Sword Among Us

: Meet its meeting, stone tablet to hand (second more)

Chapter 1028 meets its meeting, stone tablets arrive at the second (more)

Thank you for rewarding Xiao Hei’s friends these days.

Today, a lot of guests at home, busy until now only two and a half, so the third in the morning, do not have to wait in the early hours.


Chapter 1028

Although the female organator tried his best to lay the traps around the three people, all of this was only a small skill for the evil king, and it did not play a role in blocking it.

Surrounded by thousands of Luohan Buddha statues, it is impossible to leave here with a stone monument.

The three men watched the evil king come to the front...

Hey! !

The evil king’s unmoving shot was just a trick. The body of the female organ suddenly flew into the rohan array, and the body collapsed directly. The whole man smashed a statue of Luohan and threw it to the ground. I didn’t move for a long time.


The other two were even more guilty, vigilantly retreating left and right, holding the stone tablet tightly in their hands, their eyes flashing, and fighting between the living and protecting the stone monument.


The evil king Shi Zhixuan's violent personality is not patience. Seeing that the two men are hesitant, they immediately slammed into the back of one person.

The latter was shocked!

I haven’t had time to react, and I’m in the palm of my heart and printed it on my body...

The evil king's "Don't Die" is not only arrogant, but also full of evil and gentle taste. There is an alternative soft beauty between the fists and the feet, and there is no murderousness.

But the real lethality is the opposite of the gentle movement!


The power contained in it is in the moment of the palm of the hand, instantly rushing into the body, violently raging, the power of the immortal seal is pulsed into the viscera, the latter vomiting out of the blood, and even the internal organs are spit out. .

Innocent masters, in fact, will not be so weak in front of evil kings, but the evil king itself is too famous, and the majesty and momentum that comes with it are deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and people lose their ability to resist unconsciously - if there is an opportunity Parry, at least not a single death.

but now……

Both of them died and injured.

The third stone tablet rolled off the dust.

The last person was pale, and he watched the evil king Shi Zhixuan not immediately picking up the third stone tablet, but turned to look at the last stone tablet in his hand.

Angry and very teeth!

This person is not too stupid, only to see one person, Shi Zhixuan did not mean to stop, immediately screamed and tried his best! Put your hands together! !

Internal force to focus on the arms, struggling to squeeze the stone in the hands.

The evil king looked at him with ridiculous color and did not stop.

In the end, even if the person got a blushing neck, the stone in his hand is still not damaged!


Shi Zhixuan's lips corner curved a taunting arc.

Seeing this, this player is suddenly annoyed!

"If you want a stone tablet, Laozi really won't let you do it!!" With a sigh of anger, while retreating, he suddenly struggled to throw the stone in his hand high among the thousand Buddhas.

Hey! !

The stone monument flew out with a fierce whistle.

"See how you are."

The man threw the stone tablet into the Thousand Buddhas, and he just had the idea of ​​hatefulness in his heart. But when he turned back, he felt a pain in his throat, and his head twisted one hundred and eighty degrees! For the last pair of people who are like a glare, the next second, the consciousness of the whole person is quickly annihilated.

The evil king finally shot!

After the man vented the stone tablet violently, he was finally irritated and he did not hesitate to twist the man's neck.


The man’s body fell softly to the ground.


When the evil king was ready to take the stone tablet on the ground, the pupil suddenly shrank.

The stone monument on the ground was suddenly shot in the other direction by a force that appeared out of thin air.


From the rohan array, a young and powerful palm firmly grasped the stone tablet and landed on the ground. The whole movement was done in one go.

The face of the evil king Shi Zhixuan is once again gloomy.

The first accident was that the man had just thrown a stone tablet into the body of Luohan, and he wasted his time to rush into the array of Luohan.

Now the third stone tablet was taken away by a guy who accidentally broke into the heart of Luohan. After repeated failures, the violent heart of Shi Zhixuan became more serious, and the gloomy murderous spirit was more intensely exuded.

"Hand over the stone tablet and leave you with a whole body!"

The evil king was staring at the man in front of him. The other side had seen one side in the rohan array.

"It is the first person of the devil's evil king, and it is really aggressive."

It was the happiness of the unicorns that quickly recovered the state of prosperity, including the tearing needles on the chest before being forced away from the body, before the strength was better.

1167 points inside!

The strength to reach the peak state!

With the strength of being happy now, it is not a problem to face evil kings!

But what makes you happy is the stone in your hand.

At the moment when the stone tablet started, the system promptly sounded in the mind: "Get one of the four stone tablets left by the ancient gods of the Great Buddha Temple. You can understand the four great tricks of the ancient gods by understanding the mystery."

Is there such a good thing? ! !

The things of the ancient oracles in the Great Buddha Temple have been heard and heard. But because Xuanqi has never paid attention to it, I didn’t think that one of the more interesting things I saw after the escape was the one that was left over from the ancient gods!

Happy blood madness!

Even if it is threatened by the first person of the Magic Road, it is impossible to hand over this unexpected treasure...


After enjoying the stone tablet in my hand, my eyes brightened and my eyes were quickly attracted by the two stone tablets in the hands of Shi Zhixuan: "The stone predecessors, the two stone tablets in your hands, are better than the next one."

The god-in-law of the gods and gods left behind the scholastic moves, even happy and not too hot, I realized that I broke into a wonderful plot task, met a rare opportunity, naturally can not help but tide, want to God The singularity of the school has been exhausted.


Shi Zhixuan taunted and lifted his chin:

"Do you want these two monuments in the hands of the king?"

"If you don't mind." Happy, I realized that my thoughts were a little naive...

The other party is a evil king.

Even if he did his best, he would be very lucky to retreat from the front of the evil king. He wanted to take two stone tablets from the evil king.

The atmosphere of Luo Han’s bursts of eyes suddenly became strange.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan is full of sneer and staring at the eccentric color.

"This king is very mindful, I decided now, when I get the stone tablet from your body, I will hang your body at the door of the Big Buddha Temple..."

“I am very honored!”

In the twinkling of an eye, happiness has been waking up from the arrogant reverie. It is good to assume that I can keep this stone in front of the evil king. After that, I suddenly turned around and did not hesitate to start Lingbo Weibu and rushed into Luohan. Big array.

The evil king taunted and smiled at the happy back in the battle.


In the screaming voice, I was happy to enjoy the photos of many Luohan Buddha statues along the way. The initial strength of the mythical environment was overwhelming.


Happy recovered quickly from the unexpected surprise.

boom! !

"Invincible Body" opens.

Small dragon shape!

From the attack gap of the three Luohan Buddha statues, I slid out happily.

But the good times are not long.

The image of Luohan Buddha along the way is endless, and the number is increasing!

The evil king stood in the middle of the line and watched the happiness in a more dangerous desperate situation. His eyes were gloomy and cold, as if he had seen the latter being overwhelmed by the Buddha statue.

But the evil king has the confidence and smile that disappears quickly!

As the happy face bears the attack of seven or eight Arhat statues, a strong real spirit rises from the front of the Luohan.

Then, the screaming black swordsman instantly rips off many of the Luohan Buddha statues in all directions!


The gravel is scattered all over the place.

Shi Zhixuan’s face finally showed an unstoppable shock.

In his eyes, the small ants like the ants survived not only under the attack of a group of Luohan Buddha statues, but also a sword swept through the surrounding Buddha statues and instantly rushed out more than ten feet.

Wherever passed, the Buddha statue of Luohan has some unstoppable signs!


The evil king's face was finally completely gloomy.

With a cold cry, people disappear like ghosts from the place!

The Luohan array, constantly changing the moving Luohan Buddha image quickly blocked the evil king...

But the evil king's offensive is faster.

Did not wait for a group of Luohan Buddha statues to shoot, the immortal seal has been a friendship to the body of a Luohan Buddha statue, such as into the uninhabited situation into the depths of the Luohan array, quickly chasing after the happy.

"Leave a stone tablet and spare you a life."

The stone on the face of the stone behind the face is getting more and more dignified...

Because he clearly saw that happy is only a martial arts person who is free from the situation, but the strength is very amazing, not only the swordsmanship is not bad, the offensive is wide open, and the breath is long, although the speed of rushing is not faster than himself, but it is already very amazing. This kind of strength, even if it is his stone, does not dare to say that it can be won in a short time.

But in a word, it’s like a sea of ​​stones. The people in front not only did not return, but also rushed faster.

Shi Zhixuan's face is even more ugly.


"This is bad."

Happy while rushing to open the way, the heart is complaining.

In the face of a group of strong Luohan Buddha statue pressure is not small, if you are caught up again by the evil king, it is almost impossible to leave with a stone monument safely.

I finally encountered such a rare and wonderful thing, and then I was robbed of the stone monument by the evil king. I am naturally unwilling to be happy, my brain is running fast, and thinking about how to escape quickly!

The next moment, a happy magic weapon is buckled in the hands of the happy!

The hairpin that was obtained in the treasure house of the Beast Mountain Villa on the same day - in order to keep the stone monument away from the Big Buddha Temple, even if it consumes this magical weapon-level hidden weapon, even if this thing can only delay a small time to make!

For him, if the gold can drag it, as long as it is not in the Luohan big array of the stone to the Xuan Xuan, as long as you can leave this Luohan big array, the latter thing will be easier.

This time, I came to the Big Buddha Temple. Although I didn’t get the unexpected breakthrough and understanding between life and death, I was able to get a great sacred movement from the ancient temple of the Great Buddha Temple.

For the stone in the arms, fight! !

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