Sword Among Us

Chapter 1102: "You lost!" (first more)

Chapter 1102 "You lost!" (first)

Chapter 1102

For the abundant resources of the Central Plains, the evil emperor has long been shackled for many years. A book of the four great martial arts books of the Central Plains, "Daoxin Devil's Law," made him the strongest person in the world. He is very clear that only by thoroughly mastering the Central Plains can he further Steadily grasp the resources of the entire world!

Therefore, for more than a year, almost all the efforts and energy of the evil emperor have been spent on how to overcome the Central Plains. He knows more about the things that Mengyun knows.

Can't drag!

The evil emperor knows that once the rhythm can't be controlled by himself, he can't be happy in a short time, and there will definitely be an accident in the capital.

More than 50,000 people in Yipintang can't hold back the Jinxiu River and the Central Plains!

The 400,000 people outside the city no longer have the qualification to shock the capital and even the entire Central Plains!

"If the realm of the realm of raising the sky is the card that you rely on against me, I am afraid I will let you down..." The evil emperor suddenly stopped after five minutes of fierce battle with happiness, and once again disappeared in the wind. Between the gullies of the potholes swept out by the swords, the sound was drilled into the happy ears from all directions without direction.

Happy face.

"is it?"

The tone is dull, and the expression of "Yi Jin Jing" is calmly restored to the internal force. It has just been weakened by the evil spirits of the evil spirits by about one-third of the real gas field!

The vigilant heart was very strong, and the evil emperor took a step back. He immediately guessed that the latter might be trying to use the trick--because the evil emperor did not show that it was more powerful to threaten except for the use of the once-shocking void. your own power.


"Yi Jin Jing" was able to get a breathtaking recovery opportunity, the evil ghost's ghostly figure appeared quietly in the place less than two meters behind the happy body - from the withdrawal and retreat from the rear again, with no In two seconds, the speed is fast, the hands-on decision, even if it is happy, there is a moment of dignity.

Especially in the moment when the evil emperor appeared, the air suddenly trembled fiercely, as if something was forcibly crushed...

The strong sense of crisis and the sound of broken air that I once felt outside the capital were clearly introduced into my ears!

So fast! !

The speed at which the evil emperor condensed and used the broken void was much faster than before.

Hey! !

Happy no longer hesitate.

Turned back to a **** long rainbow, the sword smashed out.

The wind is full of sky! !

The broken void in the hands of the evil emperor happens to be completely formed, and the center of the palm presents a perfect vortex black hole, and the sword is just poured into it!

Almost the moment when the sword smashed out, the space was shocked, and a powerful suffocating force squeezed the happy body.


The most powerful attacks collide with each other.

At this time, the evil emperor was obviously much more relaxed than the last time. There was no scene of blood in the palm of his hand. His face was pale and pale, and he was over-excited. However, his eyes were still sharp and full of sarcasm and looking happy.

At this moment, happy has been very fortunate to decide to replace the weapon. If you use the black iron epee, I am afraid that the wind has not yet been made up, and I have been suppressed by the broken air field, unable to move, completely relying on the true state of the non-peak state. The gas field hit the fragmented void that broke everything.

Between the moments.

The power of the wind and the sky is offset by nearly half the volume of the vortex black hole...

one third!

Exactly one third!

Happy face changed.

He remembered that when the first collision, the wind filled the sky and easily offset the vortex of more than half of the evil emperor. Now the wind is full of sky and raises a realm, adding one attack, but the other's broken void is more tough, obviously it is improved. Performance.


I’m squatting in my heart, I’m happy to know that my situation is not good!

"See how you escaped my Wuzhishan this time!"

The evil emperor has looked proudly at the opponent who was quickly disintegrated and involved in his own face. His face involuntarily revealed a cruel smile, which seemed to be quite satisfactory for the damage caused by the vortex black hole of the broken void...

call! ! !

As the happy ones get closer, the black vortex that is mastered by the evil spirits and five fingers is getting closer and closer, and the rich and powerful gas field that is condensed outside the body is finally touched!

The majestic inner force of the majestic is like a reservoir that opens the gate, venting out and flowing into the black vortex.

Happy looking at my true yuan was absorbed by the madness, the internal force is falling!

Fortunately, the speed is not very fast, and it is not quickly disintegrated like an attack that bursts into the sky...

The rich real yuan is poured into the black vortex.

The true vitality of the body outside the body is weakened by an inch.

But the evil emperor also quickly frowned!

Although the real gas field outside the body was cut very badly, it soon became a thin layer, but the corresponding black vortex in his hand was almost reduced to the limit, from the size of the original fist. Only only thick...

What is even more unexpected is that when the real vitality field outside the body is completely exhausted, the black vortex in the hands of the evil emperor has not been able to continue to hold!

At this moment, the internal strength of happiness has been reduced from the liberation of the peak to the life and death of the realm... The real gas field completely collapsed, and even the "indestructible body" was declared to collapse.

"Give me death!"

The evil emperor apparently did not think that the destructive power of the broken void would disappear in such a sly time. After a slight glimpse, he quickly reacted, regardless of the very weak body, biting his teeth and slamming on the shoulders of happiness. .

boom! !

After the internal force vents three-quarters, the body is not ordinary emptiness and powerlessness. Even if the happy reaction is strong, it can't adapt to the huge gap from the peak state to the life and death or even the edge of the mysterious wonder. The action is a meal, the shoulder is in the palm, the person is bored. You should fly out with a bang.

However, fortunately, the evil spirits consume the same amount of internal force, and the internal force falls from the inaction to understand the situation. At the same time, it is returned to the original form from the mystery of the unity of man and nature. Although this palm is fully launched, its own attack is not like It is as terrible as people expected!

The attack of the mythical peak has fallen to a level that is inferior to the early stage of the mythical world. How can one shoot a complete set of 4 pieces of magic equipment and the "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng, opened a layer of "washing the marrow" happy?

When the evil emperor took a shot, he noticed that his palm was removed by an invisible force, and his brow was tight, and his eyes passed a strong murder!


The moment when Happy was shaken out, the body of the evil emperor was slightly stunned, and the ghosts were posted up! People in the air, a few palms!

Finally, I will be happy to push this field to the field, and I will not let the machine pass the water dog. If you let the happiness come over, you may have to delay it for a long time. This kind of killer is not used casually.


boom! boom! !

"The doorkeeper!"


The confrontation between the two players is only in the blink of an eye. Seeing that happiness is suddenly being defeated by the evil emperor, including the emperor, the splendid rivers and mountains are suddenly stunned.

Countless people can't wait to rush out!

On the other hand, Yipintang...

Dream clouds, jackals and other people are exposed to the color of the open and surprise.

Finally shot!

The evil king finally shot! ! !

"Ready to get started!" Meng Yun shouted loudly, followed by the group and the morale.



In the twinkling of an instant, even the number of punches, the evil emperor's attack did not cause fatality, did not happily fight, but the happy "Yi Jin Jing" thoroughly motivated to run, but also was awakened.

boom! ! !

In the midst of chaos, I feel happy on my back! The back is burning hot! However, "Yi Jin Jing" quickly recovered after a lap.

At this time, happiness has regained the ability of the spirit to judge the evil king and the surrounding!

The man was in the air, and was shot into the ground by the evil emperor. In the loud noise, a slap in the face was shot from top to bottom.

No need to blink, happy has already felt the evil pressure of the evil emperor, a threat of death quickly shrouded the whole body - this seems to understand the attack on the ordinary part, with his current internal force can not hit the commandment, this is Ready to shine on your head.


The devil's ambition is at the moment when the decisive decisiveness falls to the top of the happy face...


Happy suddenly!

The evil emperor has a slight glimpse.

People disappeared from the front.

The five fingers are pressed in the ground.

Hey! ! !

A clear palm print is half a foot deep!

The attack failed? !

The evil emperor has not yet understood what happened, and a fierce whip leg is coming from the side!

Under the eyes of the public, the advantage is even better. It can be said that the evil emperor who is completely in control of the situation is kicked into the air and kicked a kick in the waist!

boom! !

The sound of the sea and the tsunami just disappeared, and countless people stopped the mouth and shouted, and looked at the scene with a stunned look.

The sound is strong and the sound is in the wild!

The evil emperor was kicked out by a kick, but after all, the attack power was not strong, the body was still there, and the balance was quickly grasped, and the feet were firmly on the ground! Removed the four-legged shackles and wolverines!

The heart was shocked, but the evil emperor quickly calmed down, looked up and stared at the eager breath, and quickly took a medicinal herb from the Qiankun bag and threw it into his mouth, sneer in his mouth:

"The internal force fell to the realm of life and death, but it can be countered. It is my enemy." After a pause, the evil emperor snorted and grinned: "Oh, it should be a mysterious situation. It seems that the foot just let you Lost a lot of internal forces."

This is said on the mouth, but the evil emperor is still somewhat jealous of being able to bring such a good counterattack in such a situation. His eyes are cold and cold, and he is staring at the happy face, not letting his face change.

He wants to know what happened just now...

It is clear that happiness has lost the opportunity and ability to counterattack, but the attack on that foot is no worse than his current state.

Happy now that the sense of sensation has been restored, the pain of the body has taken a deep breath, but did not respond to the evil emperor.

The fast-moving "Yi Jin Jing" will restore the internal force lost by the dragon's tail, regain its life and death, and steadily begin to restore internal forces and enrich the meridians.

This is to look up at the evil emperor who eats the medicinal herbs, and swears at the scornful color, and tells the words that only two people understand:

"you lose."

The evil emperor's face is sinking!

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