Gu Lengfeng supported Su Xiaoxiao's shoulders with his two hands and said, "Xiaoxiao, don't be impulsive and don't think about it. Will you listen to me?"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Gu Lengfeng dimly with tearful eyes, "OK, I'll listen to you explain."

Gu Lengfeng took a deep breath and said slowly, "Wu man really grew up with us, and her family and my family are also friends. Later, when I grew up, I felt more and more that Wu man had a strange feeling for me. At that time, I had a loved one, so I was far away from her. But at that time, Si Yenan couldn't extricate himself from what Wu man liked."

At this point, Gu Lengfeng showed a painful look. Su Xiaoxiao looked at Gu Lengfeng and couldn't help touching his shoulder, "what happened later?"

Gu Lengfeng took a deep breath, "later, the girl I loved left me after something I didn't want to recall in my life. Then my family and Wu man got engaged to us. At that time, even if I didn't have her, I didn't have a little feeling for Wu man. Si Yenan went abroad to help us. That's it..."

After hearing what Gu Lengfeng said, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly solved many mysteries in her heart. Why didn't Gu Lengfeng tell Wu man to himself? Even if he did, he certainly couldn't accept it. Why did Wu man hold Gu Lengfeng's arm that day, Gu Lengfeng looked so disgusted, and why did he see Wu Man and Si Yenan so close that day. I always misunderstood Gu Lengfeng.

Su Xiaoxiao, "Gu Lengfeng..."

Gu Lengfeng looked back and said sadly, "little, what I said is true. Believe me, okay?"

Where is the usual look of pride? Su Xiaoxiao felt ashamed to see Gu Lengfeng. At the same time, I hate myself. Why are you so impulsive that you can't ask things clearly.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't answer. Before Gu Lengfeng finished, Su Xiaoxiao raised Gu Lengfeng's head and kissed his lips. She thought that she had only this way to make up for her injury to Gu Lengfeng.

The glittering and translucent lips suddenly kissed him, and the cold little lips inspired Gu Lengfeng. The clumsy tongue tried to pry open his teeth. A fire somewhere in Gu Lengfeng's body was ignited in an instant. He slowly loosened his teeth, and his small tongue came in and stirred with Gu Lengfeng's tongue. Slowly, Gu Lengfeng changed from passive to active, desperately demanding from Su Xiaoxiao. Su Xiaoxiao really couldn't bear to take care of Leng Feng's combat effectiveness, and slowly breathed quickly.

He propped up Gu Lengfeng with his hand and hesitated: "Gu... Gu Lengfeng, i... I'm almost out of breath." Su Xiaoxiao regretted what he thought at that time to provoke the great demon king.

Gu Lengfeng heard Su Xiaoxiao's hesitation and didn't take care of it. It's still going on.

Su Xiaoxiao saw that Gu Lengfeng didn't stop. Instead, he was more active than just now. "Gu... Gu Lengfeng, please let me go. I... I know I'm wrong." Su Xiaoxiao begged for mercy.

Gu Lengfeng stopped his action, "what's wrong?"

"Wrong... Wrong should not believe you. Wrong reminds you of the past, wrong..." Su Xiaoxiao really couldn't think of where she was wrong.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao's embarrassment at this time, Gu Lengfeng couldn't bear to punish her. He sat up. He also pulled Su Xiaoxiao up, held her in his arms, and touched Su Xiaoxiao's stomach with his big hand, "then tell me, can't you think about it in the future?"

Su Xiaoxiao is very sober now. Even if she still thinks about it, how dare she say, "well, I dare not."

Hearing Su Xiaoxiao's answer, Gu Lengfeng laughed.

Su Xiaoxiao was stunned to see Gu Lengfeng smile. This... Seems to be the first time she saw Gu Lengfeng smile. In her memory, he got along with Gu Lengfeng. At most, when she saw the slight rise in the corners of his mouth, she would thank God that she didn't annoy the great devil. Today, she saw Gu Lengfeng smile.

Aware of his gaffe, Gu Lengfeng cleared his throat, "well, we should eat."

Su Xiaoxiao ignored him, "Gu Lengfeng, are you pretending to be serious?"

Gu Lengfeng: "no!"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "you have."

Gu Lengfeng: "

The two are reconciled again, but there is only a poor little girl abandoned by Gu Lengfeng

Si Yenan watched Gu Lengfeng walk out of the office with dark clouds overhead. "What's the matter? People are afraid that you will have dinner alone. They deliberately come to have dinner with you, but you abandon me to find a woman? It's really heterosexual and inhumane." Si Yenan nagged while thinking about where he should go for dinner in the evening.

While thinking about it, Si Yenan remembered it on his mobile phone. It's wuman's.

Manman, what's up? Si Yenan picked it up without much thought.

"Hello, little beauty, what can I do for you? Your knight will escort you at any time." Si Yenan said humbly.

Wu man was in a good mood. He was teased by Si Yenan and smiled brightly. "Hahaha, so my knight has time in the evening? I invite you to dinner," Wu man said his purpose.

"Oh? The beautiful princess wants to invite the knight to dinner. Of course, not us?" Si Yenan heard something in Wu man's words.

Wu Manton said for a moment, "er... Yes, you and brother Gu."

When Si Yenan heard that Wu man didn't specifically call himself, he was still a little lost in his heart. But she asked herself first, but Gu Lengfeng had gone out to have dinner with Su Xiaoxiao.

Si Yenan thought for a moment: "that... Beautiful princess, maybe only the knight will accompany you to dinner in the evening. Your brother Gu has gone out to do business, and I don't know what to do. If you really want to call him, you can call him yourself." Si Yenan tried to tell Wu man to the point, He dared not directly tell Wu man that Gu Lengfeng had dinner with Su Xiaoxiao. "

"Ah? Well... Did he tell you what he did?" asked Wu Man disappointed.

"It seems... No. he seems to have gone to see the customer." Si Yenan lied. "Why don't we eat together today and call your brother Gu another day?"

Wu man was obviously in a bad mood. "Well, brother Nan, will you treat me to this meal? People are a little unhappy." Wu man said coyly.

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