Gu Lengfeng's breathing has become heavy, and his body has obviously become dry and hot. He is afraid that if he continues to kiss, he will not be able to control himself. With the last bit of reason in his head, he struggled to leave Su Xiaoxiao's soft lips. After the kiss just now, Su Xiaoxiao's lips are like a freshly ripe cherry, delicate and charming, which people can't help but want to taste.

No, no, this room can't stay any longer. If you stay any longer, what will you do? Gu Lengfeng glanced at Su Xiaoxiao with a small face. He got up and walked quickly to the door, opened the door, turned to Su Xiaoxiao and said coldly, "you sleep well, don't kick the quilt, it won't be cold enough for the baby." then he walked out without looking back.

Now, Su Xiaoxiao woke up: my God! What were you doing just now! She kissed a man other than her little uncle! The key is that I still enjoy it! He's a cowboy! Su Xiaoxiao, Su Xiaoxiao, how can you do such a thing!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoxiao patted himself on the forehead. Thinking of the lingering kiss just now, she covered her face shyly.

Ah, no, this cowherd only rented this room and gave it to himself. Where does he sleep? Why don't you go out and find him? Let him come back to sleep on the floor. The floor of the room is at least much better than the sleeping corridor. Su Xiaoxiao thought and got up to go out and call Gu Lengfeng back, but as soon as he opened the door, he remembered the scene of getting lost outside, so he shrank back, closed the door and went back to bed.

Su Xiaoxiao felt a little sorry and thought that he would give the cowherd some money tomorrow as a reward and compensation for occupying his room tonight. But this cowboy should not be so stupid as to sleep in the corridor, right? He should go to stay with other well-known cowherd brothers for a night. Su Xiaoxiao successfully came up with a way to make himself feel at ease, so he changed to a more comfortable position and lay down, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Su Xiaoxiao slowly opened her eyes and looked at a handsome face slowly enlarged and clear.

Gu Lengfeng looked at Su Xiaoxiao who had just woke up and looked bleary eyed. Coupled with the messy hair made by restless sleep, he was very cute. He couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her head. "Finally wake up and get up and have breakfast."

Su Xiaoxiao just woke up. Her brain hasn't recovered. She casually promised to be good. After a while, he slowly woke up and asked Gu Lengfeng, "where did you sleep last night? Did you really sleep in the corridor all night?"

Gu Lengfeng looked at Su Xiaoxiao's guilty face and couldn't laugh in his heart: why is she so cute? Since it's so easy to cheat, he tried his best to cheat her. He said wrongfully: "I only have this room for you. Of course, I can only go to the corridor."

Su Xiaoxiao opened her eyes in surprise: "can't you squeeze with your other colleagues?" "how can you trouble others?" Gu Lengfeng said solemnly. Su Xiaoyi felt very guilty: "sorry, well, why don't I give you some more money as compensation? Do you think it's ok?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Lengfeng almost didn't hold his breath. He smiled and said, "I don't want money. Keep this compensation first. When I think of it, I'll ask you for it. You get up and have breakfast first." then he went out.

Su Xiaoxiao got up and washed quickly. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Gu Lengfeng leaning on the railing waiting for her. Her lazy temperament and a good skin bag made people unable to move their eyes. Su Xiaoxiao thought to herself: it's really beautiful. It's a pity to be a cowherd. It's a pity!

After breakfast, Su Xiaoxiao was worried that her little uncle would find that she didn't go home at night, not at her classmate's house, but at a strange man's house, so she couldn't afford to go, so she hurried to go. Gu Lengfeng leaned against the door, stretched out his long arm, stopped her and said, "you still owe me a compensation. Now you run away, who am I looking for in the future?"

Su Xiaoxiao: Yes, it seems that he still owes him compensation, so he took out his mobile phone and said, "what's your number? I'll call you, so you'll have my number. Come to me when you think about it." Gu Lengfeng looked at her and raised a slightly invisible arc around her mouth. He took Su Xiaoxiao's mobile phone, dialed a call for himself, and then let her go.

When Su Xiaoxiao got home, she quietly wanted to sneak back to her room to avoid meeting her little uncle and being questioned by him. Unexpectedly, as soon as I passed the restaurant, I heard a magnetic voice say, "come here." Su Xiaoxiao secretly shouted. He was so careful that he was found. There's no way. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. "Have you had breakfast?" the little uncle's nice voice sounded again. "Yes, I have." Su Xiaoxiao replied cleverly. "Well, just eat." "little uncle, that's all you want to do with me?" "yes, breakfast is very important and I have to supervise you." "little uncle, you have nothing else to ask me?" "no, do you have anything else to tell me?" "no, no, I'll go back to my room first." after that, Su Xiaoxiao slipped away.

Sun Zixuan looked at her back, smiled and shook his head: the little girl repeated her old tricks every time. She used this method to make herself pay attention to her. She had been conniving at her before. Unexpectedly, she fell in love with herself and had to let her retreat.

After su Xiaoxiao slipped back to the room, on the one hand, she was glad that her little uncle let her go so easily and escaped a disaster. On the other hand, she was a little lost: does his little uncle care about himself at all? Don't even ask which classmate she went to last night. Forget it. The more you think about it, the more depressed you are. Don't think about it.

Tomorrow is Monday. I have to go to school again. Thinking of this, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help wailing: she had to get up early to class again. Su Xiaoxiao has just been promoted to freshman year this year. There are not many freshman classes in ordinary schools. Su Xiaoxiao's school is just not an ordinary school. It not only has a lot of classes, but also has morning classes every day, which makes Su Xiaoxiao cry out for nightmares.

After dinner in the evening, my little uncle asked the driver to take Su Xiaoxiao back to school. Su Xiaoxiao said discontentedly, "little uncle, you don't want to see me so much. You don't want me to stay for another night." Sun Zixuan said, "you have an early class tomorrow. You can go back to school tonight and sleep more tomorrow. If you are at home, you will get up very early." after listening to his words, Su Xiaoxiao looked at him for several times before getting on the bus.

As soon as she arrived at the dormitory, her best friend Yu Niannian gave her a bear hug. Usually, in Niannian's daily life, if she didn't say a word, she would bear a bear hug. Su Xiaoxiao had been used to it for a long time. However, when Yu Niannian held her tightly this time, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that she was pregnant, so she was so scared that she hurriedly pushed Yu Niannian away and said: "Well, read aloud. In the future, don't hold me so often. For such an adult, we'd better not have such excessive intimacy." then he hurried to his bed and lay down.

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