Sword Among Us

Chapter 1022: Wuqi Chaoyuan (second, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1022, Wuqi Chaoyuan (second, for recommendation)

Chapter 1022

Although it was only a half-level upgrade space, it was still a whole day to finally improve the "Yi Jin Jing" to a great perfection.

Very good.

Happy once again realize the mystery of the three flowers gathering...

This time, I am happy to wake up quickly and really feel every change in the body! From the first lotus to the three lotus blossoms, the holy atmosphere is reflected.

Not surprisingly!

After the great perfection of "Yi Jin Jing", the body speed was greatly strengthened and upgraded, and the quality of the body once again surpassed the other side.

"I don't know if the ‘Prophet’ guy is watching... I hope this ability will not be known to outsiders so early.” Happy and secretly thinking, while trying to unfold the real atmosphere.

The situation is very gratifying!

Although the internal force here is not high, it is far less inferior to the other side of the world, and there are less than 900 points of internal force...but because of the coexistence of Jiuyang Shengong and Yijinjing, the latter broadens the meridians of the whole body and opens up The odds of the eight passes, the speed of the former's reply suddenly increased sharply.

Even if you take off all the equipment and start the ordinary golden bell guards, you can easily move under the madness of a group of incompetent peaks.

"Sure enough, having "Jiuyang Shengong" is different."

"Yi Jin Jing" made a happy and happy time, and couldn't help but give birth to the idea of ​​testing his current real strength - although "Yi Jin Jing" and "Jiu Yang Shen Gong" are very skilled, but the two cooperate The effect is not very clear. For a heart to improve its own strength and pursue the utmost martial arts, this is like an addict who has encountered opium.

Because of the lack of mythical prisoners, the actual combat environment is very inferior. I am happy to drop ten unintentional peaks without using weapons, and then lose the interest of continuing to succumb, and decisively leave the gang gang. Fast horses fly to Shaolin Temple.


Covering his identity with a human skin mask, it took only half a day to enter Shaolin, and once again came to the peak of punishment!

The world here, there is still a lack of interest in the peak of punishment!

Happy to start the real gas field, the whole person walked over the chain like a flat...

The mountain wind that blew from all sides could not affect the happiness above the chain, and it was quickly offset by the closeness of the real gas field.

But happy is a discovery.

The constant invasion of the mountain wind is constantly weakening and consuming the real gas field...

"Yi Jin Jing" speeds up!

"Jiuyang Shengong" speeds up!

"The original mountain wind is also attacking, and it seems to be a special attack."

Happy and secretly surprised.

Soon, happy to think of the other side of the world, many Shaolin disciples use the mountain wind here to temper the roots, the heart can not help but immediately, told the news to the silver fox, let him give some of the Mufu in due course工具 提 提 —— _ commonly business for the singer of the traits.


The tip of the toe was lightly settled to the edge of the peak of the penalty, and I looked back at the road when I was happy. I couldn’t help but recall the scene when I first came here.


In the face of the deep abyss that is not deep in the sky, facing the iron chain that swings and swings irregularly in the mountain wind, it is like facing a beast with a big mouth opening a **** mouth, even if it is tightly grasping the necklace, it is still scared;

However, as the courage grew bigger and the strength increased, it gradually realized that the image was maintained, and it was based on the true skill and the method of smashing;

Now now!

Step by step, easy Panel!


I couldn’t help but feel guilty, slowly turning around and heading towards the cloud area where the mad monk is.

Before coming to the cloud area, the voice of the mad monk was drilled into the ear at the right time:

"You came."


Happy to stop: "Happy to come to see the predecessors!" The situation is smoother than imagined, since the mad monk took the initiative to speak, but saved him a lot of brains.

"Yes, your "Yi Jin Jing" has been cultivated to reach Dacheng..."

The voice of the mad monk is not praised:

"Three flowers gather at the top, the next step is to cultivate five qi, all return to the yuan! To my extent."

"What the predecessors said is that it is the realm of the five gas dynasty?"

Happy heart, can not help but open the mouth.


The voice of the mad monk is clearly transmitted from the cloud area to the ear, and continues: "However, the martial arts can cultivate to the five-dimensional dynasty to reach the heavens and the earth, raise their hands, pick the leaves, and all the martial arts are self-taught. There is a way to win and win... But the five yuan is not so good."

"The younger generation is thinking about asking for the older generation!"

Happy and excited to answer.

The mad monk does not mean to hide, but the message revealed makes the heart happy:

"The five gas dynasty, I have no way to give you more enlightenment. I was lucky enough to cultivate this step. It was also thanks to the "Purification of the marrow", completely changed the physique, only in the battle 30 years ago. I was able to break through and enter the realm of the "five-gas dynasty"."

"Predecessors, did you break through to the five-dimensional dynasty in the battle of the 30 years ago?"


The pause, the crazy monk slightly touched the answer:

"I know that you came for the "Purification of the marrow"... But I told you that even if the "Yi Jin Jing" is a big success, it will take three years for you to practice the "Purification of the marrow" because this collection , not a general scripture..."

"The younger generation is willing to hear the details."

"The Washing of the marrow, as the name suggests, is to wash away the body of the mind, and further strengthen the body and spirit... So, it is not like ordinary martial arts, but needs to rely on its own perseverance, and can not be like "Yi Jin Jing" "The same, through the physical exercise to enhance ... "washing the marrow meridian", can only understand everything from life and death, and only the higher the realm can understand the higher level of mystery."

"Between life and death?"

Happy to hear confused.

The mad monk does not bother to explain:

"The reason why you waited for three years is because you can't understand the difference between life and death in your current internal realm. It is difficult to detect the change in physical potential between life and death."


I still don’t understand very well, and some can’t help but walk a few steps to the cloud area: “...potential...related to the inner realm...”

"To change the simple point, the meaning is that you only have the inner strength of the realm, you can experience the mystery of the "washing marrow meridian" between life and death... the higher the realm, the more natural the understanding." Once explained, I finally let my heart grasp a little bit of focus, and my heart asks:

"The internal power boundary is linked to the "Purification of the marrow", which means that only by entering the realm of harmony between man and nature can the "Purification of the marrow" reach the highest level?"

"Almost... just getting rid of the situation, even if you can get some insights between life and death, it's just a furry. If you don't have a chance, you are qualified to let you know the second layer... and so on!"

"In addition, the higher the internal force, the greater the possibility of surviving between life and death to understand everything." The explanation of the mad monk finally made him have a deeper understanding of the "washing marrow".

The meaning of the mad monk should be to say that it is only when some of the internal forces are higher, so that the possibility of understanding the "washing the marrow" between life and death is greater.


The voice of the mad monk came again: "The reason why you wait for three years is to let you accumulate enough strength. After three years, when you reach the level of inaction or higher, you will understand the "Minsic Sutra". Only then can you get twice the result with half the effort."

"The younger generation understands..." I know that I have got the answer.

The relationship between life and death can make the "Purification of the marrow" progress, and he is attacked by the masters of the three mythical worlds in the gang prison, but it is far from meeting this requirement. The cultivation of the "Minsic Sutra" is more difficult. high……


It seems that even if you get your understanding, it is very limited.

This makes my happiness a little disappointing!

Say goodbye to the crazy monk, happy for a long time, rushed back to Beijing! Put yourself back in the gang prison, happy to return to the world three years later.

Back to this side, happy to give up in the first time to continue to retreat in the altar of the Fengfeng Building, to explore the whereabouts of the mythical peak of the strongest 'Shi Zhixuan' to Bai Xiaosheng - the entire Central Plains, can not threaten him Many, in addition to the mythical masters at the peak level, those ordinary mythical masters have been difficult to let him have the feeling of passing between life and death.


Before leaving the General Hall of the Fengfeng Building, I was happy to be cautious and learned about the outside world.

The situation is very bad!

Since the emperor successively slaughtered dozens of top players scattered outside the capital, the attacking tower destroyed six altars under the attack of Yi Pintang, but Yipintang joined forces with the Blood League, the Killer Hall, the Tianyin School, and the recent The Tianxiong gang, which has joined the Yipintang publicly, has destroyed more than 20 altars in the Fengfeng Building in succession. The wind building has damaged more than 50,000 people and suffered heavy losses.


This is still the casualty data in the case of Yipintang and Fengfenglou restraining each other.

If they don’t have different minds with each other, the Central Plains has already killed blood in the river. How can it happen in three or four days?

However, the two gangs are more cautious about the big moves of each other, but they are struggling and fighting very hard in the dark. In a few days, the two gangs are afraid to practice in a place for a long time, let alone sneaky. A very popular high-level practice place.

As long as you leave the city, everyone will be stunned and ambushed at any time!

“Shi Zhixuan is a popular high-level cultivation place in the ruins of the Great Buddha Temple. This is probably not too calm...” After I left the main hall of the Fengfeng Building, I immediately noticed that there was a follower behind me, and I could not help myself. Picked an eyebrow.

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