Sword Among Us

Chapter 1113: Eleven swords (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1113 eleven swords (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1113

"You are too lazy to manage your affairs."

In the face of an emperor's annoyed but strong self-satisfied eyes, happy and very direct to move the line of sight to the corner of the hall: "In any case, this is what Bai Xiaosheng told me, how do you like it, if I can do it, Get the wind building downstairs, and kneel down, my face is also not the face?"

"Do not talk nonsense, take the move!"

An emperor knows that he can't get the upper hand when he continues to talk about it. He simply shakes his sword and the sword is strong and strong. The cold and solemn sword has finally diluted some of his face and restored his calmness.

Feel the horrible sword and pressure from the emperor, and the happy body "Yi Jin Jing" runs on its own, and the golden sword sway from the golden scale sword is clearer and stronger.

"Anything is angered? Or, after seeing your eleventh sword, I will tell you about other things..." The sword-like oppression that was uploaded from one body was easily opened.

An emperor also knows that even the spiritual pressure of the evil emperor can't have an effect on happiness. This level of sword meaning can't have any effect on happiness. Seeing that he is happy to enter the state, he will not say anything, go forward and smash. Trembling from the hands!

Hey! !

The cold sword is long and the sword is cracked.

The powerful swordsman suddenly surged several times, and an unprecedentedly tight breath rushed from the body of an emperor, slamming into the heart of happiness.

boom! ! !

The speed of the sword is too fast, accompanied by more and more horrible winds, and the wrath of the sea is raging with a lightning bolt!

If the ordinary people face the sword of the emperor and the power of the heavens and the human beings, I am afraid that the moves have not yet come to the body and it is unable to withstand the pressure and collapse.


For those who have 3 will, happiness is easy to get rid of the emperor's sword oppression, seeing the essence from the false momentum!

In the hands of an emperor, the long sword is intertwined into a square, continuous propelled sword net in the void, like a silent cutting machine, constantly expanding in front of it, and there is a posture that shrouds people into pieces.

This is the trick. It is already a sense of crisis for the happiness, frowning, toes on the toes, and people rushing backwards with the wind.

"go with!"

In the eyes of an emperor, there was a glimmer of ecstasy, and the internal force was urging. The net of the slashing swords suddenly expanded a lot, and the speed of advancement increased a lot, so as to catch up with the happy and violent figure.

Only after ten feet have been retired, the sword net has been expanded to ten meters square, and the fierce sword meaning is accompanied by the omnipresent edge, and it is smashed from all sides.

At this moment, I am not allowed to be happy.

Hey! !

A sword that has been for a long time has not spurted with fireworks...

Ding! ! !

A slight shock in the air!

Immediately after the explosion of amazing power in the air, a violent shock wave centered on the happy point in the air, slamming it in all directions!

However, the shock wave swept through but did not turn the two people's body shape out, people in the air, an emperor, happy figure disappeared almost at the same time.

An emperor seems to have been dragged by the sword to disappear from the air!

Happy is the direct start of the dragon shape...

Because the moment when the sword net of an emperor was shattered by the wind, a more sinister sword fell from the sky, many times stronger than the previous threat.

If this hit is a hit, even if it is really a gas field, I am afraid there will be no small damage, and happy can be aware that this sword is not out of the scope of the eleventh move, its smooth evolution in one go, should still be the eleventh sword.

The real eleventh sword!

Nowadays, even the wind is full of the sky, but it has not received the eleventh sword of the next emperor. I am somewhat reluctant to be happy. I immediately did not immediately start the real gas field, but started the dragon-shaped evasion at the moment when the crisis rose. The feeling of locking, I intend to avoid creating some opportunities with my own operations.

"You are too young to scold me!"

The emperor clearly noticed the happy intentions, and the voice rang from the void, with a slight triumph and anger: "It's just a dragon shape, I can't take my move."

No need for an imperial reminder, happy when starting the dragon shape, I already understand that this trick for locking is really not effective.

The feeling of being locked still exists! The moment is many times stronger! !

hiss! !

The sharp sword slammed into the figure that fell from the dragon shape...

Seeing that the happy body is going to be worn by one's own sword, the emperor can't help but frown:

Are you too happy to look at yourself?

The evil emperor was buried in a happy hand because the evil emperor was too proud and arrogant; he had analyzed it himself, and he did not expect to make the same mistake.

This thought just flashed from the heart of an emperor, and suddenly realized that the happy body surface produced a strong spatial distortion of the turmoil.

The happy body was worn by...

The feeling of being empty makes the emperor quickly realize what happened!

Go empty! !

A sword went empty.

The eleventh sword that is determined to win is actually lost? !

I haven’t had time to think about what’s going on, and suddenly I’m not inferior to my own blow.

Too close! !

The Emperor realized that he was happy and did not know when he appeared on his left side.

Look down on the consciousness.

The corner of the corner of the eye caught a blurry leg shadow has arrived!


In the hall, the two figures are in the air.

One of them, like a cannonball, was poured from the air into the floor of the main hall, directly pulling out a huge humanoid hole.

"how is this possible……"

Although the emperor used the body to resist some of the damage and saved his life in time, but the bones were kicked and broken, it is difficult to move the bombs. It is difficult to support the ground and shakes his face and stares incredulously at the same face. Happy:

"You actually avoided?"

"Oh, luckily."

"Lucky?" One emperor smiled: "The power of my sword, although far less than the broken hollow of the evil emperor, but when it comes to speed, it has already broken through the mythical peak. It is reasonable to say that the entire rivers and lakes except the evil emperor, No one can avoid it..."

During the conversation, his eyes stared at his happy face and refused to miss his half-point change.

With this sword, he also played with many masters of the mythical realm. Even the masters of the mythical realm have never been able to get a good deal in his hands. After the yin, these masters were even forced to pay the price of serious injuries with killers. Countering, it is harder to avoid than the broken empty of the evil king.

An emperor is very upset.

Although I didn't think about playing this trick to be happy, at least I should be able to make a happy metamorphosis to the real life, and then create a chance for the twelfth sword, so that at least he still has a chance.

But the eleventh sword can't even be out of the real gas field. The power of the twelfth sword is not even as good as breaking the void, and it is even more impossible to beat happy. Because this trick also needs to pay no small price, the load on the body is very Big.


he does not know.

The broken void of the evil emperor belongs to the killer of a group, and the dragon swing tail is impossible to produce an effect!

However, his eleventh sword belongs to the lock-up attack. For the sense of being so powerful and powerful, as long as the timing is judged, it can be perfectly avoided, and the attack is fed back to the opponent.

And grasping the opportunity, it is not a problem for the joyful experience of fighting experience - the evil king who is in harmony with the real world of heaven and man, and the evil spirits who are in harmony with the heavens and the heavens, even the experience of an emperor is not as good. I am happy now.

It was for this reason that he suffered a big loss. The eleventh sword not only failed to achieve the intended purpose, but instead killed the emperor himself half-dead! Temporarily lose the ability to continue to play!

The battle had to be temporarily suspended.

Happy smile:

"If you are unlucky, the dragon has a miraculous effect on the locking attack. You just hit the gun..."


The emperor reluctantly said: "When you deal with the evil emperor, is this trick used to defeat the victory?"


Happy nod.

At that time, the confrontation at the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar, after a hard fight with the evil emperor, both sides suffered a great loss of strength, but their state was even worse, just enough to display the dragon's tail...

that time.

It is estimated that it is also an unforgettable experience of the evil king!

Jedi turn over!

"You are not bad. I didn't expect the eleventh sword to be a virtual and real trick. The power of the virtual trick has been terrible. I need to use the wind to fill the sky to completely offset it. The actual trick is even more preventable... the whole river and lake can be connected. There are no more than ten of this trick."

Happy from the heart of the sigh.

If it is not "Zhen Long Shi Shi", in the face of an emperor's more and more exquisite "Thirteen Swords", I am afraid I can only use the real power field to cope!

"The eleventh sword has already been like this. I suddenly look forward to your twelfth sword." Happy suddenly, there are some wars: "Recovery, let me see your twelfth sword?"

"I am a wounded person now, my confidence has been hit... I am not in a state, I will rest for a few days." The emperor was very confident and refused the happy request.


Happy is speechless.

“How many days have you passed?”

This time it’s time for an emperor to be speechless.

The head of the magnificent Jinxiu River, the head of a million people, is also the first master of the Central Plains. At this moment, it is as entangled as a child...

"Wait until you get to nothing."

When the emperor just finished speaking, he saw a happy eye, and suddenly he thought of something. He did not give him a chance to speak. "Yes, I haven’t decided how to deal with Mengyun before. The wind building is now busy controlling the south of the Yangtze River. The city, regrouping, the phantom said, I am afraid that this time she can't help."

"My current internal strength, as long as one or two days of cultivation, can reach 1280 points and enter into nowhere..."

"...well, follow you."

I am happy to know that an emperor is sure to think about the thirteenth sword and the ultimate killing of the thirteenth sword. I will not break it any more, and I will sink into it for a few seconds.

"I plan to set up an organization."

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