Sword Among Us

Chapter 1060: The strength of the wolf! (first more)

Chapter 1060 The strength of the wolf! (first)

Chapter 1060

"Like our style of play, even if we play for three days and three nights, it is impossible to win the game!"

The evil emperor said that while the body plunged to a few feet, the previous murder had ceased to exist. Instead, the eyes were calm and watery, staring at the man who was still fighting high:

"Let's stop."

"You can stop, as long as you leave the Central Plains immediately..." Happy and cold, but did not catch up.

The evil king said it well.

It doesn't make sense to fight like this.

The two will have a "Dream of the Heart", spiritual ability can affect the opponent and enhance their own strength, and ‘Daoxin’ weakens 30% of the damage, and is almost invincible among players of the same class;

The other one, that is, happy, "Yi Jin Jing" after Dacheng has been very abnormal, and now "washing marrow meridian" has a little achievement, the transformation of innate attributes makes the strength of happiness to a higher level, defense, attack increase, recovery also The ability is the same, even if you don't start the real gas field, you can fight with the evil emperor for a long time. A style of 'windy sky' can threaten the evil emperor, and let the evil emperor bind his feet and can't exert his full strength.

The two fight for more than half an hour, each taking a lot of remedies to restore internal strength, continue to fight, unless one of them first can not help but collapse, or commit a fatal low-level mistake, expose flaws, otherwise, two People really can't tell the difference.

When I heard the happy words, the evil emperor smiled proudly: "Let me leave the Central Plains. If you haven't been lying in the hospital for a year and a half, maybe you have the qualification to say this now, now..."

When the words came out, I was happy and didn’t answer. The martial arts people who watched the war surrounded them and refused to pick them up. Many people broke open in the streets:

"Let your fart!"

"Now the original people in our country can deal with you, and your wolves still want to stay in our Central Plains? Let's hurry up! Otherwise, I will drive you all out tomorrow! including the woman of Yipintang Mengyun!!"

"Yes!" "Happy boss! Drive the evil emperor!!"

In all directions, the voice is full of people.

These martial arts people have been watching the battle for half an hour here. They have fully recognized that happiness does have the strength to compete with the evil emperor.

The strength of happiness has surpassed an emperor and became the first in the Central Plains.

Now the evil emperor said this, as much as admitting the status of the first master of the happy Central Plains, but the words of the evil emperor made them very unhappy! What is the year and a half of the time to be qualified to say this?

Since happiness already has the strength to divide the evil spirits with the evil emperor, there is no such thing as the evil spirits sitting in the town, and it is impossible to suppress the Central Plains martial arts.

Faced with the doubts and anger of the people in the Central Plains martial arts in all directions, the evil emperor did not even shake his eyelids. The temperament was elegant and the wind was lightly staring at the happy eyes: "I said this sentence, maybe you will not Convinced... I am right?"

Seeing that the evil emperor suddenly did not seem to care about the passage of time, this time it was his turn to be happy and frown, and there was some uneasiness in his heart, but he did not speak.

The smile of the evil emperor's face continued unabated, and continued: "When I first came to the Central Plains, you were not... I hope not to mention your sadness."

Happy face expressionless.

Anyway, his plan is to drag the evil emperor. Since the other party does not intend to shoot, he will not listen if he is here to speak.

The voice of the evil king continues to come:

"At the time, I came to the Central Plains to have the meaning, but I admit that the accuracy at that time was not enough. The Central Plains had many sects and the forces were staggered. With the influence and strength of the wild wolf at that time, it was not enough to control the entire Central Plains, so I did not let Dream Cloud exposes identity."

At this time, the sounds around him are gradually getting smaller. Everyone raises their ears and listens to the evil monologue.


It’s a slight surprise to hear it here.

I did not expect that the evil emperor had already contacted Mengyun at that time.

Because I have been busy with cultivation and revenge, I don’t know enough about the sudden joint understanding of the wolf and Yipintang. Now I hear that the evil emperor has taken the initiative to admit that he has been in contact with Mengyun for a long time. Somehow, the restlessness in the heart is unimaginable. The speed is expanding rapidly.

Thoughts are running fast.

"Happy, you may only know that my wolf organization controls more than 80% of the country's resources (some of which have no value). Only the Central Plains has not won it... but you certainly don't know, in order to be able to step into the Central Plains again, thoroughly Controlling the Central Plains, I have been preparing for this moment almost all the time in the past year."

Speaking of the back, the evil emperor's face burst into a powerful and powerful atmosphere: "In order to be able to get the whole river! Now, I have already taken the last step!" When I came here, I suddenly turned my eyes back to happiness. On the body, there is no sarcasm: "Do you think that I will go back because of your accident? Because a top master loses this game?"

When I heard the words of the evil emperor, I was happy and suddenly faintly understood where my uneasy place was...

Wolf organization!


All the attention of happiness is concentrated on the body of one of the halls and the dream cloud, and because the wolf organization is good at using the local gang forces to control the 'homeland' to achieve the purpose of thorough mastery, thus ignoring the tremendous power contained in the wolf organization.

In just a few years, we have mastered the resources of almost all countries in the world. Such a large and well-organized mercenary group should not be neglected!

But this time, the evil emperor came to the Central Plains, and almost everyone’s eyes were concentrated on the evil emperor and Yipintang...

People seem to have forgotten the strength of the wolf organization and ignored the overall strength of the wolf organization.

To know.

The wolf organization is a huge group that has disintegrated and controlled many of the world's forces in the past few years.

Once again, I am in the Central Plains. Is the evil emperor really just a person?

Yipintang is willing to take the Central Plains to prepare for the unification of the rivers and lakes. Is it just because of the evil emperor? ! In order to send a gift to the evil emperor?

Thinking of this, happy suddenly burst into a strong uneasiness in my heart, watching the evil emperor who was arrogant and arrogant in front of himself, his face became more and more dignified.

"How many people have you been in the wolf organization?"

"I finally thought of it."

After saying that the evil emperor laughed wildly:

"I don't know how much I will tell you, but I can reveal a message to you... Mengyun's Yipintang, Blood League, and the 12 major Beijing gangs only control this area of ​​the north, and my people help her stabilize the situation in the Central Plains. Not a problem."


Happy face is a white again!

The words of the evil emperor are already very obvious.

The wolf organization is afraid that when the evil emperor is in the Central Plains, a large number of top experts have entered the Central Plains, helping Yipintang to suppress the altars everywhere. The power of Yipintang is still the best, with the blood alliance, the Twelve Beijing's gangs in various places, as long as there are top experts sitting in the town, you can easily control the cities around, suppress everything.

When I think of it, I am happy to ignore the words of the evil emperor, and I will not return to the secret of the martial arts in the altar of Yipintang. The latter approached the gate of the altar when the evil emperor stopped talking. But his eyes and ears.

"Wu brother, what is happening now on the photo studio? Is there any reinforcements from all over the country?"

The evil emperor used such a long time to plan to control the Central Plains. This remark is certainly not a false statement. It is difficult for the Central Plains to belong to Yipintang.

Now, I can only hope that the phantom will be able to unite the four gangs of the capital and the local people, and open a breakthrough from the capital...

After the voice went out for ten seconds, I was able to get a slap in the face and I was unwilling to respond:

"Happy brothers... This **** is right. The woman of Mengyun, who abandoned the 12th capital city gang and the Yipintang altar, did not give us the opportunity to consume power. Now it is preparing to besiege and destroy the other four capitals. The gang of the gang!"

"..." happy frowning.

The sound of Wu Ku is as fine as a gossip, and it continues to come:

"The four major gangs in Beijing now have nearly 10,000 deaths and injuries. Most of us have been left in the city, but the knights who came from cities around the capital were ambushed by the 12 major capital gangs. They were killed and injured and could not enter Beijing! ”


Happy face is ugly:

"If it is only halfway ambush, we still have the opportunity to let an emperor take people out of the city..."

"It's useless."

Wu Kui’s bitter laughter: “The **** people and killers in various cities have dispatched people to pick things up in various cities and use various means to force people who have gone halfway to go back to the altar... even if an emperor is dispatched, he can enter Beijing. There are very few."

After hearing the last explanation of Wu Kui, I finally realized how much Meng Yun played this time in the evil king.

A large number of masters of the wolf organization are responsible for sitting in the Central Plains and maintaining the operation of Yipintang;

The evil emperor sits in the capital!

After Yipintang destroyed the wind building, it quickly extinguished the resistance of the local government;

Then use the people of the 12th Beijing City gang to help the horses on the way;

Other affiliated gangs such as Blood League and Killer Hall are responsible for picking up things in cities around the world, so that the major forces are busy with their lives, and they are self-sufficient...

"Good means!"

Happy and long-sucking smiles.

The evil emperor smiled slightly:

"You know now, why don't I worry at all?"


Happy and silent.

It is no wonder that the evil emperor did not care about the damage of the staff of Yipintang when he attacked the general altar of Fenglou.

It is no wonder that Meng Yun even his own altar is willing to give up!

Before the evil emperor rushed to destroy himself, he was not worried that Meng Yun would not be able to hold it. He simply wanted to use his own power to defend his position and reputation as the world's number one master.

When I think of it, the happy mood suddenly becomes very heavy...

The streets around are still silent!

At this moment, countless people know that Mengyun has won this battle.

With dozens of elite players, hundreds of top players can control the capital and even the whole north.

In this case, the Phantom of the Shadows has been beaten by the dream cloud, and there are almost no soldiers available!

What is the counterbalance?

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