Life is still tepid. The weather is fine these days. Su Xiaoxiao is in a sunny mood. He goes to school and school as usual with Ling Feng and Su lie. They go to the band rehearsal in their spare time and have a happy and fulfilling life.

But Gu Lengfeng can't sit still. Originally, she was reading the company's project materials while holding a cup of coffee. Suddenly, Su Xiaoxiao looked serious in class. She couldn't help smiling. She drank a cup of coffee and continued to read the materials. After a while, she thought that her classmates were still coveting his baby. Inexplicably, she had another rival in love who said she wanted to defeat him. It was really angry and funny.

Thinking it's time to get off work, Su Xiaoxiao is almost over at this time. Gu Lengfeng quickly picked up the suit coat on the sofa, picked up the car key and walked to the underground parking lot.

There were several red lights on the road. Gu Lengfeng kept looking at the time, thinking about taking Su Xiaoxiao to eat, while urging the driver to drive faster. When he arrived at Su Xiaoxiao's school, the bell just remembered that Gu Lengfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief for fear that Su Xiaoxiao would wait for him for a long time after class.

Gu Lengfeng got out of the car and left the driver in the car waiting for him to pick up Su Xiaoxiao. He entered Su Xiaoxiao's campus. At this time, just after class, many students arrived at the school gate. There are many trees on the campus. Gu Lengfeng casually leaned against a tree to play with his mobile phone and waited for Su Xiaoxiao to run towards him happily after class. Her happy smiling face was enough to dissipate his tiredness of the day.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao looked at the clock in the classroom. Before the teacher said "class is over", she quickly sorted out her schoolbag and prepared to rush out of the classroom.

As soon as I got to the door of the classroom, I thought of an expectant male voice, "Su Xiaoxiao, I received a lot of help from you at school. My mother said that I asked my classmates to come home today. Do you have time now?" Su Xiaoxiao looked up and Wang Zhengzheng sincerely invited her.

"Er... Sorry, I have something to do today..." although I'm sorry to refuse Wang Zheng's invitation, I think Gu Lengfeng may still be waiting for her at the door today. I'm sorry to take him to my classmate's house.

Wang Zheng was a little discouraged and wanted to stay for a while. Then he advised her, "I told my mother today that I would invite my classmates back for dinner. She has prepared delicious snacks for us in advance."

"Su Xiaoxiao, just after class, why are you running so fast? Wait for me!" the sharp eyed Su lie saw Su Xiaoxiao's figure at a glance, followed by Luo Yang and Ling Feng. They were running here.

"Su Xiaoxiao, I finally caught up with you. 'Hoo Hoo', today the band told me to rehearse. Let's go to the rehearsal room together." Su lie came to Su Xiaoxiao like a 100 meter sprint and panted.

"That's all right." Su Xiaoxiao was a little frustrated when she heard that she had to rehearse. It seems that she can't be with Gu Lengfeng today. He looked back at Wang Zheng with a sad face. "Sorry, I really can't go to your house today."

"It's all right, you go. Come on!" although Wang Zheng was a little sad that Su Xiaoxiao couldn't be a guest, he still supported Su Xiaoxiao to rehearse in the band.

"Well, thank you!" Su Xiaoxiao was very happy to get Wang Zheng's encouragement and followed Su lie and them to the rehearsal room.

Before Su lie and others reached the rehearsal room, they heard both the messy harmony of musical instruments and the noise of everyone chatting. Su Xiaoxiao ran to the door of the rehearsal room in three and two steps. He couldn't wait to open the door of the rehearsal room. All kinds of mixed voices stopped suddenly. The eyes in the rehearsal room looked at the newcomers.

"Su Xiaoxiao, this way!" just a few seconds later, the rehearsal room resumed the noise. A girl with a good relationship was playing with musical instruments. When she saw Su Xiaoxiao standing at the door, I didn't know where to go, she enthusiastically called her.

"Isn't it rehearsal? Why is it so noisy." Su Xiaoxiao didn't adapt to the noise in the rehearsal room. Looking around, everyone wasn't rehearsing seriously and couldn't help asking.

"Ah. Everyone is talking about where to play after the victory of the competition! Su Xiaoxiao, let's talk." at this time, a boy next to him was chatting in a circle with several people. Seeing Su Xiaoxiao, he invited her to discuss the topic together.

"No, No. I want to rehearse for a while..." Su Xiaoxiao quickly refused him.

Seeing the game approaching, we should rehearse well now. Su Xiaoxiao is looking for an instrument to calm down and rehearse. "What are the people doing in 'bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang.

"Who?!" "it's the school security guard!" "open the door quickly!" "no, we'll be scolded..." for a moment, the people in the rehearsal room were like ants on a hot pot, thinking whether to open the door or not.

Everyone pushed me to open the door. "Open the door quickly! Or I'll hit the door!" the security guard outside the door raised his voice again, but Su Xiaoxiao had to open the door quickly.

"You just rehearse! It's so noisy! It has seriously affected others. Do you know! The school expressly stipulates that you can't make a noise in the training room!" as soon as the door was opened, the security guard yelled at the training room. Su Xiaoxiao stood at the door with her head bowed, as if her ears had been baptized.

"Brother security, we know we're wrong. It's not an example. It's not an example." a student in the rehearsal room smiled when he saw that the security guard's tone eased a little.

"Do you think this is over?! you seriously affect the campus discipline. Everyone sitting here will give me an inspection tomorrow!" the security guard announced everyone in a loud voice, and then turned away.

Su Xiaoxiao finally raised her head and rubbed the sore ears shocked by the high decibel roar of the security guard. She thought that she must find Gu Lengfeng to complain.

"Eh? Gu Lengfeng! No, I completely forgot him. He must be very angry!" Su Xiaoxiao thought that Gu Lengfeng should still be waiting for him at the school gate. Looking out the window, it was already dusk, and ran anxiously under the tree where Gu Lengfeng often waited for her.

It's getting dark and there are more mosquitoes under the tree. Gu Lengfeng has several mosquito bags on his arm, reminding him that it has been a long time since Su Xiaoxiao finished class. Gu Lengfeng stood up straight, moved his aching muscles and bones, looked around, and there was still no su Xiaoxiao.

"Forget it, she won't come today. I'd better go back." Gu Lengfeng said to himself. Go to the parking place.

The driver has been waiting in the car for a long time. Today, when I didn't see Su Xiaoxiao, I couldn't help asking, "Gu Shao, don't you wait for Miss Su today?"

Gu Lengfeng said to the driver, "let's go back first! Don't wait."

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