Sword Among Us

Chapter 1089: Tianjing reproduction! (third, ask for advice, ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 1089 Tianjing Reproduction! (third, ask for advice, ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 1089

"Right here!"

"Notify the brothers! The lady and the teacher have found it!"

"Prepare to set up a line of defense!"

"The broken arrow is ready."

As the rocket signal was detonated, a group of masters on the horizon who were preparing to disperse the search for the fall of the small language quickly merged, and quickly greeted the past, while preparing for the battle.

When they practiced martial arts from a nearby high-level practice point, they suddenly received a team task from the government. The level was personally characterized by Silver Fox as the highest level. Anyone can get a high contribution point by virtue of their performance in battle. Once you die, you can even get the gang's high contribution points with rep and even dreams of life and death.

According to the news they received, Mrs. Mufu and the head of the house were happy to meet the slaying of the singular king ‘Xingzhi’.

This is to let them play the spirit of 120,000 points, dare not have the slightest scorn, let go of everything in their hands - because of the performance in front of the owner, or this temporary high-level temporary team The task is a great opportunity for them.


This time, I was not able to participate in the Western Regions. Many people felt very annoyed and regretted. But if they can work with the head of the house and the house, is this a rare opportunity?

Fast horse speeding!

The two people quickly met on the official road!

Mufu master recognized one of the women on horseback is the heroine of the century wedding, their wife.

The other person was a descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, seriously injured the close to the coma.

And the evil king has already caught up to the place where the little language is less than 100 meters away! A group of people can even feel the murder and pressure of the evil king.


A group of people quickly stopped at the official road, and separated a passage to let the small language pass, and dozens of cold arrows mixed with various broken needles to the evil king.


In the face of sudden and fierce blows, the evil king's brow wrinkled, one handed a hand... dozens of hundred hidden weapon cold arrows seem to hit an invisible wall, broken in size.

This degree of long-range strike is naturally impossible to slow down the evil king.


A cold snoring from the nose, a majestic pressure from the sky, accompanied by invisible palms, a group of people shocked to fly out.

boom! boom!

A group of people fell into a gourd.

When I first landed, I heard that the evil king had passed through their heads and never stopped. The speed was so fast that people could not capture them.


"Notify other brothers, the remote attack is invalid, you must find a way to intercept!"

When a group of people climbed up from the ground, the evil king Shi Zhixuan had gone far.


Although the little language is flying non-stop on the official road, it still pays attention to the situation behind.

Seeing that a group of brethren could not slow down the speed of the evil king, let the latter smash and smash through the line of defense, and brow a sigh, and the face could not help but show bitterness and dignity.

It’s a mythical master!

For today's players who are out of the world, the pressure is really more than a big...

But okay.

The evil king did not kill the killer in order to pass it quickly. Otherwise, these brothers were all cleaned up, and the little language would definitely be more depressed and sad.


tread! Step on! !

The hoof shadow continues to fly on the official road.

The evil king is not chasing the ground...

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

The evil king did not rush to kill the killer. The repeated shots and the speed of the tens of thousands of rushes made him lose some of the internal force, and from the woman in front, he noticed a faint sense of threat, no reason, maybe Just because the other party is too calm.

"Let's let go, don't you die!"

The majestic and loud voice was introduced from the back into the ears of Xiaoyu and Shishi, like Leiyin.

"Today's kindness, I remember."

The teacher said bitterly:

"Let me down, we can't escape..."

"not necessarily."

Xiaoyu嫣 was stunned at this time.

Although the situation is already at stake, she still insists on her teacher, her eyes are firm, and she has not slackened.

After ten seconds...

The evil king finally confirmed that the other party did not stop to plan, and issued a cold cry from the nose, "obsessed with obscurity", raising his hand is an empty palm.

Although Xiaoyu is not as happy as the skill, but the two sides have a certain distance, and instantly realize that the evil king's goal is not his own, but the mount.

A group of masters of the waist, people like the big bird vacated from the horse back, accelerated galloping under the horse's inertia, and instantly opened the distance a little.

However, the abandonment of the mount is caused by the hoof shadow being shattered by the evil king!

boom! !

With a fierce humming sound, the hoof shadow that followed the little language for a year turned into a **** rain...

"go with!"

The whisper of the whisper is in the air, with a hand in front of the teacher, and the head does not return to the back to find a black mans.

Black mans are lightning fast.

The evil king was shocked and the black mans had come to the front.

Just ready to dodge, ‘oh! ! When the ground slammed, the black mans burst into the dense black awns in front of the evil king's eyes, and instantly blocked the evil kings from all directions.


Ren Huo Wang is even more powerful. In the face of the magical level of the hidden weapon, it is impossible to do the light and heavy dodge and ignore, and the light flame protector is exposed to all the damage of the magic weapon.

Countless black fine mans rushed into the body of the evil king.

The speed is inevitably a stagnation!

The evil king was finally forced to pause a little by the valuable one-time consumption magic device.

However, the counterattack of the whispering of life and death has not ended.

A magical level hidden weapon from Tangmen came out, followed by a snow-white knife that disappeared from the hand.

All of this was seen in the eyes of the teacher, and it was also stunned.

The poor evil king has just been blocked by the impact of the magic weapon, full of anger, and suddenly the disturbing heart becomes strong.

One side of the body!

Hey! !

Xiao Li Feidao ignored the flames of the evil spirits outside the body, and slammed into his shoulders.

Although the flying knife into the body brakes will be tightened by the internal force of the muscles and can no longer continue to make damage in depth, but the evil king is completely irritated by this sudden injury.


Pulling out the flying knife, the evil king of the cold eyes disappeared from the place.

On the horseback, the teacher’s eyes reveal the color of worry:

"Now even if I dismount, I am afraid that the evil king will not let you go."

The re-use of the horse card to summon a small hoof of the hoof is not in the mind of the evil king and the teacher, holding a piece of stationery just received, his eyes fixed on the front.

Although it only caused insignificant damage to the evil king, the two magic weapons continued to release but still achieved some effects.

Not only blocked the evil king for a few seconds, but also opened the distance, and got the system prompt, the teacher's good feelings increased to the point of trust.

What makes the little language more exciting is that happiness has been copied to the front and is coming to this side.

"It is the wife and the teacher!"

"Block the evil king!"

In less than half a minute, the official road has come to two people, namely Mufu and Chivalry...

A group of people talked about the firepower to the evil king without saying anything!

What surprised Xiaoyan was that although there were no fewer than 20 deaths and injuries in these two groups, unexpectedly, there were strangers who took the initiative to block the evil king.

Speaking of a small language, I didn’t think of myself...

The young man in the crowd who was shaved, plain, and dressed by a young Shaolin disciple, a seemingly high-end eyebrow dance, the air in the entire space seemed to be torn apart, and the birth was strong. The sucking power not only disturbed the rhythm of the evil king, but also countless arrows and hidden weapons all greeted the evil king.

Valuable time makes Xiaoyu 嫣 once again have an excitement from the tiger's mouth!

When the evil king is angry and kills a **** road, the distance between the two sides is opened to a hundred meters away!

Two minutes!

The happy official figure finally appeared on the far side!


If the speed of ghosts is fast, the dragon-shoulder knife that radiates golden and majestic domineering is very eye-catching! Quickly caused the cheers of a group of masters of Mufu and Chivalry:

"The owner!"

"The owner is here!!"


The reaction with the player is just the opposite.

When the evil king saw the moment of happiness, his brow was tight, and his eyes were fixed on the front, and the eyes of the two men were colder, and there was a urgency.

boom! !

Without any sign, the evil king suddenly made an amazing momentum! !

"Be careful!"

The teacher’s face changed and exclaimed: “The evil king has cultivated an incomplete “Daoxin Demon”...”

That's too late!

Although the teacher recognized that the evil king used the martial arts on "Daoxin Demon" to force the speed up, but the evil king's eyes were red and magical, the powerful spiritual pressure dropped from the sky, and there was no chance for the two women to have more reaction. The horse was terrified and the four hoofs fell softly...

The body was out of balance, and the second woman snorted and flew out of the horse.

Hey! !

The evil king finally seized the opportunity and instantly narrowed the distance between the two.

Although he was injured by the small language, but the strong enemy is approaching, it is important to get the stone monument. The evil king came to the side of the teacher. "This is the king's thing!" The first time he reached out and grabbed the teacher.

At this time!

Although happy has entered the range of less than 100 meters, but still can not rescue the two women in time, watching the evil king detective, but can not stop.

Feeling the evil spirit of the evil king, the teacher smiled bitterly, and the hands and feet could not move and lay on the ground, watching the palm of the evil king stretched out, helplessly close his eyes, ready to wait...


Just when the teachers and sisters have already accepted their lives to accept the tragic fate, they suddenly broke through the clouds and screamed from the side!


There is no sign!

A powerful sword that makes people feel trembled out of thin air!

Instantly stir the clouds! !

Like the dark night sky, it is suddenly illuminated by the moonlight as white!

Despite the closed eyes, the disciples of the teacher and the distant Mufu and Xia Yimen still feel a sword that exudes endless majesty and sharpness rises from the bottom of my heart! ! The glory and the edge of silence for a long time, instantly released! ! ! !

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