Sword Among Us

Chapter 1071: Taihu Wonders (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1071 The Taihu Wonders (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1071

"Boss! Go to Taihu Lake, take a look at the red carpet that you have prepared for you for half a month..."

Hearing the words that Xiaobei couldn’t wait for, the happiness can be faintly felt that the speed of the team’s travel has suddenly slowed down a bit. The sound of the horse’s humming and the sound of the iron hooves from the front are rapidly decreasing, and the people in the heart are surprised. The daughter-in-law smiled and pushed the main entrance of the jade.

In the eye, the ceremonial ceremonies lined up on both sides of Yuxi Road, the martial arts people standing on the sides of the neck full of stretched necks, can not see the head at a glance.

"so many people!"

Happy was shocked by the outside scene.

The hundreds of meters of channels are crowded with onlookers, and the sight is not under 100,000...

"Tread, step, step..."

Eight horses, white horses, and jade, slowly marching in the channel of the welcoming ceremonies.

The plaque broke through the air, and the petals of the sky sprinkled from the air like raindrops. With the elegant and fresh floral fragrance, the red carpet that was already very spectacular and festive added a little charm and vitality.

In the face of countless eyes and envious envy, Xu Xin, who is happy with the red head of the head, sat in the front row of the jade, and could not help but reach out and accept the petals falling into the coffin. It was also a new one that was constantly emerging by a group of silver foxes. The tricks are a bit dazzling, but I can feel the meticulousness and warmth of meticulousness. This feeling is really good.

From the miles of thousands of people to the team, to the comfortable and spacious jade, red carpet, petal rain, and smooth down all the way, it is not difficult to see how much effort the silver fox and others spent.

Happy to see some fascinated, excited, those onlookers of the martial arts have a feeling of a worthwhile trip.

A luxurious jade, worthy of the gods, the white horse, the tens of thousands of red robes, the mighty, the air, and the young girl in a red tunic like a fairy, shuttle back and forth, throwing the petals in the basket, The ceremonial team is as spectacular and luxurious as the road to wonderland filled with flowers and petals.

"I saw happiness."

"Who is the bride?"

"Hey, hurry to collect rep, the female disciples in Mufu are very beautiful..."

"The scene is full of style, but it seems that something is missing, isn't it?" There are also many people in the crowd who admire the hateful eyes and send the jade to the dock with the welcome team, while whispering.

"What about vocal music?"

When many people heard this, Yuxi finally got close to the pier near Taihu Lake...


Yuxi has not yet approached the shore and stopped. There are countless waiting people on the shore. The martial arts people suddenly turned their faces and looked at the depths of Taihu Lake. The faint sound of the music, like the sound of silk bamboo, from the depths of the Taihu Lake filled with faint mist. Passed.

It seems that there are some sounds of wind and waves in the sound of the piano!

Seeing this, many people have come to the spirit!

I was still guessing that the team that was facing the Taihu Lake was waiting for a while to enter the Mandu Villa, but at this moment they finally knew the answer...

I saw a quick rushing out of the mist, a two-stringed red satin-shaped fast boat, with a big ‘囍’ on the bow!

Dozens of fast boats!


In a blink of an eye, hundreds of fast boats flew out of the mist of Taihu Lake, and the speed was as fast as a speedboat...

There are more dense black spots behind it, which are displayed in the mist, and the number is very large! There is quite a momentum in the army of the Navy's army.

Countless pairs of eyes on the shore saw this magnificent and magnificent scene, and they couldn’t help but stunned!

Let those who whispered without vocal music close their mouths, on top of the hundreds of fast boats that led the first, set up three musicians...

The lingering sounds accompany the other instruments to instantly illuminate the calm Taihu Lake like a piece of music. The festive vocal music spreads leisurely on the Taihu Lake, close to the shore, and greets the welcome team from afar.

The fast boat changes its shape as it approaches the shore!

All the fast boats carrying the musicians and musicians turned around and turned into two separate camps, keeping a certain distance from the shore.

At the end of the large number of fast boats, at least thousands of people have entered the field of vision.

A group of fast boats six together in parallel!

Neat and orderly, first come first!

There are two Mufu disciples on each fast boat.

The first batch of fast boats had just been docked, and the disciple of the Mufu on board quickly took a large wooden board out of the Qiankun bag and slid it up and fixed it between himself and the nearby ship.

Two hidden weapons used in actual combat on a weekday are quietly fixed in a dark boat...

A boat with a width of more than 20 meters was fixed on the shore.

The fast boat behind it is also fixed so quickly, and then take the rope prepared in advance to cover the boat in front!

The blink of an eye, a jump of red satin and a festive red carpet, under the eyes of countless people, quickly formed on the Taihu Lake in an incredible way!

A spacious 'red boat carpet' connected by countless ships, from the front of the jade and countless players, smoothly extending into the Taihu Lake!

The wind chimes did not know when to leave the welcoming team, personally led a large number of violinists on the left and right sides of this red boat carpet, playing the smooth flowing instruments of the mountains!

Seeing this scene, countless players on the shore are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

It’s no wonder that the Mufu disciples have repeatedly stressed that the time will not be delayed...

In addition to the tens of thousands of welcoming teams, Mufu actually mobilized a large number of people to temporarily build the ‘red carpet’ on the water, and instantly paved a water route to the Mandu Villa!

"Who designed this..."



"I don't see the violinist on both sides. The one headed by is like a piano."

"The group of people who boasted seemed to be disciples of Dongxie..." The voices of countless players on the shore quickly made the people behind them aware of the situation here. The crowds surged and the atmosphere around them heated up sharply. There are a large number of disciples, and all four gangs are maintained in the crowd. I am afraid that people can't help but rush to the shore to enjoy this spectacular scene.

"Who is this idea?"

"Feng dance color clothes and your sisters from Nanhua University have used a total of 63,677 ships. How to be a boss, you are not letting you lose face."

Xiaobei temporarily acted as the driver of the jade, and he was dressed in a red robe, and he was very excited and smirked.

"...this time the cost is taken from my contribution, and the time that everyone was wasted is also counted in the contribution point. Double calculation, we can't let everyone waste money for my delay." Happy at this time, I don't know it. What kind of expression, so many people look at it, can only maintain a smile on the face, 'sinisterly' to the small North.


Xiaobei, where I don’t know how happy I am, is already very satisfied. Looking back at the whip, Yuxi slowly climbed onto the red carpet...

The petals are raining!

Under the foot is the undulating boat road, the air is with a little moist river fog and the petals of rain filled with fragrance, the sweet silk bamboo music is spread throughout Taihu...

This kind of scenery makes both happy and Xu Xin feel like a fairyland!


As the jade slowly sailed on the red carpet, the ceremonial sorrows stayed on both sides of the red carpet, and greeted countless excited martial arts heroes.

These people who took the excitement and walked on the red carpet did not have the mentality of being easily relaxed in front of this solemn and full of luxury and style.

Under the eyes of countless Mufu disciples who have not been low in countless realms, they are nervously stepping onto the red carpet and enjoying the ups and downs, just like the feeling of entering the fairyland. They are as nervous as the big **** the sedan chair...

"Mom, it's too shameful."

A big man with a golden emblem on his chest was only a few steps away, and he couldn’t help but complain to a gang leader who was passing by him: "When the grassland was in the battle, I was not so nervous when I hit the gold account." However, I wanted to kill people like drinking water. I didn’t expect Laozi to have such a day. Now I have to walk a road and feel that my legs and feet are not my own."

The words came out.

The latter quietly gave him a smile:

"To each other."

The people behind are obviously not much better.

From time to time, I met friends in the ceremonial disciples of Mufu, who were familiar friends, or those who were famous in various areas of the rivers and lakes.

These gang bosses attended the wedding, one for congratulations, and also for the four gang forces.

Compared with these people's cautiousness, those who purely enjoy the wedding of the century are less awesome and a little more shocked.

"My friends are now envious of the situation here..."

"Well, this road doesn't know how much it costs, oh."

"Talking about money in front of Mufu, you are too vulgar!"

"Ha ha……"

"The ceremonial team has made *** an eye-opener along the way. I didn't expect this red boat carpet to be more exciting... I don't know if it will be more lively in Mandu Villa. I can't wait to go right away."

"Don't run around, be quiet."

"It should be fine to use light work. I just saw someone using the magical footwork on the lake..."

"It's okay to do it, don't use martial arts, you can be a master of Mufu. We still have a few chivalrous guys. Mom, they are all staring at us. We won't be embarrassed?"

In the surging crowd, when two players of the popular public voiced their voices, suddenly someone came close and said, "The voice is low:"

"You are the flying thieves of the Hengnan Lingnan..."

When I heard the words of the people coming, the faces of the two changed, and the eyes flashed and died. I laughed and laughed: "Brothers are laughing, Lingnan Feitian doubles the purpose of the scorpion, so recognize, brother, you see the wrong person."

"is it?"

The man glanced calmly at the two, his tone was plain:

"My Jinyiwei system has its own method of seeing through the human skin mask. You guys think this is a little trick. Who do you think you have? Mufu, Xiayimen, and Fengfenglou, doing a lot of things in Jinyiwei, you think about it yourself, if you are in Mufu At the wedding of the owner, there is a little bit of a scorpion, it’s related to you, you... think about it yourself."

After that, the man did not continue, turned and walked into the crowd, leaving two people who had a little thoughts and cold sweats, and suddenly felt that the disciples of the Mufu disciples on both sides were very unwilling to look at their own eyes.

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