Sword Among Us

Chapter 985: Strong kill

Chapter 985 Strong Kill


Hey! !

With the passage of time, there have been more than a dozen cracks in the cornerstone of the unguarded demon gang gang. Under the happy and crazy offensive, there is a trend of further spread and expansion.

"Since you don't plan to defend, I will first level the devil's altar, and then go out and chase!" Happy early in the sacrifice of a group of people will not dare to easily start the deployment of people, to make up their minds, to destroy the cornerstone of the gang as the primary purpose.

Since the blood coat and the dream cloud are hot, he naturally will not give up the chance to face!

It lasted for nearly ten minutes, and the gang stone was finally worn out by half of the defense value under the attack of happiness.

As long as you continue to use the same intensity of attack, happy believe that, no matter how long, the devil will become history


Just then, the happy ears moved.

The dense sound of the air rang from outside the altar.

When I turned my eyes, I was happy to see more than 300 Yipintang disciples rushing into the yard one after another. They grabbed the bows and arrows in their hands, and seemed to be planning to use the old tricks they had used before.


Seeing this, happy and sensitive to the atmosphere is not right.

This group of people is less than the previous ones...

Before the hundreds of people all explained it, they did not cause any loss or hindrance to themselves. Yipintang could not be so generous to take out a group of people to kill.

These guys, what kind of abacus?

Seeing that one of the disciples was arranged as neatly as before, the dense arrow rain was released. Happy did not go up immediately, but turned around and let some of the arrows Ding Ding fall to the corner of the gang.


The gang of the genius of the demon squad suddenly had another crack, which looked even more dangerous and seemed to collapse at any time.


"Targeting a little!"

In the crowd, a few disciples of the eye-catching class have seen the chills almost jump out of the chest and suppress the roar of the voice.

However, the second round of arrows went out and still did not involve happiness.

The latter dribbled a turn, avoiding the arrow rain, grabbing the gaps in their shooting and continuing to attack...

The poor gang stone has been covered with cracked lines and oozing a little bit of debris.

On the outer wall of the devil's altar, a group of masters who are ready to be sent here are cold sweats!

"He is not fooled, what should I do?"

"That idiots, don't shoot when you are in front of the gang's cornerstone! The arrow will fall on the cornerstone and it will be faster!"

"The Lord! The gang's cornerstone can't last for too long, you have to think of a way!"

Someone whispered.

Isn’t Yinxin anxious?

To recapture the material, it is necessary to be close to the cornerstone of the gang, and then it takes some time for the altar to extract the materials in his own authority.

The three hundred death squads there are used to attract happy attention...

But now it seems that the temptation is not strong enough.

One bite, the heart is ordered:

"Let the brothers of the death squad go ten meters further!"


"Suddenly want to keep it?"

Although I am very surprised that these people's reactions, but hundreds of people are beckoning in the vicinity, happy will not refuse - in fact, because the distance is too close, the arrows flying in succession make him almost no chance to shoot, must be cleaned up Just a moment.

Lingbo micro step!

Happy to leave the corner of the gang.

At the same time, a group of people on the outer wall have a great spirit! Without hesitation, I rushed to the corner of the gang with the fastest speed.

Because they know that happy hunting and killing people is very fast, we must seize every minute.


This time they lost their minds.

When I happily plunged into the crowd, I immediately noticed the movements of a group of people who were impressed. I noticed that this number of people who did not exceed 30, but the equipment was generally higher than a level, and there was still a **** in the heart. The altar of the altar.

When I thought about it, I knew the purpose of Yinxin and others, and I knew that the three hundred people in front of me were indeed the ‘gifts’ given to them by Yipintang!

"It turned out to be the material in the Treasury!"

"I am willing to take 300 brethren to die at a price. It seems that the materials of the devil's warehouse should not be too small..."

Happy heart quickly got an idea.

The dazzling figure just rushed into the crowd and then flashed out from the other side, at a faster rate...

Almost at the same time as Yinxin and others rushed to the gang warehouse, they were happy and appeared in the vicinity of Yinxin.

"Block him!!"

The three hundred death squads became the furnishings at this time, and they did not dare to shoot.

At close range, only a group of people who follow the heart can help him resist and delay time.


It’s very clear that the thief first smashed the king’s truth.

Not only can the morale of Yipintang be disintegrated, but the characters at the non-tank level are unable to obtain the authority to extract the materials of the warehouse.

Dragon hand!

Lingbo Weibu easily flashed in front of a group of people.

The neck of Yinxin was happy to be buckled, and even the people dragged them out of the crowd with weapons, and pressed them on the intact wall of the Chamber.

boom! ! !

Yinxin was just preparing to look up the materials in the warehouse through the cornerstone of the gang. He felt that there was a flower in front of him, interrupting the connection with the cornerstone of the gang, and the back was shocked and slammed into a wall.

"Tell Meng Yun, the material of the devil's altar, I am so embarrassed."

After saying this, he was so eager to breathe, and he did not hesitate to disintegrate the infuriating body that had just gathered up in the body of the Yin heart. He tried hard and twisted the neck of the altar in front of a group of disciples.


The corpse of the heart is slowly slipping against the wall...

The final picture is a happy turn and rushed to the three devils who are angry with the devil!

"do not……"

Yin Xin wants to say no to die.

But there is no way to speak.

Consciousness has been annihilated.



The instinct was pale from the Wu Temple, and the whole person lost his soul.

Beyond the Wu Temple, the eyes of many disciples of Yipintang are focused on...


At this moment, Yinxin does not know what to say.

The task of dreaming and confessing is not completed. When he dies, he goes to the devil's altar for at least twenty minutes. The devil's altar has long been broken.

It is impossible to rush out of supplies even if you rush.

and many more!

Yinxin suddenly thought of a way...

You can transfer the main position of the altar to others. For example, the three sub-owners who are the core members of Yipintang will take out the materials...


The thought just rose from the bottom of my heart, and when I took out the pen and paper and prepared to put it into action, the familiar sounds that sounded behind me were like the same basin of cold water and the face was poured down:

"The altar."


Looking back, the heart is pale!

"You are all dead?"


The three deputy altars showed pale pale bitter expressions: "I am happy to take a shot, I can't keep up with the connection... I can't resist the darkness of my hands, I can't help the bottom, and I can't help myself. There is no way to fight. ”

“It’s not a super master who once almost entered the top eight in the world.” The three people don’t know why the heart is heartbroken, and they are still feeling strong and happy.

The voice did not fall, but also a group of brothers of Yipintang, who continued to squat from the chest inside the Wu Temple, their faces were very pale:

"Boss, we are dead."



Yinxin listened to his face and suffered hardships. Now more and more brothers are seen. There are more than two thousand signs. Finally, I can’t help it. A blood spurt on the ladder outside the Wumiao Temple, and my body is dying:


This time, no one can save the supplies of the devil's library!


Since Yinxin tried to use the heads of the three hundred and one-class disciples to open up the materials of the demon pool, he was happy.

No matter how the people of Yipintang are shot, there can be no living people near the corner of the gang!

A rush to kill three deputy altars and more than three archers, continue to attack the gang corner!

The masters of the Devil's Hall of Fame are aware of the importance of materials in the library, which can be worth almost tens of billions of silver.

Such a fortune is taken away with joy, who is willing?

The death squad is gone.

When the heart is dead, the person who is outside the visual war suddenly becomes a dislocated wild horse!

Seeing that the gang’s foundation is in jeopardy, a large number of people spontaneously organized themselves and actively entered the devil’s altar...

"court death!"

In the face of the surging masters of Yipintang, I am not happy.


boom! !

Numerous rubble-breaking bricks and arrows around the ground became a happy weapon, spurred by a series of fun-like picks.

The people in front of them were shaken and flew out.


A piece of granite railing was happily shaken, and the darkness was sent, flying and kicking out.

call! ! !

The railings slammed into the crowd with a fierce whistling sound. A large number of people could not avoid being hit by people, and they were embarrassed. The current few were directly vomiting blood.

"Brothers, exchange supplies!"

"How much can you pay for it?"

Several people took the opportunity to grab the gang near the gang...

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly the wind blew the face, and a residual image came from the side. Two of them felt that the neck was tight, the chest was shocked, and the body was thrown high.

"not dead?"

The two saw the blue sky on their backs.

Hey! !

The blue sky was quickly shrouded in black swordsmanship...

The sharp sword mans directly tore the two from the air into several pieces.

The shocking scene made everyone feel awkward.

Happy, my eyes are cold, and I started the Lingbo microstep without stopping, and rushed to the crowd with impunity...

"Exchange! I will let you redeem!"

"You will die back to the gang warehouse, so I will receive it all!!"

"I have to look at it, is there more things you have to bear! Or I have more things to kill!!"

The murderous murder, along with the majesty of the ice and the bones, made the disciples of Yipintang, who was the cornerstone of the gang from all sides, tremble.

at the same time.

At least dozens of people were riddled with turmoil all the way.

Many people on the periphery found that around the happy steps, near the steps of the gang's cornerstone, the body was covered.


Splashes are everywhere.

But no one can safely reach the corner of the gang.

The enemy is like a ghost that can't stop, and constantly slams people's lives...

Subconsciously, most of the disciples of Yipintang took a step back at this moment.

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