Su Xiaoxiao could not help blushing when she heard Wang Ma's words.

In the past, I only thought about playing happily with Gu Lengfeng. I didn't think about so much in the future. Although Gu Lengfeng is 26 years old, after all, she is only 18 years old. She is still a student. Marriage is still far away for her. Listening to Mrs. Wang's words, she suddenly looks forward to her wedding and post wedding days with Gu Lengfeng. Which girl doesn't expect a romantic wedding and someone who can spend her life together.

Looking at Su Xiaoxiao's meditative appearance, Wang Ma must be thinking about the future of him and Gu Lengfeng. So he asked cunningly, "Miss Su, have you ever thought about your future life with Gu Shao?"

"Yes..." Su Xiaoxiao was still a little embarrassed. She looked down at the floor and blushed for fear of being laughed at by Wang ma.

"I want to be happy with Gu Lengfeng every day and marry him when I graduate." Su Xiaoxiao looked up at Wang Ma and said.

Wang Ma didn't speak, motioned Su Xiaoxiao to go on.

"I want to design a wedding dress that is unique to us and should be treasured all my life. The wedding doesn't need to be very grand. Just invite some friends and family to have dinner together. It's very happy and satisfied to get everyone's blessing!" Su Xiaoxiao was full of happiness when she thought of the wedding. How happy it is to be married with her favorite forever!

"Miss Su, just think about marriage and life after marriage." Wang Ma reminded her and asked Su Xiaoxiao to go on.

"Married life... Married... Will have a baby..." when Su Xiaoxiao heard about the married life, she began to have a bad scene. Her ears became redder and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Miss Su, ha ha ha. You don't have to be shy. I'm all from here. It's normal to have a baby." Mrs. Wang looked at Su Xiaoxiao and wanted to find a seam to drill in and enlightened her with a smile.

"Well, I'll go on." Su Xiaoxiao touched her hot cheek with both hands, trying to make the temperature return to normal.

"If you want to have a baby, no matter whether he is a boy or a girl, you love him. Buy him a lot of toys and countless clothes. When he is under the age of one year, you will accompany him. Don't let him suffer any injustice. Teach him to call our parents and watch him grow up day by day..."

"When he is older, he can run behind us. He can go wherever we go. Then we can take him around the world, take many photos, hang all over his small room, tell him fairy tales every day and watch him fall asleep safely

"When he is older, send him to school, dress him up very handsome or beautiful, let the children and teachers in the kindergarten like him to play with him, teach him to learn a lot of musical instruments and languages, and make him a versatile and likable child

"When he goes to college, he will be far away from us. He will have favorite boys or girls. The other party must be excellent, and then they will get married and have children..." Su Xiaowen said happily. Thinking of a lovely company in the future, he felt that the future was really beautiful and satisfying.

"Miss Su, I patronize children and don't talk about your life with Gu Shao." Mrs. Wang reminded Su Xiaoxiao of the happy face of the child.

"Ah? Life with Gu Lengfeng..." Su Xiaoxiao didn't know what his life with Gu Lengfeng would be like in the future.

Now the way they get along is that during the day, she goes to school, he goes to work, after class, he will pick her up at the school gate, and it is the happiest time to go home with him every day. However, after marriage, she will graduate, go out to work or be a housewife at home. He will still go to work, and they will spend more time together, but there will be quarrels

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling sad when she thought of this. She was most afraid that the two people would quarrel for a long time. If they quarreled more times, they would be tired. Finally

Mrs. Wang looked at Su Xiaoxiao's crying expression and thought that she must have thought of the bad results. "Miss Su, think about the good life you have with Gu Shao." Mrs. Wang kindly touched Su Xiaoxiao's head, as if listening to her own daughter's vision of her future.

"Hmm!" Su Xiaoxiao began to think about the sweet little days with Gu Lengfeng in the future.

"After we get married, I will stay at home, try to improve my cooking skills, cook delicious meals for him, control his stomach, learn camellia and tea art well, tidy up the home very warm, and then wait for him to come home from work every day to cook bath water for him. He will tie his tie at work and tell him not to be too tired

"When he has a holiday, we can go out on vacation, take his hand to the beach to pick up shells, stand on the reef and swear to the sea that we will be together all the time. On a sunny summer night, we will climb to the roof, stand a telescope to look at the stars, say our thoughts, coax the baby to sleep, sing him a lullaby, and then we go back to our room to hug and sleep, waiting for the sun to shine in the next day..."

Su Xiaoxiao fell into a longing at this time, which can no longer be described as happiness and satisfaction. It's not good for Wang Ma to interrupt her and let her continue to talk, "When we get old, our children get married, have children and have their own families, we can relax. He doesn't have to live a nine to five life and don't have to work so hard. We will find a quiet mountain Xiaolin as a house to spend a leisurely old age together. During the day, we will start from the hut to the hilltop behind the house to watch the sunrise. We rely on it Crutches help each other. Then when we come back, we will pick mushrooms and wild fruits in the mountains and take them home. We will also keep some stray dogs, kittens and rabbits. When we come back with mushrooms and wild fruits, they will swarm around. In the evening, after dinner, we will walk around to interview our neighbors and enjoy the cool under the big tree in front of our door. We will be picked up by a group of people to celebrate the festival together with our children and grandchildren All over the hall, sharing the happiness of family... "Su Xiaoxiao put her hands together, fingertips against her chin, closed her eyes and told happily.

"Miss Su, what you think is so romantic. I want to live like that when I'm so old." even Mrs. Wang was immersed in it and envied it.

"Really? Mrs. Wang, you praise me too much." Su Xiaoxiao was surprised to hear what Mrs. Wang said.

It turned out that Mrs. Wang would like such a life, but after all, it was a beautiful dream. It was unreal and people felt it could not be realized. However, I still want to try.

"Wang ma. I will work hard for the bright future I want!" Su Xiaoxiao made up her mind and promised Wang ma.

Wang Ma: "son, it's good for you to think so, and Wang Ma hopes so."

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