Sword Among Us

Chapter 1099: The evil king is released from prison (first more)

Chapter 1099, the evil king is released from prison (first)

Chapter 1099

Beijing, the prison department

The heavy iron shovel dragged the ground to rub a series of jingle sounds. The evil emperor followed the prisoner's team and slowly moved.

He walked from the prison to here, as if he had been away for a century, and he noticed the strange and intriguing eyes of several players who had quietly voted around. The evil emperor’s face was even more ugly, and he could not wait to kill himself and destroy the dead. local.

The helpless internal force was sealed, and the hands and feet were locked with a hundred pounds of cockroaches. Even the defensive npc guards who were responsible for the escorting could put him on the ground with a finger.


A moment of the opening of the prison cell, a burst of glare came in, and a group of prisoners invariably took their hands to cover their eyes, while revealing a happy color.

"The sinner Wang Erlong, who is serving his sentence, can come out!"

"Sin prisoner Zhao Jun, serving his sentence, come out!"


It was the turn of the evil king when I read the fifth.

"Sin prisoner evil king!"

The npc guards will not pay attention to how the reputation of the people in the rivers and lakes is high. Here is the prison of the prison, the master is like a cloud, who dares to lie under the eye of the court, they can directly throw it back into the cell, even on the spot. Kill!

Therefore, even if it is the evil master of the world's first master, the npc guard did not give a good face and care.

"Prison term is coming! Come out!"

The evil emperor did not fear to guard the fierce gaze, and slowly walked two steps forward, letting the guards help themselves to lift the shackles on their feet and hands.

"I hope that I won't see you in the prison again, or the sentence will be automatically extended for one day! Is it clear?"

The long-term accumulation of power has made the guards become habitual momentum. The evil emperor and others have suffered from the unblocking of internal forces. After a group of guards turned and left, it was discovered that the empty prison headquarters was close at hand, and six innocent guards were close at hand. Standing there, watching.



Except for the evil emperor, other criminals did not dare to scream at all, until this moment they glanced at each other carefully and from the prison.

The last evil king left the prison prison!

When I came out, I could still see the few flashing figures in the nearby restaurants or crowds. I wonder if I miss the days of being with the evil kings.

At the moment of going out of the prison for the prison, the sealed acupuncture points were automatically opened, and the internal force gradually ran from the limbs and meridians.


Hey! ! !

In the sound of breaking the air, a black shadow flashed from the vicinity to the front of the evil emperor. A total of forty-seven people, wolves and little peaches led the team around the evil emperor:


The voice is low, but it is very powerful and domineering!

The momentum brought by a group of top players suddenly shocked the surrounding area! Countless pairs of exclamations and fearful sights were carefully swept over the crowd.


The wolf and other people appeared, and the face of the evil emperor was a little better.

Small peaches step forward.

"Is everything ready?" I will pick up a longan-sized medicinal herb from the small pink rush, and throw it into my mouth without looking at it.

The wolf nods:

"According to your instructions, Yipintang, Blood League, and the gangs in Mengyun's hands are all dispatched. 400,000 people gather outside the city, leaving only 50,000 people in the capital..."

"set off."

The evil king spit out two words in the mouth.



"The evil king is released from prison... I will inform you soon..."

"Those who are all wolf organizations! The people of Yipintang are too high-profile, add to the delivery? How can I feel the feeling of life and death in the casino?"

Under the **** of the evil wolf organization and the master of Yipintang, the evil emperor turned over the horse, and the iron hoof roared from the downtown area of ​​the city to forcibly separate a passage, and rushed to the outside of the city.

This news quickly spread throughout the capital!



Outside the capital city, under the dark night sky, countless torches burn!

Under the fire, there are countless people who are crushed by black. They are densely packed. Hundreds of thousands of horses surround the entire capital. They are very quiet. The scene is spectacular and people are afraid. Many people who want to go out of the city see the squad outside the city stop. Before.


Bang! !

The evil emperor, the master of the wolf organization, and the masters of Yipintang flew out from the gate...

Even the dream cloud that does not appear easily is also sitting on the high head, with a solemn face and sharp eyes. After looking out of the city, I look around the circle. More than two hundred top-notch masters are moving from both sides and surrounded by the dream cloud. Around.

"It’s been a week of grievance..."

When Meng Yun said this sentence, his tone was low, and he suddenly touched the hearts of countless brothers around him.

Many people have bowed their heads and bitten their teeth.

Sinking paused for a few seconds...

Meng Yun raised his face again, and his voice was bright and clear.

"Today is a day of shame!!"

The succinct words, but the voice of the dream cloud and all the Yipintang and affiliated gangs, quickly responded to countless people...

Shouting and screaming all over the wilderness! !

"set off!!!!"

Shi Huasheng screamed and roared like a lion in the night, and the land outside the capital suddenly thundered!

Hundreds of thousands of horses are heading towards the sneaky direction...

Earth shake! !

The hoof is rushing! !

In the head of the capital city, countless players saw the dense fire outside the city quickly moving, forming a large fire dragon, which quickly spread to the horizon of the horizon.


Many people are inhaling.

Many snow-white pigeons continue to rise from the city and throw into the night sky!


Bai Xiaosheng Mansion

With the vibration of the earth coming from far away, the melodious sound of the pavilion came to an abrupt end!

The wind chimes clasped the strings with both hands, and the brows were tight. I couldn’t help but ask the opposite party to continue to carry out various calculations of Bai Xiaosheng:

"Master, who will win this battle?"


Bai Xiaosheng did not answer.

Silence let the wind chime get the answer...

If the master knows, he will certainly not be too busy to even eat.

"Take! Take! Take!"

At this time, the gate outside the palace was ringed.

Bai Xiaosheng, who was indifferent to the wind chimes, looked up and looked at the wind chimes with horror. At this time, who would go to the government to meet?


Bai Xiaosheng got up and asked.

Oh la la!

In response to Bai Xiaosheng is a white pigeon.

Bai Xiaosheng stunned again.

Quickly take off the note on the foot of the pigeon and open it...

Under the sweep, the face was amazed, and the three steps and two steps to the pavilion, open the door!

The two men with embroidered Jinxiu Heshan gang's emblem on the outside of the door were glanced at the outside of the house... The door just opened a gap and the two mermaids drilled in.

Bai Xiaosheng did not speak, and quickly closed the door with great tacit understanding, and looked at the two young men in front of him, not only twenty-five or six.

"Master, have you received a happy letter?"

One of them rushed to open, and habitually pushed the bridge of the nose.

Bai Xiaosheng gave a glimpse of the information in the happy name, while raising the stationery in his hand, and quickly glanced at the objects in his arms:

"Lonely white? You are not the master of Jinxiu Heshan Jifeng, you are the person of the color clothing door? The happy brothers?"

“It’s not a river or lake!”

"Happy, let us come here to find you, the purpose is to let you help contact a group of people to help us in the capital of the people to attack the main hall."

The same with Bai Lang is the lonely black Chen Fan, who glanced at the wind chime that came from a distance, saying: "Time is tight, we should not waste time, happy to have no confidence in this battle. Must hurry up..."

Bai Xiaosheng and the wind chimes that heard the news cleared their faces and quickly led the two to the pavilion to discuss:

"Do you know the number of people left by Yipintang and the 12 major capital gangs in the capital? How many people do you have? What do you want me to do?"

"The rest of the people are at ease. Our people have pointed out more than 140 streets and thousands of restaurants in the capital. Combined with the people outside the city, it is estimated that the remaining people are under 100,000. Never exceed this number."

Lonely white took out a map from his arms and spread it on the stone table in the pavilion. He quickly clicked on the door of the four cities: "The gate position, our people have been guarded."

"And here... these places, a total of 17 general altars and altars, all under our supervision, any of the movements of Yipintang can not be our eyes..."

Lonely black is added from the side:

"Our people are only more than 50,000, but happy to say, we are only the initiator of Jinxiu Heshan, not responsible for the main attack, so 50,000 people are absolutely enough, Master Bai Xiaosheng, your task is to contact the experts to help us attack the Yipin Hall. We will first attack the two altars of the affiliated gangs. When we pick up the capital of the capital, we will first remove the 50,000 people left by Mengyun!"

"Happy not planning to fight against the evil king in Jinxiu Heshan?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaosheng suddenly took a breath of cold air to reveal the color of surprise.

"It’s not easy to escape from the evil emperor! But I said happily, in order to avoid unexpected situations, he had to set up an alternate battle plan. Even if this battle lost the splendid rivers and mountains, you should also drag and drop a product. !"

"Happy also said that if he loses, he will be detained for a month. If he gives Mengyun a moment, he will give more time and opportunity to the Phantom. When he waits for him to come out one month later, the Central Plains may already have There was no attack on the wind building and Jinxiu Heshan. He said that he did not want to let the Central Plains fall into the hands of the wolf organization for his own sake."

The supplementary explanation of the lonely black is to let Bai Xiaosheng and the wind chimes quickly understand the pains of happiness.

Bai Xiaosheng was deeply inhaled, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Even if I once defeated the evil emperor, even if I have mastered 700,000 Jinxiu disciple disciples, even if I have become the first master of the Central Plains, I am happy to stand up to the high position that others have not stood on, and I have never lost myself.

He now knows why he is happy to go to this step in a short time...


In the direction of the ghosts, I was happy in the town, and I received a reply from Bai Xiaosheng. The words were simple and powerful:

"Will not disappoint you!"

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