

Xiaowen's heart was suddenly touched. As she peeled the apple, she stopped.

Aimeng also stopped and looked at her, but her tone turned abruptly and became a little severe.

"My aunt can't hurt my uncle any more. Although there may be some misunderstanding between them and me in the past, I regard myself as the half daughter of my uncle and aunt. It's also my responsibility for the rest of those two old people's lives. I will never allow brother Liu to leave his uncle and aunt, and even ignore them. If I really get there, I'll be very rude! "

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