Sword Among Us

Chapter 1005: Color clothing door, **** (third, request recommendation, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1005 color clothing door, **** (third, request for recommendation, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1005

Almost half an hour after the headhunter got the news, the news of the happy attack and destruction of Yipintang’s altar in Shijiazhuang spread throughout the river.

As the language tea said!

The leader of the headhunting team, "Jian Bo", sold the news to the major forces near the capital, including the wind building, not only shared the purchase of this news, but also agreed that Jianbo always pays attention to the happy movements and further news.

The headhunting organization makes a big profit!

The good news of super-profit makes Jianbo happy, even forgetting to ask the source of the news.

"Come on! Have a drink! Celebrate happiness and finally make a good thing for our headhunting organization!"


The tea-speaker’s intimate toasts meet and ask:

"What are you going to do next?"

"You have already reminded me, if I still don't understand, how do you do the head of the headhunting organization?" Jianbo laughed:

"In addition to focusing on monitoring the Yipintang altar from Shijiazhuang to every city in Beijing, I also pay close attention to the trend of the Yipintang Altar! Yipintang must know that since the sudden start, it will not be so easy to stop, Yipintang will not have to deal with it. Of the policy."


The tea lover nodded.

Jian Bo’s brain turned really slow, and immediately thought of waiting for the rabbit to track the happy message, and the countermeasures that Yipintang might make.

"You don't come to our headhunting organization, it is a waste of talent."

"...Sword Bo."

"Well, I am not reluctant to you, you should consider it yourself." Jian Bo did not continue to urge and persuade, only after saying a word, he handled many of the pigeons on the table - the head of the headhunting organization is not like the ordinary gang boss. To be bored, bring a bunch of people out of the city to show off their prestige.

At this time, two people came in from the outside.

The two are very servant, but their faces are very good.

"Yu tea." "You really are here."

"Since your friend came to look for it, just sit down." Jian Bo raised his eyelids and glanced at him, naturally recognizing the identity of the two men.

One is called a rogue, and the figure of an elders in the color of the door is barely a first-class master.

The other one is not very clear, the realm equipment is very general, it seems to be inferior to not rogue.

Ordinary first-class masters are still not in the eyes of heads of headhunting organizations. Jianbo is not interested in wasting time on such people, and immediately let the tea-teachers pass.

The tea-speakers are very familiar with the temperament of Jian Bo.

In addition to the people he is interested in, or the customers who can bring him benefits, others don't want to get valuable time from his hands.

Although Jian Bo's monthly income is very amazing, but he forced himself too tight, but like a very involuntary miser, this is why he is not willing to become a headhunter.

"Rogue, Xiaoqi, you are here."

The tea-speaker rose up in a quiet manner and took the two people into the corner to sit down.

It’s just that people are not hooligans and lonely.

"how about it?"

Lonely Xiaoqi first conveyed the secret to the tea drinker.

The latter just nodded slightly

"Everything goes well, it's in the plan, what about your side? How is it prepared?" As said, the tea-speakers use all the customers in the lobby of the restaurant.

His position was chosen very well, just to be able to see everything in the lobby, you can clearly notice whether anyone is watching this.

As long as someone pays attention, the tea drinker will stop talking.

Because he is worried that someone knows his lips as much as he does.

"Happy is already on the way to Longmen Town." Lonely Xiaoqi.

Do not hooligans to lift the eyelids:

"The brethren are all in place, and the entire entrance to Longmen Town has been monitored to ensure that all the people of Yipintang and Blood League will fall into our grasp."


The tea-speaker finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Feng Dance finally agreed to act together yesterday. Although this time it is dangerous, it may have to sacrifice a lot of brethren, but if you can hit or destroy a Yipintang, everything is worth it!"

"Happy is also the meaning, we either do not show up, to show up, give the most deadly blow to a product." Lonely little seven licked the dry lips, the tone slightly with a vibrato: "I can't wait now!"

"You don't have to worry, you have been waiting for a year and a half, and you don't have to spend half a day."

"Yes, we are all over the toughest days." Do not hooligans raise the glass of the hand: "For the color of the door ... for all the humiliating brothers!"

! ! !

The three wine glasses collided together to make a crisp sound.

Not far away, Jian Bo looked up and looked at the serious three people in the corner, and looked at the stationery in his hand, the first time his eyebrows revealed a deep thought.

"You still chose the color door."

In the mouth of the sword, he whispered.

The voice was faintly introduced into the corner, and the body of the tea-speaker trembled slightly, but it was a stern look toward the sword, and the eyes were sharp and the light was pressing. For a moment, it seemed to be the deputy master of the color-clothing door again. It’s full of exposure.

It seems to be aware of the contempt of the tea-speaker. The sword hesitated a bit, and after sighing deeply, the letter paper was silently turned into a whitefly in his hand.

"what happened?"

Lonely little seven, not hooligans, but also aware that the language of the tea is different, and the mind is tight.

The latter looked at the finely divided powder that fell at the foot of Jianbo. The eyes gradually converge and gradually shook their heads after inhaling:


"...Is it the one who found the headhunter?" The sense of loneliness is very sensitive. According to the gaze of the tea-speaker, it has already captured a glimmer of joy and brows.


The look is dignified, and the tea drinker slowly nods:

"I forgot that Longmen Town is the site of the headhunting organization after all. The people who serve the swordsman don't know how many things, and the winds and the grass in Longmen Town are not enough."

"But our people are not eye-catching."

"Sword Bo cares about me very much. I always hope that I can join the headhunter and become his person. Therefore, I know the situation of our color-painted doors. We have suddenly mobilized so many old parts of the color-painted doors into Longmen Town. He must be aware of it."

"Will it be a plan for us..."

There was a glimmer of cold in the eyes of lonely Xiaoqi.

The tea maker decisively shook his head:

"will not."

"Are you so sure?" He glanced back at the rogue without pretending to be careless.

The tea lover has an incomparably confident answer:

"If he doesn't want the headhunting organization to have a strong competitor and doesn't want the headhunter's future to be destroyed, he won't sell the news to Yipintang."

The three no longer speak.

Although the tea-speakers are very convinced that Jianbo will not sell their own news and the color of the door, but the corner of the eye is still holding the sword.

Time is a little bit past...

The three did not move one step, like a sculpture.

Jian Bo has also been sitting at his own table, dealing with all kinds of information and intelligence.

About two hours later.

Someone rushed into the restaurant and came to Jianbo:

"Sword Bo! First class news!"

Many people in the restaurant have shown their love and envy.

While the tea-speaker is staring at the sword, a white pigeon is falling from the sky and falls to the shoulders of the tea-lover...

The words on the note are strikingly consistent with the information read by the tea lover through the lip language:

“Happy to appear in Longmen Town!”

Jian Bo’s body was shocked.

After getting this message, I quickly glanced at the tea-speaker who received the pigeons, just hitting the eyes of the tea-speakers.



The two looked at each other silently.

Jian Bo is very clear about how much interest the happy message location may bring to himself!

But he is more aware of the risks and crises that may be brought to him by selling this news!

"Yu tea."

After thinking for a few seconds, Jian Bo had the decision to actively voice into the secret language tea: "This information, do not know what high opinion you have?"

"...I will not buy a product, since I am happy to let you know, Yipintang should have received the wind at this moment."


After Jianbo sank, he nodded silently, but he turned his face and gave the rewards of those who sent the letter to the first-class information:

"Go back and continue to do things."

"Yes, Jian Bo."

The person reporting the news left.

The restaurant quickly returned to calm.

But soon...

The news that followed one after another was like a spring rushing into the restaurant!

Countless people scrambled to send one after another the latest news to Jianbo, all of which were deciphered by the tea-speakers:

"Sword Bo, found a person in the hall!"

"...the people of the Blood League Presbyterian Church were dispatched, and now they are on the San No. Avenue in the west of Longmen Town."

"Sword Bo! Found the original Wudumen old department!"

"The killer's gold medal killer also appeared..."

"The main hall of Yipintang is ridiculed and appears in Longmen Town.

"The master of the Yipintang tributary force Tianyin School appeared in Longmen Town..."

"The people who attacked the wind building also appeared."

During the period, the tea lover also received some of the pigeons, but it is clear that there is no comprehensive fineness of the headhunting organization.

Sure enough, it is dedicated to intelligence.

"Langu, it seems that this time, we will have a lot of fun in Longmen Town." The swordsman on the seat there finally couldn't help but get up, and the tea merchants came over here.

Ignore the lonely little seven, do not sneak gaze, seated in the vacant side.

"It is true that Longmen Town has come a lot of people who should not come."

The tea-speaker answered plainly.

"Yi Pin Tang, Blood League, Tianyin School, Killer Hall, the old department of Wuduomen, and even the ridiculously ridiculously murdered, also came out in person, the masters gathered, the Tianluo network has been rolled out, happy this time, I am afraid it is difficult to go north again." Bo said in a self-speaking tone.

The face tea is still a very flat expression:


"Happy, after all, is just alone. Although Yipintang has the suspicion of colluding with the wolf organization, but the forces of the blood league, the killer, and the gang of gangs, no one in the Central Plains can move it... You are hitting the stone with eggs."

When I heard the words of Jian Bo, the tea drinker laughed:

"In front of a product hall, my tea-teacher may be an egg, and a product hall is a stone... But it is hard to say that it is better than a product, who is an egg, who is a stone."


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