Sword Among Us

Chapter 994: Windfall

Chapter 994 Windfall

Just like many people expected, the low-key silence was happy after a month, and it really stirred up the official website forum. With the arrogant and the tens of five poisonous disciples fighting the death of the five poisons, the altar was forced to change. In other places, rivers and lakes martial arts are also surging.

It’s different from the time when the devil was destroyed...

The five altars were destroyed, and if they were happy, they would be a big problem for the Central Plains.

This news has aroused the overwhelming majority of players, and some people openly celebrated and even expected the five poison doors to completely collapse.

This time, not many people care about what they got from the gang of the Five Poison Gates!

However, many people are excited and feel deflated, but they can't help but turn their eyes to Yipintang and Blood League.

Happy to go out this time, the first day to show such a strong and resolutely killing momentum, it is obvious to go to Yipintang and blood alliance.

Many people are watching and watching the strategy of Yipintang and Blood League!

Since the devil's altar was destroyed, a sub-altar of the blood league was destroyed, and now it is the general altar of the five poisonous doors. Happy has already ordered three fires.

Yipintang, blood alliance, there is no reason to continue to silence!

"Happy, you have been playing too hard this time."

This time, even Bai Xiaosheng was unable to sit still, and immediately after the event, the pigeons passed the book.

"Have it?"

Happy smiled, he did not believe that Bai Xiaosheng could not see the breakthrough he chose.

"Fortunately, this time you chose the five poison doors."

Bai Xiaosheng said in the letter:

"Before I went to Yipintang and Blood League, you have a legitimate reason, for your friend... for the brotherly righteousness, occupying the word of the word, although Yipintang and Blood League have lost their face, but there are steps to be able to do, plus you have not continued behind, They also owe a loss and endured it; this time, it’s not bad to choose a five-drug door..."

Wudumen, has always been a subordinate force that Mengyun did not recognize.

Even in many occasions, Meng Yun said that there is no connection with Wudumen in order to avoid suspects.

This time, I started to work on the five poisonous doors. Even if I hurt the bones of Yipintang, Mengyun could not find a reason to worry, unless she hit her own mouth and hanged her words without trusting the brand of the villain.

"You are entering the sneaky fast, I thought that you will continue to improve to the realm of inaction, I did not expect your patience to be a little thinner than I expected."

Bai Xiaosheng's euphemistic contempt.

"When it comes to nowhere, we have to continue to practice martial arts without any cause. The time is even longer... I don't want to enjoy the dream cloud and blood clothes for so much time."

Speaking of this, happy tone:

"This time I went to Wuzhimen, I found something interesting. I met two people at the Wuzhenmen Gate."

Bai Xiaosheng reacted very quickly!



Happy answer:

"Although they wore human skin masks at the time, the momentum was extraordinary, giving me the feeling of being more dangerous than the waves, more arrogant, and similar to the momentum of the waves."

"I can give threats, and I will make a good deal with Ao Cang, but I will not help you to deal with you. It must be a wolf." Bai Xiaosheng said: "Unfortunately, my Zhou Yi has obvious flaws, can not trace the day. Kill all the news of the star, otherwise you can locate their whereabouts, find out, and then get rid of a paw of the wolf!"

"Nothing, at least we now know...and even confirm who is behind the wolf to help."

Happy now, the mood is very good: "The wolf organization has lost five poisonous doors. It is impossible to continue to hide safely."

This sentence is to remind Bai Xiaosheng.

The latter quickly passed the pigeons to pass the book:

"You are right! If they continue to lurk in the Central Plains, they must have a fixed and secret hiding place. Everyone must provide someone who does not leak it every day to kill them! They are now either leaving the Central Plains or looking for other hiding places. place."

"In a period of time, the wolf can't find other people to cooperate."

Happy smile and reply.


"After all, there is a lot of people in the Yipintang, and the blood alliance is even more so... Since the five poisonous doors can help them hide for a long time, the wolf organization can only continue to find cooperation with the five poisons."

Bai Xiaosheng is speculating that the wild wolf master may be hidden in the other five poisonous gates, and the speed of replying is much faster: "We must find out to kill!"

"Unfortunately, you reminded me to retreat to a state of inaction... I think it makes sense."

Happy suddenly returned such a sentence.

After Bai Xiaosheng’s silence for a long while, he reluctantly answered:

"Well, it is your willingness to deal with the five poisonous doors before. This time, since it is my will, what you want to get from me is normal. What do you want me to do for you?"

"Well, I have a few friends. I haven’t had a good time during this time. I hope that you can help me a lot. Contact me from time to time, take care of it." After a sigh of relief, I replied: "You know, I don't know now. Suitable for anyone."

"no problem."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Several five poison gates near Yangzhou address, I will send you this past... You are now going to the place where Ao Cangsheng went."

"no problem."

"But you have to be careful." Bai Xiaosheng reminded: "Although Mengyun will not recognize the five poisonous doors, but once you continue to shoot, she will not ignore it, secretly help, and even arouse the counterattack of the wild wolf master. It is possible that in this respect, I have no way to help you."

"The goal of the wolf organization is the wind chime. I don't tighten it twice.... Moreover, I still have a needle that makes me very uncomfortable. If I can die, it is also relief."

"Okay! Be careful, always feel free to contact me!"

After the end of the letter, I was happy to get the relevant information of the proud...

Since the general altar of Yangzhou City was destroyed, Ao Cangsheng quickly took the people to the nearby Zhenjiang altar, leaving the heart not far away.


After half an hour!

"This guy is crazy!!"

Mengyun was in the altar of the Yipintang in the capital, and the core members of the Yipintang in the hall of the deputy were also dignified.

All this is because a proud pigeon biography that was sent to Mengyun by Ao Cangsheng!

Shortly after the destruction of the Yangzhou General Altar of Wudumen, thousands of people were happily attacked during the migration process, directly damaging more than a thousand people. Later, Zhenjiang Altar was also attacked happily, breaking hundreds and five poisons. The doormen left the Zhenjiang River overnight and went to several nearby altars.

So far, Wudumen has ruined two altars, more than 3,000 five-drug disciples, and the loss of materials is countless!

Five poisonous doors are badly hurt!

Happy but it doesn't seem to stop. After destroying Zhenjiang, I left the Zhenjiang and disappeared again...

But at this moment, almost all the five poisonous disciples are in danger. The altars of all places have collected all the materials in the warehouse and are ready to abandon the altar.

Five poison doors!

Already in a stormy state.

Hey! !

After a temper, Mengyun resolutely got up and ordered: "I will immediately mobilize the people of the League, and immediately go south to help the five poison doors, at all costs, to dispel the arrogance of happiness!"

"At the same time, I will contact the people of the blood league immediately! Although we are not able to come out, we can let the **** people take the shots, let them immediately mobilize the elite departure! I don't want to hear the news that the third **** was destroyed. In the ear!!"


The group leader took the lead.

Dream cloud looked down at a group of high-rises and quickly left, and the eyes still shine with the flames of burning and burning.

In fact, she is expected to arrive this day.

What really makes her angry and uneasy is not the destruction of the five poisonous gates, but the timing of happy shots... It happens that when the five poison gates are responsible for covering the whereabouts of the wild wolves, the five poisonous gates are destroyed, the wolves The whereabouts of the master is difficult to cover.

Happy this is not only for revenge, it is very likely to guess the relationship between the five poison door and the wolf organization, which is chasing after.

Mengyun is worried that once the cooperation between the wolf and the five poisonous doors is revealed, the Central Plains is also difficult to have her foothold!

The survival of the five poisonous doors, at this moment has been related to the survival of Yipintang! How can you tell Meng Yun not to make a big fire! !


Meng Yun gnashed his teeth: "This is what you forced me."


Meng Yun did not know, this time happy to destroy the five poison door set in Zhenjiang's altar, but met two people on the way to the city.

"Happy boss!"

"Happy boss!"

Suddenly, people were so yelling, happy to frown and look at the two rides that came up from behind.

The comers were actually two guys who met outside the altar of Wuzhenmen in Yangzhou City. They remembered that they used the sinister things of 'Essence of the bones' and used the self-abuse method to eliminate the high-grade poisonous insects of a group of disciples of Wudumen. Enraged a group of five poisonous disciples ready to go to the Wu Temple and kill them several times.

At this time, I am happy to have a chance to look at the two people carefully.

Both of them are younger, their faces are slightly pale, but their eyes are very god.

It’s just because I think of the desperate means of dealing with the five poisonous doors. This stops:

"Is there something?"

"Happy boss, we want to come up and say thank you!" The two chased up, very excited and excited look.

Happy smile:

"It seems that you are not as envious of the five poisonous doors."

"of course!"

"Do not wear the sky!"

"The five poisonous rabbits in the group of rabbits, because we two said they once said a few words, the result of killing us four times in two months, killing twice a month, and then regardless of us, continue to kill in the second month, We have made up our minds not to let us play well, nor give us the opportunity to develop. They also said that we must survive, and we must not die... I can’t wait to kill them all by several times.”


I am happy to listen to one of them and say: "You can go back now and practice well. The Central Plains will soon have no more poisonous doors!"

When you are finished, you are ready to leave.

At this time, the two men followed his sentence and set his footsteps!

"Happy boss, you are looking for trouble on the five poisonous doors this time, is there any other purpose... For example, looking for someone?"

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