Sword Among Us

: Jin Hao broke the magic sound (second more)

Chapter 1013 Golden Broken Magic Sound (Second)

Chapter 1013

boom! !

A paper homing pigeon, the blink of an eye, thousands of horses and horses gathered in the vicinity of the main hall of Yipintang!

The speed of the reaction at Yipintang is not slow! Tens of thousands of people rushed out of the restaurant and emerged from the altar.

In the twinkling of an eye, the two largest forces in Beijing are mixed together and appear on the streets, appearing near the altar!

Yipintang, the people who attacked the wind building, like the ancestors of the past life, glared at each other, looked at each other with misery, like the sulfur and saltpeter mixed together.


Le! !

In the depths of the main hall of Yipintang, the sound of strong bows was heard.

Standing on the roof of the restaurant, looking down at the main altar of Yipintang, at least thousands of strong bows are opened and smashed! Everyone has at least four arrows in their hands! I saw a lot of people outside the eyelids jump!

It’s a good hall...

The momentum of this altar is afraid that it will be a round of arrows to kill a master!

However, it is obviously also prepared for the wind building.

As the roof slammed the master of the wind building, the people who flocked to the wind-stricken building on the edge of the square took action. With the sound of the hula, the human hand held the giant shield in the hand.

boom! ! !

Ground thunder!

The giant shield is inserted into the ground! An indestructible wall, instantly cast!

Shield array! !


Players watching in the dark have been secretly pumping:

"Steel A giant shield, this is something that will only be on the battlefield. The price of each side is up to several million... The wind building is really the first big gang in the Central Plains. There are thousands of high-profile giant shields..."

Just when everyone was expecting the next fierce battle, suddenly a group of people came out of the door of Yipintang. The first person took the first two steps, and the voice was loud and spread throughout the circle:

"Our lord has something to say... I don't know if the phantom of the wind building is available!"

The crowd heard a horror:

"I’ll start playing right away. What else do you say, is it that Mengyun is ready to explain the last words, or is he afraid to admit his mistakes?”

"Ha ha ha ha..."

There is a smile on the side of the wind building.

The voice did not fall, and the person who spoke from the general altar of Yipintang sank and pointed his finger at the laughing and satirical person.


A Yipintang disciple standing next to the man pierced the man's neck with a knife. The latter only had a scream and screamed on the spot.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Kill him!" The people who attacked the wind building did not expect Yipintang to dare to work in the protection area of ​​the city. For a time, many people started to work together and killed the people on the spot!

Things happen very quickly and end very quickly...

Among them, the people on the side of Yipintang did not move. The people who attacked the wind building and the forces of the various parties were made a bit of a sizzling and arrogant style. The grass and the trees were all soldiers. After all, there were many people in the street, and they could see it. There are many, many people, they can always be like the people just now.

The person who speaks has the same tone:

"Is the photo studio master not afraid to come out to face us? Or is there a flaw in my heart?" But anyone can see that his temperament and posture are much higher than before.

"A big prestige, killing people in the Beijing Protected Area, not only have to die once, but also be imprisoned for a week. If everyone in the hall is doing it once, the pressure on the shoulders of this seat can be reduced a lot... ..."

The phantom finally appeared, and the tone was leisurely. In a few words, the deterrent brought by Yipintang was dissolved into invisible.

Yipintang categorically kills people, which means creating a climate of terror and bringing a strong panic to everyone. But if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to detect that Yipintang is killing the enemy and killing three hundred thousand, which is totally unprofitable...

"Oh, I thought that the photographer was afraid of our cousin... Since I came, I will tell the main words of our church to the landlord..."

The people of Yipintang obviously did not want to continue to entangle on this issue, but unsatisfactorily, they were shocked back to the abdomen by the phantom:

"How! Why didn't Mengyun intend to come out personally, is it because the collusion of the wolf organization has been revealed, and now he is ashamed and afraid, not afraid to face the world?"

The phantom is unceremonious and treats its own people with its own way.

The person who was sent by the dream cloud to talk to the phantom is obviously a good eloquence in a class, dark and calm, not busy:

"Our lord said, since the film owner first determined that we have colluded with the wolf organization, I was forced to pour dirty water on my body, destroying our product hall, and saying nothing is useless, we only have to endure, Use time to prove everything."

"The evil emperor is missing. It should be coming to our Central Plains. You still want time in a class, don't you think about it?"

The phantom has used internal force, and it is clearly audible within a few squares!

As soon as this statement came out, the capital shook again!


"The evil emperor wants to invade the Central Plains again?!"

"It's no wonder that the wind building can't wait to declare war on Yipintang, and it also directly targets the foundation of Yipintang in Beijing."

Countless people are angry and angry!

The story of Yipintang sneered up:

"What is the relationship between the disappearance of the evil emperor and our Yipintang? I want to ask you to ask the evil emperor, or ask Bai Xiaosheng. If every time the evil emperor kills someone, you will pick one person for the heavenly road once. Kill? This is a product hall, who is next time?"

Someone frowned at the phantom:

"The landlord, this guy is arrogant and procrastinating."

The latter nodded and immediately gazed in a certain direction in the depths of the crowd, and then the voice of indifference spread throughout the hall of Yipintang:

"Dream cloud, it seems that there is nothing to say between us..."

Finish, turn and leave.

The face of a person in the hall has changed.

A group of people quickly felt the atmosphere outside became tense and dignified! It seems as if a certain violent reaction has begun! !

Oh! !

Suddenly, the roof crowds in one direction were separated, and a group of people flew into the shield array of the wind building.

The person in Yipintang’s pupils shrank.

I recognized the identity of one of them at one time.

"The piano wind chimes!"

"Good! Sure enough, the driving force behind this incident is Bai Xiaosheng!"

"You want to use the piano magic wind chime to open the road to wash my tastes? Oh!! Hugh!!!!", the man slammed into the top of the glass above the door:


The sound of the piano has not yet begun to play, and dozens of figures have been quickly saved behind the shield. Each of them has rushed to the shield.


boom! !

Dozens of shields are far from the center of the group of wind chimes, a huge barrier, shrouded in people.

Hey! ! !

The music is picked up.

The dozens of people who rushed to the vicinity of the shield array were stagnant.

choke! ! !

A purple-black sword mans seems to cut through the lightning of the sky, and the sky of the entire Yitangtang seems to be faint.



Dozens of killers in the wind building have not yet been close to the shield, and the man has been torn by the sword, and all of them have fallen to the ground without exception.

The swordsman’s flash disappeared, but in an instant it was the momentum of the wind building!

"One Emperor!"

"It's him!"

Purple black swordsmanship, unique domineering! This is the signboard of an emperor! !

Many people in Yipintang have a very ugly face.

There is an emperor and the people who attacked the wind building to protect them. Who can break the shield and kill the wind chimes?

The destructive power of the Qinmo Wind Bell, the masters of Beijing are well known, and even the capital has a saying:

The sound of the piano wind chimes is ringing, and one song can kill thousands of people, and it is easy to decide the outcome of a gang war.

Her deterrence when attacking the gang was even above an emperor!

"Our master did not guess wrong."

"But you actually let the first master in the middle of the hall to protect a hoe, hey, I really can see that I am a good!"

Yipintang’s words gnawed his teeth and his face was very ugly.

It is impossible to maintain the original morale on the side of Yipintang when he thinks that he and others will all be exposed to the threat of the singer.

Seeing the victory of the Scorpio before the war began to tilt to the side of the wind building, many people seem to have seen the situation of a fast collapse of Yipintang!



The wind chime didn't waste time. Her mission was to help the phantom to disintegrate the spirit of Yipintang, destroy the strong archers, and force them to kill themselves. So... a kind of demon trembles with an emperor to kill a dozen of masters and quickly come to the front of the shield. Row position, sitting cross-legged, hands playing on the strings, full of killing notes...

Hundreds of sound blades converge in the air to become a sound-sounding river of sounds. From the encirclement of the shield, they are intertwined by the sky, like the Tianhe rewinding, and imposingly slammed into the altar of Yipintang.

The sound edge is the material that cannot be penetrated and weakened.

A person who wants to resist the sound of the edge of the sword, unless it uses darkness or strength, so that he has to give up the bow and arrow.


Just as there are countless pairs of eyes on the side of the wind building, I hope that when a disciple recovers the bow and arrow to replace the weapon, he sees that there is no such consciousness at all.

The phantom saw two people rushing over the door!

The two are not dressed like the Central Plains, and they have a huge pair of gold in their hands!

A tight heart:

"That is……"

Did not wait for the phantom to recognize the identity of the two, the two have come to the roof, facing the spectacular sound of the river, huge golden opening and closing!

Hey! ! ! !

The harsh sound waves combined with the power of shocking people, such as the invisible shock wave of the same circle, are actually destroying the sounding edge of the river in the air.

Hey! !

The wind chimes changed.

These two unidentified guys are obviously also using the sonic attack! Moreover, the sound wave impact of this group has a wider range and more lethality. Actually, she strangled her strings from the source of the Sound Blade River and directly interrupted her song.

The entire sound edge of the river collapsed instantly!

The wind chime decisively stops, the ten fingers are on the string, and the brow is close:

"It's no wonder that Mengyun sent a man to come forward. It turned out to be a precaution against me." Although she was somewhat frustrated, she was not surprised, because all of this, Bai Xiaosheng and the phantom were expected.

An emperor is here, in addition to protection, and the ability to remove all obstacles!

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