Sword Among Us

Chapter 1084: Jinxiu Heshan (first in 2012)

Chapter 1084, Jinxiu Heshan (first in 2012)

Chapter 1084

The evil emperor and the happy showdown died, and it is instantly divided into birth and death! This news not only caused the Central Plains martial arts to boil, but also had a strong shock in more than 100 countries around the world.

What is even more incredible is that when the evil emperor fell, he was still carrying the wanted from the Central Plains court...

This death, the feet have just settled to the Wu Temple, the people were put on the chain, directly escorted to the prison of the prison, a week of imprisonment!

The evil emperor faces seven days of detention!

The news that followed one after another made the whole rivers and lakes tremble.

When the situation was originally thought to have been fixed in the Central Plains, and the resistance forces had already looked down on the waves, the news made everyone speechless.

On the official website, players from various countries madly discussed this incident, speculating on the strength of the happy and evil kings who is strong and weak.

For a while...

Even the words that have already replaced the evil emperor to become the new generation of the world are constantly coming out!

Central Plains boiling!

The world is boiling!

On that day, the nerves of countless people were continuously stimulated.

The first one is Mengyun.

Originally prepared to seize the last struggle of the wind building, the phantom confidence was completely defeated, I did not expect the evil emperor to have such a big scorpion, falling in the hands of happiness.

If someone at the Wushu Temple was watching, and the wolf organization quickly confirmed the news, Meng Yun thought that he was a traitor on his own side and made a joke at such an important time.

It was true that the news that the evil emperor was detained was true. Meng Yun almost did not take a group of npc soldiers on the gate of the city on the spot, staring gloomyly at the distance, quickly ordered, including the 12 gangs and the blood alliance, the killer. All the people have contracted back to Beijing.

At the thought of the death of the evil emperor, it may cause an emperor, a phantom and other forces, as well as various elements of the Central Plains heroes to counterattack, and even the materials of the total altar have been collected, strictly: no members are allowed to leave the capital half a day within seven days. !

The second person who is touched by nerves is naturally a phantom.

I learned that the evil emperor was happy to kill, Mengyun collectively retired, the phantom stunned God for a few seconds, repeatedly found Bai Xiaosheng, an emperor, happy to verify, immediately stopped, and ordered his men to return to Beijing to return to Beijing, more than ten The tens of thousands of people are arrogant, blatantly on the official road, and down the waterway.

The third person is the person in charge of the official website pay channel...

In the time when the evil emperor died, the person in charge rushed to the game in person, and in the game, the reply of the person in charge of the flying pigeons was simple and direct. After the news was sent, it was ignored. Looking to an emperor who is flying from a distance.

The latter has always been a very cold and indifferent face with a rare smile:

"Good job."

"You are also, the phantom still chose to take people to break south?"

Happy smiled.

One of the emperor sighed helplessly: "I know that you want to play a turn over, but our strength is not allowed, you are also clear... Although we broke closer to the end of the 200,000 people, but there are more than 60% People are not in the state, and tens of thousands of people in the district do not say that they are counterattacking the capital. It is not good to be swallowed by a belt of bones."

Speaking of this, the Emperor glanced at the tens of thousands of horses who were filled with happiness in the wilderness and Ji Feng, who was standing next to him, and said with emotion: "It looks like you are going to do a big job."

"Since the phantom is going to develop in the south, there can be no one in the north..."


One Emperor heard the words: "You intend..."


I am happy to know that an emperor was shocked by the guesswork of his own intentions. The tone of calmness said: "In seven days, the phantom can use the solid foundation to play a sky in the south, but if no one is restrained in the north, the top two masters in Beijing are always at any time. South, she can't hold it for too long...so I plan to stay, and I can do my part."

As soon as this statement came out, not only did the emperor stare at the happiness to reveal the color of dignity and admiration, but even a group of people behind him were shocked. I never thought that I would dare to take such a dangerous game.

"The evil king is only held for seven days."

An emperor screams:

"Seven days, we can do very limited here."

"I know, but people who can't leave Yipintang can't leave Beijing. The Phantom of the Opera can do a lot of things in the South." The happy tone is as plain as ever: "Leave in the vicinity of the capital, you can restrain the people in the capital inside the capital, and at the same time Let the people around the capital be jealous, my plan is very simple, you and I bring a team of people to play guerrillas with them... Let the people of Yipintang do not dare to go north and south this week, now you will refuse stay."

"You are not afraid of being wanted by the court now. What am I afraid of?"

One emperor smiled and nodded: "I promise you."

"Since he stayed, he made him turn up every day!" He smiled and raised his hand.

An emperor quickly noticed.


In the face of countless people, the two clap in the air for the covenant.


The accidental fall, the unexpected seven-day detention period, caused a dramatic and subtle change in the situation in the Central Plains.

The Fengfeng Building, which is about to collapse completely, has gained a valuable breathing opportunity in the gap between life and death;

Because of the fall of the evil emperor, Yipintang faced the deterrent of the two fierce gods of happiness and emperor, and had to let the shackles of the windy building leave Beijing.

On the first day of the evening, nearly 200,000 people who had broken out of the road had more than 10,000 people in Shanghai. Under the leadership of more than ten top players in the Fengfeng Building, Yipintang, Blood League, and the 12th Beijing City Gang The altar, within a day! All broke! !

The stalls of Yipintang, Blood League, and the 12 gangs have all been squashed after they have damaged thousands of people, and they have been allowed to destroy the altar.

Followed by...

the next day!





Many coastal cities have successively landed on the wind towers, and cooperated with the people in the city to carry out crazy counterattacks, and instantly suppressed the arrogance of gangs such as Yipintang.

Under the strict rules of Mengyun, Yipintang and the major gangs did not come out to resist. Within two days, more than 30 altars were destroyed.

At the same time, the resource points outside these coastal cities have been won, and the divisions that have attacked the wind building have been established.


However, by the third day, the action of the phantom became obviously more difficult...

Mengyun has already figured out the distribution of the top masters of the Fengfeng Building, and has dispatched top players and wolves from more cities in the interior to help guard the altar.

On the third day, there were only six subdivisions that were captured...

The situation on the fourth day was even worse, with two worthless altars.

"I know that Mengyun will not give us the opportunity to reverse the situation, so we will strictly guard against it and save our strength. Once the evil emperor is released from prison, the pressure on the other side of the capital will disappear and the control power of the Central Plains will be regained by her."

"What do we do now? The time has passed. Most of our current divisions have expanded to 50. The number of brothers who can compete against Yipintang is no more than 60,000. Once the power of the capital is suppressed, we will be beaten soon. Back to the original..."

"Since Mengyun has done this absolutely, don't give us a little chance, we can only abandon all the altars in the city according to the original plan, and find a place where easy to defend and difficult to attack to establish a stronghold." The phantom does not sigh after Fortunately, the road is:

"It’s so happy, the emperor’s time is not small. Otherwise, the chances of being happy and not easily won are wasted.”

Wu Kui, who stood next to the phantom, heard the words and nodded.

During this time, they were busy trying to cut down on the tentacles of Yipintang while not forgetting to pay attention to the situation in the north.

Since the capital was separated, Happy, the emperor and Ji Feng's old department pulled up a temporary miscellaneous team, self-organized as 'Jianxiu Heshan', and established a total altar in the vicinity of the sneaky scorpion, and it is necessary to be near the capital and Yipintang. Competing for every inch of land, the momentum of the beautiful mountains and rivers.

With the prestige accumulated during this period and the shocking impact of killing the evil emperor, the first day of the establishment of Jinxiu Heshan came from the capital city and many nearby Central Plains heroes to join, the number is building first The day broke through 50,000 and directly rose to the size of a large gang that was not tolerant.

More exciting is...

In the name of my splendid rivers and mountains, I was convinced that an emperor who had never joined any gang joined the Jinxiu Mountain River and served as the deputy head of the mountain gate.

The cooperation between the two masters of the Central Plains has invigorated countless people, claiming that the number of people who want to join the Jinxiu River has increased dramatically! Not only ordinary players, but many high-spirited lone rangers have chosen to join the Jinxiu River.

no way.

Even the first emperor of the first five years of the reign of the Central Plains has condescended to become a member of the Splendid River Mountain. What else is impossible?

However, after the success of the gang formation, Happy gave the trivial things of recruiting people, expanding business and customization to Ji Feng.

One emperor led a group of people to the south, three days down, more than a few cities near the sneaky scorpion, Yipintang, blood alliance, the 12th Beijing gang gangs destroyed, the nearby resources were also included in the mastery of Mengyun To the Jinxiu River and other gangs in the hands of the forces.

There are not many people who are happy, but each is capable and strong, and it is a group of good people who follow Ji Feng. The trick is to make many cities in the north make chickens and dogs jump and complain.


Dingfeng City

Juxian Restaurant

Twenty-six high-grade one-story high-rises filled the entire room without a word, one by one or sitting or standing.

"I heard that happiness has come to us."

"The brothers in the previous cities gave a lot of shackles, and they couldn’t hide. Everyone said... What should I do?"

"The lord is not warned? Avoid the war, and wait for the evil emperor to come out of prison!"

"But we can't always spend all of it in the restaurant every day. I don't dare to put one in the fart? The brothers have been squatting for three days, and then they don't go out and move around, even how to take the sword."

"There is no way, does Laozi still point the nose to the grandson every day?" The man sitting in the window position snorted.

The voice did not fall, and suddenly the black shadow flashed outside the window of the elegant room!

Followed by...

boom! ! !

The window wall of the elegant room suddenly burst from the outside, and a dark sword smashed into the field of vision of a group of people with a smashing sound.

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