Sword Among Us

Chapter 1059: Absolute control (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1059 is absolutely in control (third, ask for recommendation)

Expected to break out at the end of the month, ask for a few ***


Chapter 1059

"The first phase is finally completed!"

After a roar, the roof of the street outside the main square of the Fengfeng Building was filled with such a feeling of relief.

"The lord, since this is already happening, we will return to the altar, and our altar is still under attack..."

Retrieving the bet on the huge ruins, the people around the hall have come to watch the dreams of Mengyun.

Hearing the words, Meng Yun sighed slightly, and glanced at the thousands of stubborn elements in the total altar of the wind building, which was still in a rounded array, and took a deep breath:

"There is no need to worry about the things over there. The monks, the 12 gangs are already in place. Now the entire Central Plains martial arts are waiting to see my good play, we can not let them down."

"All have been dispatched."

The thick-browed monk is low-browed and pleasing to the eye, and the answer is not ill-advised. The tone of the show reveals a calm momentum: "There are people in place, and the responsible persons in person are sitting in the town and will not be blind."

"That's good."

Meng Yun turned his body and turned to the direction of the general altar of the wind building. The last command was issued with a cold tone: "No need to blame them for wasting time, the outside brothers formed an arrow array, within a minute, I don't want I saw a living being in the altar of the Fengfeng Building."

After the command of the next commander, Meng Yun regained his gaze and blinked for a while, muttering and whispering: "The relationship between the capital and the altar is related to the face of Yipintang. However, there is no need to care about these in the end, and the total altar can be destroyed. rebuild!"

"The official road outside the capital has 12 gangs who are responsible for the death of the gang. No one will rush to Beijing in a short time. Now it is time to deal with some small thieves inside the capital and completely stabilize the voice inside the capital... The four gangs dared to make noises at this time, just to solve them together, the monks, the orders, the brothers outside the arrow array all turned, and gave me the gang of the four people of Ji Feng..."


The spirit of the thick eyebrow monk is alive.

Meng Yun turned back and told more than two hundred top experts:

"The other people are divided into four groups, lurking to the four gangs, and in case of encountering an emperor, acting according to the plan, let him kite..."


A group of masters quickly split into arrays and headed for different directions in the capital.


Under the command of Mengyun, more than 100,000 people around the altar of the Fengfeng Building were divided into several streams, and the momentum was amazingly directed toward the four gangs of the capital.

The order was issued, and Meng Yun finally glanced at the ruins of the ruins of the Fengtan Building. He glanced at the thousands of disciples who had been stabbed together by countless arrows and stabbed them. The face was slightly raised and the cold face was raised. A touch of thrilling cruelty:

"Phantom of the phantom, one step wrong, step by step wrong, your every move is in my expectation, even if you have an emperor, happy to help, no foundation, no use of land, what do you fight with me..."


Meng Yun returned from the crowd of a group of masters.


On the other side of the ocean, a matt black room

One person was covered in a black robe, sitting in front of a flat table, holding a half-foot-long crystal ball on the tabletop.

From the crystal ball, there is a ray of chaos, illuminating the small half face of the mysterious black robe...

Inside the crystal ball is showing a scene.

If there are other people present, I will be surprised to find that the above picture is a scene of the Central Plains Beijing. The situation inside is also being watched by countless people, and even broadcasted to the General Hall of the Fengfeng Building on the official website.


As the crowds rolled away, the first gang of the former Megatron in the Central Plains attacked the wind building, and the total name of the founding in the capital was dead.

The mysterious black robes are not moving in the long sleeves.

The light circulates, and the picture in the crystal ball changes instantly, from the empty ruins to a devastated open space.

The picture falls on one side of the ground!


The dark giant sword suddenly crossed the ground, the gravel shot, and the ground cracked a shocking gully...

The mysterious black robe seems to have dissatisfied hands and vain force. With his movements, the picture in the crystal ball is wonderfully pulled into the air.

The picture becomes clear.

Two people appeared on the screen.

Evil king!


The environment in the crystal ball is also clearly unveiled - the first altar of Yipintang.


The mysterious black robe people looked at the situation in the crystal ball, and the action was a meal. In the quiet dark room, there was a slightly strange surprise.

He is already the third time to change the picture to pay attention to this situation.

I thought that this ordinary top master who was once subdued by the evil emperor and the wolf and other people would not support for a long time. I didn’t expect it to be ten minutes in the past, but it was still strong and smashed with the evil emperor.


After a full pause for half a minute, the mysterious black robes watched the two people playing the wind and water, and there was no need to stop. It seemed to be tired, and the long sleeves waved, and the picture in the crystal ball changed again.

This time.

There are a few people in the picture!

One emperor!

The phantom, and a dozen masters of the wind building...

A group of people stood in front of a grand gang of gangs.

The mysterious black robes lifted the lens as usual, making it easy to see the situation around the square...

The dense horse surrounded the entire altar, but the people behind it were retreating at a rapid speed.

The mysterious black robes stopped their movements, and there seemed to be some kind of scornful laughter in the air.


Tianxiong help the altar

Nearly 10,000 people are waiting to appear outside the altar.

But what made them wrong was that Tian Xiong, one of the eighteen gangs in the capital of Beijing, did not leave one person in the altar.

Quietly, like the one-town hall, playing the empty city plan!

The phantom was surrounded by people, and there was no chance to see the sword. The most hateful thing is that the total altar still has ten minutes of invincible time, and there is no way to attack even the cornerstone of the gang.

"The 12 gangs are all empty, and it must be a dream cloud strategy. She is not going to give us the opportunity to consume them!"

"This woman..."

The phantom and the emperor look at each other to reveal the dignified color.

There is no way to consume the strength of Yipintang. Mengyun must have expected that they will make a plan to fight against the Jedi, and do so... there must be a back.


A black homing pigeon suddenly descended from the sky and fell to the body of ‘Ji Feng’ next to the phantom.

The latter's face changed.

Not only Ji Feng, the people around him suddenly heard a big movement behind him, looking back and taking a breath of air!

Outside the altar of Tianxiong, it was the people who were led by Ji Feng personally to surround Tianxiong. They were densely packed, but nowadays, there are countless black homing pigeons in the sky that fall from the sky. The sound of exclamation is one after another. The whole is the scene of the end of the world.

"Sure enough."

The phantom smiles and shakes his head.

In fact, when Tian Xiong helped stage the empty city plan, she felt that the situation was not right.

Mengyun is now a big man. It shouldn't be so cautious, but it doesn't save one person in the total hall of Yipintang. Now the people of the 12 major capital gangs have all been removed from the altar, and her consumption tactics have failed.

Nowadays, another person is attacking Ji Feng’s gang. The dream cloud is clearly unsuccessful. It has destroyed the wind building and become the unique and powerful force in the capital. It is not intended to give them a chance to continue the step-by-step tactical grinding. Pressure and consumption of the allies of the wind building - as long as the rest of the four major gangs are eliminated, where do other gangs dare to scream with one?

"A step behind."

Without the phantom, Ji Feng turned around and decisively resigned:

"Photo Studio Master!"

"One Emperor!"

Ji Feng face with a sly color, and not without urgency:

"I am really sorry! Ji is afraid that he can't make a big deal with the two together! The altar is surrounded, and the more than one thousand brothers left behind can't resist the attack of Yipintang. I must bring people back."

"Ki Bangzhu, you know why you can't go any further after you changed your name from a year and a half ago."

At this moment, the phantom looked at Ji Feng and suddenly said something that was very unsatisfactory.

The latter is a glimpse.

The phantom smiles: "When the rivers and lakes are just operating, you have the world, but with the rise of the major forces, your pattern is getting smaller. Now, there is only one land in the capital... So, you are destined to become a big event. If you are willing to go down like a dream cloud, give up the altar, let the people at the altar go offline, and save all the brothers outside, it will be another situation. Now go back, you can’t save people, but instead Go in yourself."

"Since the people of Mengyun went to Jifeng, it is better for us to rush over..."

An emperor did not understand the phantom, and looked at the frowning Ji Feng, could not help but interject.

"It's useless."

The phantom is deeply inhaled, shook his head helplessly:

"Dream has already got the opportunity. I believe that the other three major Beijing gangs have also been under siege by Yipintang. Now they have begun to return to help... Now even if we all pass, we can’t change anything. Mengyun has taken the dominant position, except You, who can't kill, we saved a gang, can't save the other three... can do very limited." Speaking of here, the phantom is deeply focused on Ji Feng's eyes: "Speaking of this, hope Ji Bangzhu thinks about one or two! Now go back, it’s dead; it’s better to stay in Qingshan..."


Ji Feng is not an idiot. Originally, he wanted to provoke an emperor and the phantom to help him keep the altar. But now that he has said it here, he thinks that he has no meaning in going back.

"What should we do now?"

"Withdraw! Then wait!"

The phantom figure knows that Ji Feng has made a decision. After spit out the three words, he quickly sent a letter to the other three lords.

Looking back at the emperor and Ji Feng’s incomprehensible expression, this explains:

"First evacuate here and wait for the forces from outside the capital to help. At that time, we will have the power to compete with Yipintang!"

The voice just fell, and suddenly a flying pigeon passed the book down from the sky...

The phantom quickly took off the note and only glanced at it, his face was white and his figure was shaking!

All the martial arts people who came from outside the capital were ambushed in various places outside the capital, and the death and injury were heavy!


It began to develop uncontrollably toward the direction that the phantom was least willing to see.

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