Sword Among Us

: The situation is reversed (the third is, the monthly ticket is recommended)

Chapter 1017 Reversal of the situation (third, recommend the monthly ticket)

Chapter 1017

The wind has changed!

As the heads of the top ten gangs of the capital city evacuated from the anti-water, the plan of the phantom of the wind typhoon combined with the emperor and Bai Xiaosheng was no longer possible.

Everything goes to waste!

At the same time, in the land of the Central Plains, the phantom is not ready to start the action of the Yipintang.

The worst is not this.

After the change of public opinion, the last four gangs have also expressed their intention to withdraw from Mengyun.

Because the crisis of Yipintang has gone far...

Accompanied by, if they do not express their attitudes, then they may be hated by Yipintang, and they are recognized as the loyalty of the attacking building by Mengyun.

As a last resort, the last four gang leaders also left the general hall of Yipintang.

In the end, there are only people in the vicinity of the Yipintang altar, and some small forces that are prepared to deal with Yipintang, the staff is reduced by two-thirds!


"It's over."

"Everyone is scattered, can't fight." In the crowd, the people of Yipintang are very proud. The people who attacked the wind building were even hostile to the people of Yipintang, Blood League, Killer Hall and Tianyin.

"The landlord, the situation is not good."

“Many people are beginning to question our actions...”

"Longmen Town, the gangs who originally promised to help us control the murder of a group of people have all shrunk back!"

"We have a people in the vicinity of the altar of cities and cities."

Crisis again and again!

After the Alliance completely smashed, the Phantom quickly ushered in more violent revenge - revenge from Yipintang!


"All the people immediately retraced the altar!"

"Bringing brethren from all walks of life to contact the gangs who have been handed over on weekdays, stick to the altar, and not take the initiative to play!"

While the phantom has decisively issued various orders, 100,000 people have rushed to evacuate the Yipintang altar.

This plan is completely broken!


Longmen Town

With the change of wind direction, the news of the Fengfeng Building against Yipintang and the news that the fourteen gangs were all automatically separated from the alliance were distributed. The Longmen Town, which received the fastest news, was like a violent wind.

The tens of thousands of parties who originally occupied the 2,000-year-old masters, such as the murder and murder, are running faster than rabbits.

The forces of all parties quickly disappeared without a shadow!

A group of people succumbed to walking in the streets of Longmen Town. Countless people evaded their sights and dared not look at them. They were afraid that the other side would recognize themselves and participated in the flag shouting.


For those little people, the murder is definitely not going to be taken care of.

After getting out of the predicament, the ridiculous leader led dozens of top players to restore their prosperity, and the dragon walked into a restaurant!


"It turned out that it was the main hall of Yipintang Abbey. I didn't have a sword and I missed it." One person got up and greeted, and others didn't dare to stay here. They succumbed to dozens of amazing breaths and sharp eyes. go with.

The sword is harmless, that is, the head of the headhunting organization, "Sword Bo."

At this time, I had to nod my head and stand by the side of the slain.


The tea-speakers were mixed among the few people who had not left the table. In the corner, they looked at Jianbo’s low-profile and ridiculous laughter, and his face changed and he returned to normal.

Although Jianbo has understood the situation of the attacking wind building from the intelligence, he understands that Yipintang is now more prosperous and seems to have jumped above the wind building, but he should not sell himself.

For headhunting organizations, it is not good for Yipintang.


"Now the headhunting organization is very open on the rivers and lakes. I heard that many people call you Jianbo, and even the wind building is very good for you..."

There is a smile on the face of the ridiculous killing, and the point of opening the door after the seat is clear.

"It’s all friends on the rivers and lakes who love and lift up."

Sword Bo carefully wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled a little.

The ridiculous smile laughed, and the lips squirmed toward the sword.

When you look at it, you know that the two must talk about something that they don’t want to be known by outsiders...


They never imagined that in the shadow of the corner of the restaurant, a guy who is proficient in lip language can clearly steal the contents of the secret.

The tea drinker concealed his gaze with a glass of wine and stared at the lips of both...


"Happy! You may be crazy if you don't come up again!"

Before returning to the game, I was happy to receive a book of pigeons from the tea-speakers in the wild. From the literal point of view, the latter is obviously in a very anxious mood.

Happy and happy reply:

"What's wrong, what happened? Isn't the headhunter revealing all the information about our color-clothing disciples to the murder?"

Soon the pigeons flew back, with the words of the tea-speakers relieved:

"How do you know? The sword boy sold me."

"Now the situation of the wind building is worrying. The headhunting organization wants to maintain its position when it is strong. If you want to take advantage of the strength of Yipintang, you can completely destroy the intelligence system of the headhunting organization. It’s normal...”

This point, when I was happy outside, I already guessed that the murder will definitely trace the people who spread the smoke bombs in Longmen Town.

However, he did not think that the action of attacking the wind building would fail so quickly, fail so thoroughly, and be countered by Yipintang on the same day.

Nowadays, the 14 gangs are all anti-water out of the league...

Even the headhunters and the forces of the various parties have been deceived by Mengyun, or they are willing to follow the tide to avoid danger. The situation is already very urgent, and he is not allowed to elaborate on what he and the tea drinker say:

"Tell me what you know, although Jianbo is very sleek, but he should know how to give himself a retreat... The evidence of a collusion with the wolf will sooner or later expose him. He can't offend the wind building to death..."

"Yes, this time he only sold people in our color door, he also told me that this time only a part of our people!"

Tea replies reply:

"This group of people, I also yelled at them, let them all stay in Longmen Town, don't go out."

"Account for him."

Happy and ask:

"You are so anxious, just to tell me this?"

"And, the slaying brought people back to the capital, but the group of top players who followed him did not go back... The people in the killer hall disappeared, and the people of the Tianyin faction."

"I know where they went! The murder took people to leave the capital to deal with me. On the one hand, they may have left to prepare to deal with the wind building. If I did not guess wrong, these people must go to the nearby cities in batches. Looking for trouble in the wind building."

"That's bad."

"Yes, it is very bad."

Happy, tea lovers think of a piece:

"Once the situation of the wind-fighting building is worrying, the moment when the evil emperor descends on the Central Plains is the time when Yipintang unified the rivers and lakes and the wolf organization officially controlled the Central Plains."

"You want to revenge, it's hard, and the days after our color door are even worse."

"So, the wind building can't be poured!" The words of the happy voice show their determination: "You stay in Longmen Town and continue to contact Jianbo, this person has the value to use."

"Do you want to deal with Yipintang, or help the wind building? Everything is careful! Mengyun this woman, hidden too deep!"

The tea lover listened to the determination to be happy and asked.

Happy to break the note, answer in the mouth:

"I have both!"


At the same time, the Phantom of the Opera, the Emperor and the Wind Chime have returned to the Bai Xiaosheng Mansion.

The four people are solemn and solemn, and the eyebrows seem to condense their worries:

"The situation is now grim! Now at least it can be concluded that at least eight gangs in the 18th Beijing Capital Gang are the forces that Mengyun has helped."

The phantom is unable to hold the opening:

"In addition to the power revealed by Yipintang, she succeeded in deceiving too many people with Yuan Zhixiong's bitterness. Before we got the exact evidence, it was difficult to call for enough people to deal with Yipintang."

"This woman is terrible!"

The wind chimes are still alive.

In addition to the raids encountered outside the altar of the company, she was seriously injured in an instant; there is also the strategy and foundation revealed by the dream cloud.

The things revealed in the Yipintang exhibition have already given people an irresistible strength!

There was no speech from the beginning to the end of the emperor, staring at Bai Xiaosheng, who was holding a stern look, and his eyes were deep, and he did not know what he was thinking, or what he was waiting for.

Bai Xiaosheng constantly uses the celestial machine to calculate the ......

Lasted for ten minutes!

The complexion is getting more and more dignified...

Finally, I stopped in the eyes of three people, and laughed and sighed:

"It’s ridiculous, I’m always thinking about it, I didn’t expect anything under the eyelids to see clearly...”

“How bad is the situation?”

Bai Xiaosheng took a deep breath and replied: "At least twelve of the capital gangs are closely related to the top of the dream cloud. At present, there are only four people relatively innocent... Once the news is spread, I am afraid that the remaining four people are also I will not dare to cooperate with us to deal with Yipintang."

"...Twelve capitals of the capital city, etc. If Yipintang controls the elite power of two-thirds of the capital, if you are correct, it is not a problem for Yipintang, but how to save our own problems..." The face is very ugly.


Bai Xiaosheng and the wind chimes slowly nodded.

The phantom is right.

Now that at least twelve of the capital's big gangs are confirmed to be the **** of Mengyun, the situation is even worse than they think.

According to the heart of Mengyun, I am afraid that I will take the initiative to attack the wind building in advance, and become passive!

The emperor finally spoke.

"The evil king entered the Central Plains after 14 days!"

As soon as this statement came out, Bai Xiaosheng’s three faces were even more ugly...

"What we need to do now is not defense. It is not an attack on Yipintang. In that case, the Central Plains is really finished. Like other countries, it has become a tool for the wolf organization to absorb blood and melt money..."

Having said that, a compelling sword has risen from the body of the latter.

"Since the Fengfeng Building has been unable to deal with Yipintang, I will use my own method to weaken the strength of Yipintang!"


An emperor did not return to Bai Xiaosheng’s residence.

The three did not stop.

Just then, a letter pigeon fluttered its wings and landed in front of Bai Xiaosheng...

"This kid is finally here."

Bai Xiao grew a long sigh of relief:

At least there are two top players who can pose a threat to Yipintang...

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