Sword Among Us

Chapter 1020: Washing the marrow meridian (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1020, "Purification of the marrow" (third, for recommendations)

Chapter 1020

Really angry!

In fact, it is considered to be the "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng after the success of the Qijing eight veins with their own thick internal force to create a pure real gas field.


Because "Yi Jin Jing" broadens the thickness of the meridians, the true yuan released is several times that of ordinary people, so it is possible to form a gas field of such a scale.

The biggest effect of this kind of real gas field is exclusion!

The real yuan has an amazing repulsive force for the real yuan and foreign objects that do not melt into itself. Once the outside forces try to borrow, they immediately evaporate like they are put into a hot oil pan!

Some of the power will be weakened instantly...

Reduce 20% of attack power!

This is terrible for a master of a mythical environment.

Originally, the lethality was only 30,000, and the gas was reduced by six or seven thousand. The attack power is not much stronger than the inaction of the peak state...

Although the fun itself is not equipped with magic weapons or any equipment, but its own "Yi Jin Jing" has a defense of nearly four thousand, with the "invincible body", the remaining attacks have been difficult to really threaten happiness.

In this situation.

Happy defense has become overbearing!

Not to mention a master in the early days of mythology, even if it is a master in the middle of the mythical realm, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort to break the happy defense without equipment.

"It is no wonder that the mad monk was able to kill many people under the cofferdams of countless top players in the rivers and lakes... The true energy field of "Yi Jin Jing" can weaken 20% of the damage, after the periosteum is easy to become It also has the effect of weakening 10% of the damage, even if there is no "washing marrow meridian" is already very terrible! If I am gold, then I will hit the big poisonous array, and the proud "six-winged gold-winged mother-in-law" is also very Hard to threaten me..."

The mood of being happy becomes very comfortable.


When I thought of defeating an evil emperor in the past, I couldn’t help but frown.

not enough!

"Daoxin Devil's Law" is the magical door to the top of the school, not inferior to "Yi Jin Jing", even above, just relying on "Yi Jin Jing", afraid that it is still difficult to compete with the evil emperor.

In addition...

Another fatal flaw is:

The three palms of the mythical masters let the happy internal force fall more than sixty points!

This indirectly shows that although the internal force recovery speed of Yijinjing is fast, once the 'real gas field' is started, the speed of internal force consumption is very alarming. The more attacks it faces, the greater the internal force consumed, especially in In the group battle, if the realm of its own is not high and the internal force is not strong enough, it is easy to first consume its internal force and become the enemy's target.

The evil emperor's attack may not be inferior to an ordinary mythical master!

The strength of Yipintang’s countless masters is not limited to this...

and so.

If you want to stand firm with this move, the current stage is still not working, at least not for a long time!

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but converge on the smile on my face. I took out a pre-prepared martial arts cheat from the Qiankun bag, "Knocking the marrow"!

Capricorn with the martial arts cheats in his hands, happy and secretly:

"Sorry, crazy monk."

I was so happy that I had to wait until the third year after the "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng to find the mad monk to go to this cheat and start practicing...

However, because of the endgame, I was given the opportunity to get this first-hand Shaolin Collection. Nowadays, Yijinjing is a big man, and the qualifications for cultivation are already in place. I am happy to choose cultivation.


"Purification of the marrow" turned into a golden light into the body.

Happy body is a stiff.


"Successfully cultivated the "Purification of the marrow" and gained 10 points of understanding..."

"Easy to wash the marrow! Achievement Avenue!"

A series of system tips make it easier for you to be more confident in your cultivation of the "Minsic Sutra"...

I have a look at the detailed properties of the Washing Sutra:

Washing marrow: 1.00.

After the Yijing, you can wash your marrow!

The road to wash the marrow, non-ordinary people can not succeed!

Actually there is no detailed property introduction...

Happy and awkward.

What makes you happy is depressed.

After the cultivation of the marrow, there is no way to start it.

"what happened?"

It’s as if this martial art disappeared without any reason, and he couldn’t greet himself, and the martial arts introduction could not see a little bit of mystery.

"Don't you have such a play?"

Happy and a little depressed...

This retreat was originally intended to impact the "Purification of the marrow", tempering himself like a mad monk, with amazing body, but now it seems a bit troublesome.

"Since it can be cultivated, there is no possibility that it can't be used... Since it can't be active, it is passive..." I was happy for a while, and told the face of the mythical prisoners to take full force, without stopping and holding hands.

Since "Yi Jin Jing" can be used to provoke a strong attack, maybe "washing the marrow" also has this effect!


Hey! !

Inside the prison, there was a constant stream of wind and a strong sound that hit the flesh.

This time.

Happy to take the initiative to remove the real gas field, relying on its own strength to withstand the attack of the mythical master...

Although the injury suffered at the beginning was not too big, it only retreated backwards, but as the darkness of the body accumulated, the blood finally spit out.

Happy to bite your teeth! Never stopped.

Because the **** "washing marrow meridian" is still 1.00 level, motionless, half-point change has never appeared.

In a few minutes, happy as a sandbag was beaten and bruised by the mythical prisoners, and there was only half a life left in the panting, but the washing of the marrow was still motionless.

Happy finally called to stop the mythical prisoners...

This is not the way to go!

“Is there something wrong?”

"Or, isn't that "washing the marrow" not so cultivated?"

The happy brain is running wildly.

"Think about it, there should be something else..."

After all, it is the ultimate altar of the wind building. As long as you are happy, you can get a lot of information that can't be easily obtained from the phantom and Bai Xiaosheng's mouth.


Happy did not want to expose this before the evil emperor came to the Central Plains.

At present, even the practice is wearing a human skin mask, in order to prevent the "Prophet" Kaysen from capturing the current entry.

Happy, you don’t want to sneak out of the wind, or you can leave the altar of the wind and wind to be tracked...


The evil king came to the Central Plains and there are still 13 days left!

Time is diminishing day by day, and there is no extra time to waste him.

"It seems that you have to use another method."

The sudden mysterious laugh of a happy brain...



Meditating for a dozen seconds, happy from the world's squad of the wind squad, the gang gangs rushed to the other side of the world's gang gang prison.


In a blink of an eye, in addition to the wind blowing, an unexpected sound was heard.


In the panic of the voice, a familiar figure turned and ready to rush out of the prison, the sound and the back are very familiar...


A mouth, the figure that panicked to prepare for 'escape' seemed to have been given a spell, and suddenly stopped there.

Happy called to stop the invincible peaks around the box, and opened a group of people, walked out of the prison fence, and came to Xu Xin:

"How long has it been?"


Xu Xin’s body trembled slightly, as if the child who had been caught stealing the mouth, answered with a low voice: “No, not long.”

"For more than a month, have you been with me in prison?"

"No! No..."

Speaking of the back, Xu Xin's mind hangs low, and there are small particles in the air that break the slight sound of the air.

Time seems to be fixed in this second.

The two were like this, standing in the same direction, not seeing each other's faces, and the unspeakable atmosphere lasted for ten seconds.

"I, I have something, go first."

Xu Xin’s voice choked and walked away.

Unexpectedly, just as he lifted his foot, his shoulders were caught by a pair of arms that were transmitted through the hot air, and a strong and familiar atmosphere came up from behind!

Xu Xin was shocked and rounded! But being caught tightly, circle the happy arms!

I was happy to see that Xu Xin’s body in her arms was stiff.

Yang Tian took a deep breath.

"Stupid girl... You don't have to wait for me all the time... You know, I can't give you any promise now, because I don't know when he will be awake again."

Happy and unbearable to tighten the tight-eyed person, feeling the latter gently weeping, he can not wait to force the latter into his body.

"Xin... you know..."

Happy and muttering in Xu Xin’s ear:

"All the brothers in the world, they can live very well, I don't worry at all, the only thing I can't worry about is you, only you... you know..."


The body of the human body was finally freed from the stiffness, the body gradually warmed and softened, and finally turned into silent tears from the eyelids, dripping on the happy hands, and scalding into his heart.

"A long time ago, I thought, waiting for me to become the first person in the Central Plains, I will definitely give you the most romantic wedding, let you become my wife and become the happiest woman in the world under the witness of all the people... but ...I didn't do it... I am not even qualified to do this now, I have no chance to do it."


Xu Xin body trembled gently, accompanied by low sobbing, curled up in a happy arms, unable to cry.

In this way, happy to hold Xu Xin...

I do not know how long it has been.

Xu Xin slowly turned around, wiped away the tear marks on her face, and looked at her with a firm look, a word, a tearful eyes:

"Happy, I want you to remember what you said today... You owe me a wedding, not Chen Kaixin and Xu Xin... but the wedding of Happiness and Xu Xin!"

"..." happy, immediately noticed from Xu Xin's firm tears and words, staring at Xu Xin's eyes for a long time, nodded hard, holding Xu Xin's slightly cold hand and lifting it to the two, the same Said in a very firm tone:

"Our wedding will be held after half a month..."

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