Sword Among Us

Chapter 991: Want me to speak more clearly?

Does Chapter 991 ask me to make it clearer?

The spacious gang is inside the prison.

Two white figures and a black figure are constantly interlaced;


Hey! !

In the air, the two long swords that swayed and flew in the air, such as the arm, continued to shuttle in the air, bringing out the layered swords, and meeting each other, and weaving the sword net.

Less than five minutes...

The sword net has basically improved.

The long sword flew back and forth, constantly strengthening the density and sharpness of the sword net, and repeatedly brought more wounds from the black shadow in the sword net!

The shadow movement space of the black shadow is gradually limited, and it is getting narrower and smaller. It has to start the guard body and use the defensive moves to resist the two attacks of the gods and the ghosts.

Seeing here, the five poison doormen standing outside the gang prison, the face gradually revealed a dignified color - this is the strongest in the early days of the mythical prison, it is their brother who cooperated with Jin Yiwei Only the heavy criminals who caught the hand were arrested.

Despite being an enemy and two, it has been so easily and quickly suppressed, and it has only resisted. It is currently impossible for many top players in the rivers and lakes.

What most unacceptable to him is...

The masters of the two long swords in the prison seemed to have not done their best at all. They looked very relaxed and even had a trace of regret and disappointment on their faces.


too weak!

Thinking of the previous two evaluations of the key objects of their own altar, the five poisoned door masters were red, and finally knew that the other side really had arrogant capital.

"Forget it."

"Stop it, go on, I am afraid that this guy is short of arms and legs..."


In the prison, with a cold female voice, the sword nets intertwined in all directions are revoked;

The long sword, like the aura, instantly fell back into the hands of two women.


The double sword is sheathed, without a trace of fireworks.

The shadows are very interesting and not pursued, but the eyes are staring at two powerful opponents, and their faces are gloomy and retreat to the corner.

The two women are very glamorous, full-bodied, graceful, but at the same time covered by the cold temperament of the body.

"How is it so noisy outside?!"

One of them opened.

The opening is one of the wild wolves who have been practicing for half a month in the prison of the five poison door gangs, Xianer.

Although the name is weak, but the temperament is just the opposite, the cold and glaring, the eyes can be a hail woman.

The woman standing side by side with Xianer is fascinating, but a long hair is very flat and falls down, covering half of the face, and the other side is very gloomy, like a female Rakshasa at the moment, making people feel cold. .

This is naturally said to the owner of the five poisons.

Although the latter is one of the top masters of the original number, in front of the pink and fairy, there is always a thrilling feeling of a cold neck!

I don’t dare to answer slowly:

"It is estimated that a bunch of bitter masters have gathered together to find my altar to find things. It is **** to disturb the two, but I believe that it will soon pass." There is some embarrassment in the tone, but the latter is slowly revealing the unique pride. attitude.


Xianer slammed her eyes back.

"You are five poisonous doors... It’s really enough to have the ability! Without a bit of strength, you can provoke right and wrong in the day, and you can still stand firm in the Central Plains."

These days, it is true that people like this are desperate to find the five poisonous doors every day, but it is the first time that a big move has been made like today.

However, the explanation of the owner of the five poison gates was relieved.


The five poison doorkeepers laughed.

It lasted for about half a minute, and suddenly a paper pigeon came in from the outside!


The five poison doormen frowned.

On weekdays, the size of the affairs is handed over to the two deputy lords, unless there are very important events, generally no one will fly the pigeons to him.

"It seems that your five poisonous doors are not as powerful as you said.

Xianer and Pink are all people who are sensitive and sensitive. They quickly realize that this pigeon should be related to the noisy things outside, and cannot be ridiculed.

The head of the five poisonous door, facing the two women's cold words and ridicule, did not dare to give a half face, smiled and smiled, his face slightly stiff, bowed to see the note in his hand.


Pupils shrink!

Sure enough, something went wrong! !

"The door owner seems to be in trouble."

Xianer and Taohong always pay attention to the expression of the five poison doormen. The obvious surprise in the latter's eyes is that they have not escaped their eyes:

"Can you tell me?"

The rosy words of the mellow words stepped forward, and the fierce gaze spurred from the falling hair to the face of the five poison door.

The latter took a deep breath and answered in a complicated tone:

"Happy to kill!"


Fairy and pink were shocked at the same time.

“Don't our identity be exposed?”

"Should not be."

The owner of the five poison door was frightened and quickly denied: "The two come to me five poisonous doors. Only the monks and the church owners know that it is impossible to disclose them. Those people are also carefully selected by me... absolutely impossible. ""

"How come happy how to find the door?"

"Actually, when you deal with happiness and let the happy number leave the rivers and lakes, it is the hand of our five poison doors."


The two women exchanged a skeptical look.

The five poisonous door master smiled and shattered the letter paper in his hand: "Happy this time, I took the initiative to find my five poisonous door altar, maybe I want to completely remove my five poisonous door, to report the revenge of killing him many times in the past, now there is no Time and two explain in detail, I want to summon the disciples to stick to the altar."

"We are with you." Xianer said concisely.

Peach red nodded:

"I can't find a ghost to find him... He actually sent it to the door, just to see the legendary master who defeated the three wolves and got the best of Bai Xiaosheng. What kind of means is there... If the strength is not good Today, he will go out and go back."

"But, the goal of the two is not the disciples of Bai Xiaosheng's apprentice? Is there no problem?" The five poison doormen secretly hid.

In fact, he is not sure that he can deal with happiness. After all, the latter is a frontal defeat of the devil's altar. The defensive power of the devil's altar is not inferior to the Yangzhou Wudumen.

"The last time I have been stunned, it is impossible to deal with the wind chimes. Moreover, this time I am happy to deal with your altar. We naturally are not convenient to shoot, but from now on, he can’t escape our eyes and wait for him to leave the city. The death will come."


The five poison doormen suddenly became awkward and a little happy.

If there are no two masters of the wolf to help, this time the five poisonous doors may have to pay a lot of sacrifice.


Under the circumstance, the five people on the side of the five poisonous doors immediately ordered all the top five masters of the five poisons to immediately return to the altar, while taking the fairy and peach to leave the gang prison.

I know!

Out of the gang prison, the three quickly noticed that the outside did not know when to start shouting the killing has stopped.

"Is it happy to run?"

The five poison doormen sneaked a glimpse, but did not notice the shocked look of Xianer and Taohong with other meanings.

"The doorkeeper is careful."

"The blood is very strong."

Pink twitched his nose and reminded the owner of the five poison doors.

A group of three people came out from the backyard, and the heavy bombardment came from the lobby like a thunder.

"The cornerstone of the gang!"

The main face of the five poison door has become incredibly ugly: "This group of waste, so happy, rushed into the altar!"

"The doorkeeper, let's hurry up and see what happens. I think the situation may be worse than you think."

Pink and Xianer have already speculated from the strong **** smell in the air that the situation is not good and the look is serious.

The five poison doormen are no longer nonsense.

A row of three-person corridors hurried to the left side of the lobby.


Not so close, the three saw the whole body of the lobby all over the body...

The body of the human body, as well as the bodies of various shredded snake venoms.

The stench of scent has shrouded the entire altar of the five poisons!

Come to the lobby.

The three were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

At least the bodies of thousands of poisonous disciples are scattered in the lobby space of Novo...

Blood splashes everywhere.

As soon as the three of them arrived, they immediately sensed a pair of sharp eyes to lock themselves!

Following the direction of the eyes, the three saw a familiar figure...

One person, one sword.

Standing proudly on the steps of the five poison door lobby, standing near the cornerstone of the Wudumen gang, surrounded by corpses, blood stained with jade white steps.

"Aomen Lord!"

Happy to greet the five poison doorkeepers in a tone that is almost old friends.

Proud of life!

In another world, when the game is running for less than a year, it has been forced to be re-edited, but there have been no enemies.

It is for this reason that I am happy to look at the eyes of Ao Cangsheng without any anger and murder, and some, only to make each other feel very weird smile.


The five poison doormen are proud of the mood at this time but not so good.

Look around the lobby.

For a moment, the five poisonous doors have damaged thousands of people...

The strength of happiness seems to be even more terrible!

This made Ao Cangsheng think of the end of the devil's altar, the pupils slightly tightened, staring at happiness, motionless.

"The pride of the main gate is not shallow, but these two do not seem to be the master of the five poison door..." Happy eyes passed from the face of proud.


Fairy and Pink are not answering.

When they came out, they applied a mask of human skin on their faces. Although they sold well, the voice could not fool people.

They don't want to expose the relationship between the wolf organization and the five poisonous doors so quickly, and they can't expose the wolf organization to the Yipintang.

"Happy! You come to me five poison doors this time! What do you want to do!!"

Ao Cangsheng was shocked, and immediately raised the tone and shifted his attention.

"The eyesight of the proud master is really outrageous."

After that, I happily raised the black iron epee in my hand, and under the arrogance of the proud and arrogant, I was unceremoniously kneeling on the corner of the gang.

Hey! !

The gang’s cornerstone trembled fiercely;

The whole steps seemed to tremble violently!

Looking at the pale and a little arrogant, happy and smiling:

"Aomen, do you still have to explain more clearly?"

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