Sword Among Us

Chapter 1045: Evil Emperor shot (first more)

Chapter 1045 chapter evil king shot (first more)

Chapter 1045

In the total altar of the Fengfeng Building, the hidden weapon techniques of more than 20 Tangmen masters were a bit shocking. Under the cover of several companions with Xuanjin cloaks, their hands were like a hot steamer, and they burst into a burst of wind and sound. A sharp metal concealer is like being given spirituality. It seems to be chaotic. In fact, the different techniques are differently divided into the following one-class disciples. The speed is different, and it is hard to prevent.

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey!


In the air, countless hidden weapons are dazzlingly intertwined, raining like a world, seeing people underneath the scalp:

"Where are so many masters! Even the Buddha's heart sacred hand of Tangmen came..."

In the face of the hidden weapon that hit the face, many people can resist it at first, but they can't keep up with the rhythm. A group of Tangmen masters are like machines. They are constantly splashing, left hand, right hand, and fast. Unlike the words, the action is dazzling, and between the moments, the people on the sides of the attack are put down hundreds of people!

In line with the counterattack of the disciples of the Fengfenglou, they were gradually unable to withstand the pressure and were repelled by tens of meters, and they quickly quit.

"Good job!"

"Haha! Kill them out!!"

Just as countless disciples on the side of the wind building were excited to prepare for the anti-rushing to repel all the enemies, Wu Kui was very cautiously ordered to order: "The defense does not move! Give me a steady!"

Despite the importance of the morale of the two armies, the more than two hundred top players in the lobby can not be overwhelmed with this momentum.

The presence of the wind-fighting buildings is elite, and the ban can still be done. Although the heart is slightly unwilling, but they have retreated back, and they will complete the defense.

A group of people in Tangmen, seeing that there are no enemies in the scope, have turned their attention to the group of top players in the Zhongtang.

In fact, as soon as they plunged into the roof, they noticed that the people who played here were all good at each other, and they seemed to be eager to move. Not to be reminded, a group of people have already seized a lot of hidden weapons with their hands, and each has locked the target.


"The owner!"

"A group of Tango's hidden weapon masters appeared in the general altar of the Fengfeng Building, and we have beaten our people back! The head of the famous "Focus of the Buddha" is the name of the martial arts. His group of brothers are the most recent. Passed the top hidden weapon hand of the Tangmen mission..." Someone quickly returned from the General Hall of the Fengfeng Building to ask if they should pursue the targeted killing strategy.

"Xie Lingyun, Luo Jing, Shi Huasheng, are you back?"

Meng Yun did not go back and asked.

As soon as the voice fell, three people came out from behind the crowd, one by one with a twilight, and they shook hands: "The owner."

"Be careful this time, I will bring back the words of Yan Biwu and the wind chimes." Meng Yun is still very confident in the strength of the three top masters he personally selected, and he is quietly commanding.

The three looked at each other:


"No need."

The three of them just got ready to leave, suddenly a faint speech came from the side, and an invisible majesty spread out, and the three people's footsteps were hard.

The people around are surprised!

Just listen to the evil king's indifferent way:

"Happy to kill you once, you can kill the second time, the people inside, can't keep him, the three of you have gone to no avail, I personally shot, you left to protect your church, so as not to be copied. "In the middle of the conversation, the evil emperor glanced in a direction in the street nearby, and then, under the focus of countless people, his feet off the ground, and the body flew up from the roof, in an unusually incredible way. The Imperial Air plunged into the altar of the Fengfeng Building, which was 100 meters away.


Below, countless people raised their faces, staring at the incredible color staring at the white hair fluttering, the evil spirits flying in the air, shocked for a long time...

A group of people like Meng Yun also shocked for a few seconds.

However, Meng Yun quickly thought of what the evil emperor had said in his speech. He browed and turned back to the direction of the evil emperor. He just captured a group of non-one-style halls and the strange faces of the twelve capital city gangs standing nearby. In the restaurant, the eyes stared blankly in the air.

The eyebrows are tight, and Mengyun feels the threat of silk from the temperament of this group of players without gang emblems!

The top masters are all pressed to the front, although there are countless masters around the back, but the ability to let the evil emperor personally open, these people's strength is not bad.

"The owner?"

Seeing Xie Lingyun’s three people re-examine the color of the inquiry, Meng Yun frowned:

"You stay for a while."



Tangmen master's outstanding hidden weapon technique has indeed reduced the pressure on the side of the wind building.

Even the top masters, facing a group of top strength secret weapon masters, face the various hidden weapons that constantly hovering over the top of the head to find the angle of the hand, the mind is scattered, from time to time revealing flaws.

What's more, there is a happy group in the crowd that they have to deal with nervously, and there is also a source of magic that plays the sound of many people.

Under the triple pressure, more than two hundred top players gradually fell into the wind in the first round of confrontation.


"Be careful!"


Another master of the Beijing gang was broken into the line of defense when he was too poor to cope with his opponent. From the perspective of smashing to the neck, the blood was like a spring.

"Damn, toxic!"

"Crap, Tangmen was originally relying on hidden weapons and poisonous techniques to gallop the world." Yan Biwu solved one person, and the mouth sneered sneer, even if you don’t even look at it, the two children’s darts are intertwined, which is beyond everyone’s expectation. A few laps in the air, smashing the life of that person.

The crowd behind them sounded a good sound!

the fifth!

This is already the fifth top player he has killed with a hidden weapon.

However, Yan Wuwu is not satisfied and proud.

Looking around, I glanced at the figure in the most sinister area, and my heart sighed...

Even killing the top five masters, even the top master of the Tangmen hidden weapon, is also a very remarkable achievement, but all this is not his own merit.

If it is not the guy who has attracted most people's attention, if it is not the top ten of the wind building, if it is not the piano, their hidden weapon is not enough to play such a perfect!

In addition...

Under such many external factors, quietly shot, using the highest-end hidden weapon technique, it is not so pleasant.

In contrast, the happiness in the crowd can be systematically attracting firepower around the top strong people and raising their hands to kill one of the most unattainable masters in the eyes of countless rivers and lakes. This is the real strength. .

This is also the real reason why the Fengfeng Building can survive under the dream of Yunyun!

"Be careful!"

"The evil king is coming!"

"Archer ready!!"

Just as Yan Biwu quickly searched for the next goal, suddenly there was a burst of turmoil behind him.

When the mind was shocked, a group of people would suddenly raise their heads, and they saw a dazzling figure, carrying the imposing majesty and momentum from the opposite air.

Not yet close, a near-destructive oppressive atmosphere has shrouded the sky from the sky - the evil emperor's personal arrival, quickly caused an unprecedented panic and tension in the altar of the wind building!

Wu Kui and others are highly tense, and their eyes are fixed on the white-haired evil emperor from the distant sky. The mouth is quickly issued and ordered!

"Put the arrow!"

"Can't let him get close to the altar!!"

Wu Kuo is the brother of the Phantom of the Opera. He is the most clearly aware of the strength of the evil emperor in the general altar of the Fengfeng Building. He deeply knows that the Daoist Devil's Law is actually a kind of martial arts that is separated from the current martial arts. Nothing to learn, every move, combined with a wonderful spiritual power, a kind of spiritual oppression, no matter what kind of martial arts, can be exaggerated to magnify several times, it is unbearable, the emperor was also because of its own When the situation is good, and the will is tempered, this will be able to support hundreds of moves in front of the evil emperor...

Ordinary people, it is very difficult to do even in front of the evil emperor!

One eye can make people fall asleep, the flow of infuriating internal forces becomes extremely difficult; the initiative to shoot is even more impossible to resist.

Nowadays, the evil emperor has not yet entered the general altar of the Fengfeng Building. The spiritual suppression of the Taoist Devil's Law has caused many people to bind their feet. If the evil emperor is closer, the defense line will collapse directly. It will soon usher in a devastating disaster and impact, and may not have to wait for the landlord to bring back the reinforcements. The wind building has been unable to support it.

No, now I only want to do everything I can to stop the evil king's footsteps and try to delay the time!

Under the command of Wu Kui, many archers swarmed out of the lobby room, numerous full moons were neatly opened, and the arrows were tightly juxtaposed on the strong bow!

Arrow rain whistling out...

But almost at the same time they shot, a lot of overwhelming pressure suddenly fell!


The body of a group of people sank slightly, and the arrow suddenly lost its head. It fluttered from the evil spirits, and did not cause any threat or harm to the evil king.

"A group of ants."

The evil emperor stepped on the void, and the wind flew over the door of the main hall wall of the wind building. The powerful oppression that followed came to almost push a group of archers on the lobby stairs to the second round. Rain, the scorn of the eyes is more obvious.

In the lobby of the General Hall of the Fengfeng Building, because of the participation of a group of Tangmen masters, the number of top masters who lost their lives has exceeded 80, and the remaining top players are less than one hundred and sixty.

Now the evil emperor is intimate, and the momentum on the side of the wind building will be repressed back.

But what makes them helpless is that the spirit of the Taoist sorcerer is the same for everyone in the scope, and there is no such thing as a person in the class. It is impossible for the evil emperor to appear. Keep it!


hidden weapon!

Arrow rain!

At this moment, all the original deterrence was lost.

It seems that only the evil emperor in the heavens and the earth is in the air of countless people's eyes and fears, and leisurely spreads the boundless majesty!

But at this moment...

A series of screams rang from the crowds of Yipintang, which suddenly aroused the attention of all the people in the altar, including the evil emperor, but also revealed a trace of suspicion, condescending, looking at the one in his own spiritual repression Keeping the speed of the wielding, the figure of the black iron epee is waving, and the brow is slightly picked up. With the coldness from the nasal cavity, the sound of the sound of the cymbal sounds in the air, a spiritual storm condensed several times instantly condenses out. Happy direction to go!

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